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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. There are limits to the subtleties that can be portrayed in a two hour movie that people will actually watch.
  2. Crabmen are pretty chill and can hold toothbrushes. God the Fiend Folio sucked. Obscure polearm duel! Bec de Corbin vs. Bohemian Ear-spoon
  3. No one, I mean no one, is "rescuing" me from Castle Anthrax. I WILL CUT YOU. Castle Black or Castle Bravo?
  4. 21 minutes, as usual. No improvement. But no regression either.
  5. Watergate was a slow, suspenseful buildup to the orgasmic release of the tapes. Kremlingate is like a neverending flash flood where things happen so fast it's almost impossible to keep up. Today we had Pence lawyering up,* the Senate overwhelmingly voting to sanction Russia, news that Mueller is officially investigating Trump for obstruction and Kushner for money laundering, news that Theresa May may have been covering up a Russian assassination spree in her country, and rumors that Five Eyes has an incriminating tape of Trump (though perhaps not the hooker tape). And that's just Kremlingate. Meanwhile the Senate GOP continues to hammer out a new Republicare bill in complete secrecy and Trump hits 60 percent disapproval in record time. I need a vacation. * This seems wise regardless of any culpability on Pence's part. The blast radius on Kremlingate could be vast. edit: To be more clear, Christ Himself would be an idiot to not retain an attorney if he were working in this administration. Honestly I'm surprised there was anyone left in the White House who hadn't gotten some representation, guilty or not.
  6. I think that was the second worst lab I ever had.
  7. Rise of the Guardians was the better film, but I prefer Elsa of the two characters. More ice! Mr. Freeze vs. Captain Cold
  8. John Wick prequel TV show tentatively titled "The Continental"
  9. I don't think it's an accident that many WW scenes looked like they came out of 300. I half expected her to kick some German into a trench shouting "This! Is! Belgiuuuuum!!!" I agree about the overuse of slo-mo, but it still beats the hell out of shakycam.
  10. Griffin, because lions are cooler than horses. Mythological Mammoths! Giant vs. Titan
  11. Gandalf is far more competent and straightforward. I'll concede that Dumbledore's heart was in the right place, though. Snape or Gollum?
  12. Like many things in Hero, point costs originally intended for supers don't always translate to heroic campaigns. As soon as you start playing with hit locations, 2- and 3-point levels become insanely cheap. 6th ed didn't exactly help with that. Back in the day we banned 2-point levels outright and house ruled that you couldn't have more than two of any particular type of level, so if you wanted 6 levels with swords, you had to buy 2 levels with swords, 2 levels with melee, and 2 levels with combat.
  13. Nothing, except that it would be hard to justify the game effects of a D&D monk with the special effect of "brawler". The best western-fantasy monk chrome I ever saw was as a sort of Celtic wild man who drew his powers from nature spirits. It was always very clear that the monk class was originally based on the eastern martial artist variety, however, and that was a little irritating for those of us who didn't want kung fu in our medieval European fantasy.
  14. That's a tough one. Each was brilliant in its own way, but I'm going to go with Sanford & Son, because I hated Archie Bunker. Round Three: Happy Days vs. M*A*S*H
  15. Barsoom has more Dejah Thorises. Plus, earthlings who are transported there somehow gain superpowers because lower gravities or something. Themyscira or Wakanda?
  16. Man, you need to pay closer attention.
  17. Zombies, because you can hit them with whatever you want, whereas for skeletons I think you have to put your edged weapons away. Copper dragon or bronze dragon? (No googling to see what their breath weapons are!)
  18. Of course, my own experience in college labs is that they took forever because all the equipment was lost or broken, and the experiments were designed in such a way as to guarantee inaccurate results. Don't know what your lab is like, of course.
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