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Everything posted by Roy_The_Ruthles

  1. Re: Lighting things on fire. it could become useful in genre's like supers because of energy projectors like human torch, but probably unnessisary for lots of them
  2. Re: Is TK too expensive? I Think TK is balanced. Otherwise you can get some abusive situations if it becomes better than EB
  3. Re: Partial BoECV? could be good. Does it still only do stun?
  4. Re: Lighting things on fire. could be good. I'd have to play with it for a while but it seems to have solved the problem you had mentioned which i didn't even think about.
  5. Re: Need Help Simulating High-Tech Pistol good point Amadadn
  6. Re: How would you simulate this? I like the idea of using it as a summon, where the shot is actually a creature. Maybe some variant of "resistance" to dive for cover? (ie giving a penalty to anyone trying to use it), That's probably not the way to go though
  7. Re: Advice for new GMs If you don't have fun, the players won't have fun it's not competitive Always ask players for suggestions, sometimes they have good ones
  8. Re: The Force--Need Help! I think a good way to do distinction between ranks of jedi, is by feel. The force is mostly about feel anyway, so when a master thinks the Canidate is ready, they probably are, A master is when the other jedi masters acknowledge their one-ness with the forece. I maybe flogging a dead horse, but i found a good example to prove me wrong. In "Dark Tide I: Onslaught" by Stackpole, Luke Skywalker uses two lightsabers and flinging rocks at Yuuzan Vong to kill them. Now it could be argued that since the Vong are not part of the force, they fall into the "non-living" definition, but i don't like this explination. So i suppose that i can show conclusive evidience on why i'm wrong. Also masters like luke can do multiple things at the same time, like dual wield lightsabers, and create a huricane of rocks flying at high velocity ino vong. Maybe a multiple power attack? And it doesn't seem like luke trains with two lightsabers, maybe there is a specific light saber school for it, but i think it's more likely to be a use of a jedi's VPP pool to buy the skill "Two-Weapon Fighting". On the other hand it also tires luke very quickly to use so much of the force so directly. This seems to be the same as with yoda. Maybe an ability to use END that you don't have with taking stun after it goes away? an END reserve?
  9. Re: The Force--Need Help! Sorry, I tend to take my star wars rather directly. And does anyone know what general grevious was? some sort of cyborg i guess. Yeah anakin and obi-wan tend to get carried away, that fight got rediculous, I think obi-wan thought "if i can make then environment get more dangerous i'll win" and then things like a lavafall and swinging from ropes happens. They have those double sided pike things in ep 3 that block light sabers, why couldn't they make sheilds out of them and fight lightsaber & shield, you really don't need 2 hands on a saber since it has little or no mass (depending on your view of einstiean physics)
  10. Re: Advice for new GMs bengalef, i've never found combat to last that long, a minute game time might be up to four hours, but far faster than an hour 12 seconds, though that depends on the combats. You can also roll damage, hit location and to hit all at once, that speeds it up
  11. Re: Xenomorphs from aliens you'll do find, and i'm glad i started this thread eh?
  12. Re: Special Powers in Power Frameworks I once put a skill in my VPP (lockpicking) to represent a character with a "venom" like symbiot who could stick it in a lock and make the proper key with it. Other than that, always done it the right way.
  13. Re: Must a Throw actually put the target physically Prone? Maybe using quick draw to free yourself, instead of breakfall?
  14. Re: How would you simulate this? Why indirect? it's not like you can fire it through walls, i think your idea of an area of effect is the right way to go. Maybe linked to "luck useable as an attack" to reroll the target's dex check so that they fail, to simulate being hit, as they dodge.
  15. Re: Devious Idea that may work once....once... Kyle, that's genius
  16. Re: Advice for new GMs Don't be afraid to take 15 minutes of your session and replot out what to do after the players do something unexpected. Don't bluff your way through encounters, make NPCs at least stated out (happend to my GM twice) Find out what kind of game your players want, then try to make sure everyone has fun. Don't forget what they can do, review character sheets early and often so that you arn't blindsided by the character who has 20" of leaping you forgot about (also happend to my GM) start small, start simple, no 500pts heros, try like 50-100 pt normals in a heroic game
  17. Re: The Force--Need Help! no it doesn't because droids arn't "alive" and therefore throwing them into the wall was no more an attack than luke catching his lightsaber with TK, because all he was doing was manipulating an inaimate object. Yoda didn't teach luke TK, haven't you watched the movies? Luke uses TK to get his lightsaber on Hoth to cut the arm off of the wampa that caputers him. Also Yoda lifted luke's X-wing to make a statement about the power of the force, and how luke's fears were holding him back, not to teach TK. My belife is that in accordance with the view expressed by Corran Horn in "I jedi" that yoda and Obi-wan taught luke skills to defeat Vader, trying to use him as a weapon against the Emperor and his apprentice. Though again i point out that luke was not taught TK by Yoda. The reason that using TK to hurl objects across the room at someone is "Darker" is because 1) we never see a jedi use that power the same way vader does 2) It was expressed in the West End Games of 2nd Edition star wars that the use of TK to attack was of the dark side. 3) Because you must tap the force, and use it's abilities to directly harm life, I see it as "darker" than using your lightsaber because the lightsaber is not "inherintly" of the force (unless you are using a force powered saber as seen in one of the books, i don't remember), especially because in "I jedi" corran horn beats a man with his fists and later thinks [paraphrased] "i knew that if i had used the force to aid me in that fight i would be calling upon the dark side", i know i have the wording wrong, but it seems like using the force is what makes it dark to me, and because TK is using the force, more so than a lightsaber (remember, it's just a tool), it's "darker" Now as far as i can find, the West End Games Star Wars RPG was endorsed by Lucasproductions which, as far as i am concerned makes it cannon, hence i'll stick with my "if lucas says it's of the dark side, then it's of the dark side"
  18. Re: The Force--Need Help! And it's not just intent, a good intention (like how annikin beats count dooku) but implimented through passion without thinking and using emotions is still using the dark side. You must be calm, and tranquil when using the force
  19. Re: The Force--Need Help! i never said all the powers, just some. For example in the two that i mentioned have only been used by sith, and are powers that cause you to gain a dark side point automatically in the 2nd Edition Star Wars RPG. Using TK for other uses i didn't even touch, but using it to attack is a use of the dark side, because you are hurling things at someone, Vader does this at bespin and it's pretty much the same throughout cannon that TK shouldn't be used to attack. As for force lightning, i can try to find the article, but i know i read in both the RPG, the books and a magazine that force lightning is specifically dark side. I'm not saying that the lightning doesn't have other *uses*, but that the ends don't justify the means. Using force lightning to kill an attacker in self defense is still using the dark side. Annikin turned to the dark side to save his wife. The dark side is seductive in the fact you think you can use it's teachings for good, but you can't it's a reoccuring theme throught the star wars books, except by the Jedisaari in "I jedi" by stackpole, but that was because they only used slight sith teachings and diluted it with jedi teachings
  20. Re: Force Wall that reflects attacks I think it needs to be uncontrolled, but i don't know
  21. Re: Force Wall that reflects attacks hmmm, maybe linked to an RKA damage shield with the limitation "Only to amount deflected" (-1/2), and "Only on attacks that are stopped" (-1/4), Probably standard effect rule. I'm guessing on those limitation values, i'd appreciate someone else's judgement
  22. Re: The Force--Need Help! i think an EC where they can put powers, is the right way to go. Definitly a PS: Force roll, with all force powers, so they can increase that as they mature as jedi. As far as dark vs light, there are some powers that are clear cut (like shooting lightning, which has been shown to always be a use of the dark side, or using TK to attack people) and there are some powers you can only get using the light side, lots of concentration and focusing powers because of the meditation of the light side. I'd say the way to let them experiment with the dark side, is to let them maybe *push* powers and then make an ego roll or accumulate dark side points, when they get enough, you can give them psych disadvantages.
  23. Re: Short Life Span for PCs dying of age rarely comes up, and for NPCs they can have as many points as they want, so this really isn't that important a point, i'd say 0 points
  24. Re: New advantage "Scour" oh i forgot, this is best in a heroic game so that players can buy new equipment as bullets shredd it, beware in superheroic!
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