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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. About $1000/month, which is way less than her credit card bills.
  2. That's what compounds the idiocy--the Paris accords are nonbinding. It's literally not possible for it to have been an unfair "deal" for America. There was no downside to staying in it. Conversely, the symbolic value is yuge. Making a big show about abandoning the accords instantly trades America's leadership position on clean energy for one that is literally behind every other country on the planet. Economically, investors faced with a choice of which country to invest their clean energy dollars in will look at this administration's attitude and go to China or Germany instead. Ouch! Feel better soon.
  3. $300 is cheap in that regard. I have made similar expenses after newer kid had a febrile seizure and older kid fell out of a (stationary) pickup truck bed.
  4. FBI investigating Nigel Farage as 'person of interest' in Russia election probe
  5. Trump stands with Syria and Nicaragua, withdraws from Paris climate agreement
  6. Good news, though I'm sure it would have been better to avoid the x-rays in the first place.
  7. Dude, that happened by last November if not earlier. Way earlier.
  8. 1st pick -- Primary Domain of Influence: Wisdom. I expect to be the most unheeded member of the pantheon.
  9. Louis XIV was far more warlike and ruthless. Nuclear, biological, or chemical?
  10. Elvis dying on the toilet was sad. Tywin dying on the can was awesome. Baked or grilled?
  11. You can do much cooler things with adamantium. Shaolin or Wudan?
  12. Comey to testify in public before the Senate Intelligence Committee next week regarding any efforts by Trump to obstruct the Russia investigations GET YOUR POPCORN READY
  13. Came across the wikipedia entry for the War of the Spanish Succession. There went half an hour. It was every bit as messed up as I remember it to be, yet perhaps not as messed up as what's happening in Washington nowadays.
  14. Nemo himself was crippled in the attack that killed his mom, hence his "lucky fin". Gill (leader of the Tank Gang) was scarred and mutilated in one of his escape attempts. You may be on to something.
  15. More googling suggests that rubbing alcohol followed by a one-hour dampening with 3% hydrogen peroxide might also work. I'd have thought the peroxide would present some risk of bleaching, but if you already have a black paint stain, perhaps you have nothing left to lose.
  16. Why stop with just your house?
  17. Well, there's always fire. You can cleanse anything with enough fire.
  18. I'm still married dude. Technically. Meltdowns, tirades, hissy fits, tantrums, blowups, hysterics, conniptions, I've seen it all. Typing this during a short break between a couple, in fact. Total apathy or deep depression?
  19. Well, that model does seem to generate a tidy income, so I imagine that it will continue until it does not. I suspect that the "bigger epic storyline" is successful because the public likes it that way. Franchises and shared universes breed familiarity, familiarity breeds trust, and trust increases sales. It's literally branding, baked in to the product itself. Conversely, standalone films of any kind that aren't related to any established property confuse moviegoers and terrify the executives who write the checks. That's why expensive movies are virtually always associated with another movie, book, TV show, play, event, board game, or theme park ride. Anything that the prospective moviegoer will recognize, and feel comfortable buying tickets for.
  20. Per Degaton because finally Tribble listed someone I'd actually heard of. One if by land or two if by sea?
  21. Being pro-Russia is one thing, but being pro-spam is worthy of an entirely new circle of hell.
  22. I've found that there is plenty of wisdom on the internet for cleaning hopeless stains. Some of it is dubious, of course, but for black paint on carpet I'd be willing to try anything. Googling suggests either turpentine or glycerin+vinegar, depending on whether the paint is oil or water based. Definitely worth trying something before cutting a piece out of the carpet and stitching in a patch that would almost certainly not perfectly match the rest of the carpet.
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