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Everything posted by Roy_The_Ruthles

  1. Re: Lets cut the crap... i'd have to rate it at A to A- depending on the mood. DnD gets somewhere around D+ for fun but silly (maybe a C), Whitewolf gets a failing grade, and 7th Sea gets a C+ to B- for what it tries to be (that gives you a sense of my scale)
  2. Re: Vampires and Automatons it costs 5 pts to make babies, because a physical limitation to be a eunich is worth 5 pts
  3. Re: Is missile deflection needed? I feel like even though MD looks like a ranged block, it should cost more and be special. And while the Fx are diffrent, it really matters most depeneding on genre
  4. Re: Electric Bullets note i like the idea of lots of stun multiples
  5. Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian Wow, i read this and couldn't stop laughing. I fell out of my chair. It could be because it's 3 in the morning, could be because this is awesome. Now i just need to work it into my DnD game
  6. Re: Generic books and threat levels I agree that DCV represents moving around, getting out the way, etc. that you can be dodging without aborting to dodge. I've never played superheros, except for a 700pt one-shot which was bad ass (no lion is gonna stand in the way of someone with speed 12)
  7. Re: a Villian game We once designed a villian game, where we were the monsters in this tunnel between (basically) DnD and anime tokyo japan. Our goal was to wait for adventures to wander in looking for loot and treasure etc. and then kill them and stock our own hoards. We had... A nanite scientist Dr. Stinenfrank (and his army of robo-zombies) A Hafling Lich in Power Armor A Master "ninja" A Squid-man monster And a big green troll person who eats people (no kidding, actually his character concept). We never got to play the darn game, but it was fun as heck to design.
  8. Re: What makes a good villian?? The classic villian must be intelligent (at least as much as the PC, the hulk didn't need to be a genius to be a credible threat to the thing), must have modivation to fight the PCs, and must make an impression. The first time i met a villian in our game, i had shot an arbolest at him, and he blocked it with a staff from across the battle field, then shows up behind us in full plate with a gigantic greatsword. We didn't know he had magic at the time, but we do know, and when we met him again, he made such an impact we had to fight him
  9. Re: Building the Fox Sisters (Help requested) i'm really not in you guys' leauge as far as this goes.
  10. Re: Exponential VS Linear ? sorry, i must not have understood what you were trying to express
  11. Re: Mental Powers totally are with you there Fox1
  12. Re: Exponential VS Linear ? so if an asteriod killed the dinosaurs, it's proof of god? or steven long?
  13. Re: Campaign length Never had a reboot, we'd rather play a new game than new players in the old word. The longest game i've been in is 2 years and winding down
  14. Re: Triforce of Roleplaying Wisdom well with those definitions, i change my stance to gaming and drama with as little sim as possible
  15. Re: Exponential VS Linear ? The problem with your statement, is that lift is not linear to str. It's exponential, specifically 25*2^(str/5) this means someone with a str of 0 can lift 25kg, because 2^0=1 (a fact learned in many elementary schools), and it's impossible to lift nothing, (w/o being desolid etc) because you'll always have a positive though tiny number.
  16. Re: Triforce of Roleplaying Wisdom gaming and simulation, i've played games that are dramatic, but not drama (more cinimatic than drama really)
  17. Re: CSLs for ECV yes, 2pts +1OECV for 1 power. or +1 to 3 for 3pts. same as DCV/OCV in my experiance
  18. Re: Vampires and Automatons i'd just give him the "can not be stunned" power, at 15pts, although he really should probably have "takes no stun" at 45 pts instead. Ignore the automaton stuff if you don't like it, just make sure you don't get carried away. (or just buy lots of con vs. cannot be stunned) or something
  19. Re: Extra Time half phase move or attack? (that's not important, the lim is clearly 1/4)
  20. Re: Mental Powers here's my ideas on the issue. I'm sure you could mind scan for zombies (if you allow undead as a class of mind), but you wouldn't hit anything because they don't have minds. However, you would pick up a Vampire, or Lich etc. because they are sentient undead. A cart has no mind, therefore can not be effected by mental powers (except TK). Next up, the ability to effect all classes of minds should be more than +10. Third, I usually abolish the use of "alien" as a class of mind if it's a sci fi game where the PCs can be aliens (and not just like war of the worlds or something), and change it to "sentient minds". Next up. The "Human Class of mind" what does it take to not be a "human" mind? well according to p117 of the Hero book, your character (or at least his free will). See, this is because stuff like andriods, or aliens or vampires, "[that are] smart enough and self-willed enough to function like a human being, he should probably be effected by both the human and [other class of mind] (for which he may be allowed to take a physical limitation) that's my stance
  21. Re: Fumbled Seduction Roll but sometime an incharacter fubmble can create a month long running joke. Like this.... Wallace is our most trained doctor in this roughly medeval setting. He has a parametics score of 12 or 13, while the others of us have base 8 i belive. So then an NPC we had captured gets hit with a crossbow bolt while he was trying to escape. Wallace preformed an 18 and found out that he had to cut the crossbow bolt out of the guy. He wasn't carrying a small knife or any smaller than his halaberd. So "Dr. Halaberd" decides to use that. And sticks him the the halabard. Killing him. And we give him greif for this a year later (don't let walace opperate on me!)
  22. Re: Money System how are you figureing out the cost of weapons? because if you can get a basic weapon, some armor and a ship for 300, that's a deal. I know it's easy to get better stuff when the game starts because if you are being a merc, you either need to make a profit or be dead at the end of a mission. I play a similarly themed space pirate game, we've found that we can get the weapons we want after about 12 weeks of game time. I like Black Lodus' sugestion. Maybe there is a way it effects a montly income?
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