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Everything posted by Cantriped

  1. Or when they can't be fit onto a single page, they should be arranged such that you can see both pages without flipping. For example, if you start an entry on an odd numbered page (as pages 1, 3, 5, etc. are usually on the left-hand inside page of a book), than If it spills over to the next page you can see both pages when you open the book to that section. I usually prefer to print excerpts of stat-blocks and villain/monster entries I plan to use during a session (which leaves a lot fewer pages to flip through during combat). So I hate when the entry begins part way through a page that contains information from the previous entry I don't need, and ends part way through a another page that contains yet more information from the subsequent entry which I also don't need. It really does seem like authors have become so obsessed with reducing 'white-space' that they aren't considering how the material is intended to be used during play.
  2. For shits and giggles; here is the Granted version: ​Hellfire Rune II: Grant ​Hellfire Strike (see below), Usable Simultaneously (Up To 8 Recipients, Standard Range (100m); +1 1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (30 APs); Costs Half END (-1/4). Total Cost: 24 points. Note: As before, this Power costs the Grantor 1 END per Phase in advance, and remains in effect until all of the END is exhausted. Unlike before, this power is limited to 8 Recipients, and I would allow a single character to be granted this power multiple times, counting each weapon affected as a separate recipient. Hellfire Strike:​ 1d6 HKA (Energy), Zero END (+1/2) (22 APs); No STR Bonus (-1/2), OIF (Metal Weapon of Opportunity; -1/2), Linked (Metal Weapon of Opportunity; -1/4). Value: 10 points. Note: Normally Linked requires to define the power it is linked to when purchased, but since the target is being granted the power, I think it is reasonable to define the Link-Target when the power is granted instead.
  3. The Hellfire Rune doesn't need Usable By Others to function as noted. You aren't granting the beneficiary the ability to place Hellfire Runes on their weapons. As far as the rules are concerned you are using an Attack Power on a legal target (a metal weapon with an area less than 2m) within range (150m) with an Uncontrolled duration dependent upon the amount of END expended, that causes damage to anyone who touches the designated surface. That somebody (anybody) can then pick up the target object and use it as a weapon while simultaneously delivering the effect of the Damage Shield on hit is completely irrelevant. What you do need however is GM Fiat (or Independent Personal Immunity to Hellfire Rune​ which is​ Usable By Others) to allow a person to hold part of the target object without taking damage on every one of the Caster's phases (because otherwise even the hilt of a sword it part of the same surface as its blade, and therefore covered by the Damage Shield).
  4. Yes, and the two are basically the same, No STR HKAs and No Range RKAs that is; yet for whatever reason the latter is what is almost always used for such builds. Also the text I was replying too listed an HKA with No Range...
  5. Bolt has most of the typical "Trick Arrows" already... there isn't much left for him to buy. You could give him a "Knocker" (8 to 10d6 Blast, Double Knockback (+1/2) (60 to 75 APs), or a "Shrieker" (Area of Effect (Line) Hearing Group Flash or AVAD (Hearing Flash Defense), Area of Effect (Line) Blast).
  6. Not having to make two Attack Rolls isn't a problem. Characters can already inherently do that via the rules for Combined Attacks (assuming they can use both powers at once), that you are combining a weapon attack with a magical effect is entirely irrelevant. It isn't really advantageous or disadvantageous to combine the attacks, because regardless of how you do it, if the first Attack roll fails, all the subsequent ones would have failed too (because Multiple Attack and Autofire are cruel that way), and you still spend all the END/Charges.
  7. Your campaign is fairly unusual in those regards. By default Armor provides equal amounts of rPD and rED. Defining access to game elements by a class & level system is essentially heresy in Fantasy Hero. Regarding your damage shield example: It wouldn't be linked, because that requires you define what specific​ power you're linking it too (such as Joe's Rusty Broadsword, not any other broadsword, or dagger, or arrow, etc). Also you want to use RKA instead of HKA, because otherwise it lets players add their STR to damage twice. So an Example using the Damage Shield Method: Hellfire Rune: ​RKA 1d6 (Energy), Constant (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Half END (+1/4), Area of Effect (2m Surface; +1/4) (37 APs); Conditional (Can Only Be Applied To Metal Weapons; -1/2). Total Cost: 25 points. Note: This "spell" can be cast on anyone's weapon, and can be cast multiple times, but you pay 1 END in advance per phase you want each casting of the spell to last (rounding works very well in the power's favor here). Obvious Inaccessible Focus; it is the value basis used to represent "Foci of Opportunity", or needing a class of common objects instead of a specific object to use your power. For example, a character that can hurl any pencil with deadly force would have an RKA with OIF (Pencils of Opportunity). The reason that it takes Inaccessible is that ostensibly taking the power away is harder than simply disarming them once (they can just pick up another pencil). I prefer Inobvious Accessible for Foci of Opportunity (which has the same value so it is just a matter of semantics), on the grounds that you can still be disarmed normally, but that it isn't obvious that your power can be used with any old pencil (as opposed to that one pencil).
  8. You can also purchase an RKA (Energy); Conditional (Only To Perform Combined Attacks With Weapons) and appropriate procedural modifiers (such as Usable By Other, or Extra Time (Only To Warm Up). Sometimes people also use the rules for building a Damage Shield (RKA, Constant, Uncontrolled, AoE (Surface)) to build such effects, the Damage Shield automatically damages anybody struck by the weapon (although depending on your GM they might declare it also damages the wielder as they are also touching part of the surface). There are lots of potential ways to represent this concept. However the mechanics of them aren't generally very efficient one because (unlike in D&D) they usually involve splitting the Damage across two separate defenses (Physical and Energy Defense) which most characters have equal amounts of.
  9. You are incorrect. Recoverability​ is not a modifier for Foci, it is a modifier for Charges. The qualities of Foci are Obviousness, Accessibility, Mobility, Expendability, and Durability. Foci have nothing inherently to do with focusing a power possessed by the character themselves. In fact the modifier's most common usage is representing Game Elements inherent to an objects possessed by the characters; such as the HKA inherent to a bladed weapon, the Resistant Protection inherent to a suit of armor, or the Radio Perception/Transmition inherent to a hand-held radio. This is why the rules for constructing heroic equipment require that all such powers take Focus. The only time a power defined as possession of an Object doesn't take Focus is when the object can neither be destroyed nor taken away by any means. Such objects typically only exist in Superheroic Campaigns. An example would be Dr. Destroyer's Powered-Armor, which never breaks, and cannot be removed even if he is defeated or killed.
  10. Hero doesn't really do absolute effects, so a truly unbreakable object simply doesn't exist within the confines of the rules. Bell Cranel from the downloads wields an 'unbreakable' knife (shameless plug). Here is the write up for it: Hestia Knife:​ HKA (Physical) 1d6+1, Zero END (+½) (30 APs); Does Not Leave Holes (-¼), No Knockback (-¼), OAF Personal Unbreakable (-1). Total Cost:​ 12 points. Durability: 6 Power Defense (Death of Hestia). Hestia is the goddess Bell worships. Given that she is fairly powerless by herself, and goes out of her way to help Bell, the possibility of her death can be considered "reasonably common" enough to serve as the destruction condition of the Hestia Knife. Although I doubt that condition is actually cannon. In lieu of making it truly Unbreakable, you could just make it Durable (doubling the rPD/rED it receives based on its active points) at not cost. Either way (Unbreakable or Durable) such a weapon would not take Real Weapon since its unbreakability/durability extends to it not needing basic care and maintenance.
  11. General/Multi-Character Notes: I am noting that none of the example characters are displaying a Movement Block, even if they area all base line, you should still show what the values are. Both Bolt, and Belt's martial arts packages lack names, and neither defines what their default Weapon Element is. I think instead of naming the skill-set packages Customization I or II ​just use the name in parentheses. For example, "Investigator Skill-Set" and then make a note in the overview for these characters that you can trade any Skill-Set with any other Skill-Set in order to customize the character some. For Skills that are purchased with bonuses to the roll built in I usually note them in the following format: "Weaponsmith +1 (5 APs) 13- ". That way it is more clear why the value deviates from the character's Characteristic Roll (especially useful if you choose to leave off costs for a newbie-friendly quickplay sheet). I am noticing that all of the example characters have extremely high base CVs compared to their peers from Champions Complete​ (most of which hover around CVs of 8 instead of 10). They are also all dishing out more powerful attacks than their CC Peers (most of which cap out around 60 APs instead of 75). You could save yourself a lot of points which could be used to diversify the characters by toning down their raw power to values more in line with what is expected of 400-point characters. These characters also tend to have very high defenses, with every one of them sporting amounts of resistant defenses normally reserved for Bricks Bolt: ​​Bolt has a lot of PD an ED for a Hyper-Competent, and an extremely low CON, STUN, and BODY. Of all the characters, I sort of expected him to have a high CON, STUN, and BODY (aka 30, 40, 20), and at least 8 REC. His DCV is low enough (compared to his peers) that he's is going to be an easier target, and once he gets pinged he basically a dead man. The average result of a typical 12d6 Blast is going to leave him Stunned, and as one of the slowest of his peers, he could easily find himself Stun-Locked. I think the Line-Arrow should be Swinging instead of Stretching, since it appears to be intended to function as a Movement Power, if you want to limit the maximum swing distance, use a Limited modifier. Brain: Brain's EGO is pretty low for a mentalist. Not only does EGO determine his resilience to other mentalists, but also his initiative for mental powers. As a controller he should be going first most of the time, yet even after Lightning Reflexes his initiative is right in the middle of the range presented by these characters. ​Brick: ​As with Blur, I'm not comfortable with the number of Game Elements being unified here. It leaves the character exceptionally vulnerable to a wide verity of Drains which he has no defense against whatsoever. A single Drain BODY of STUN (the most common kinds of Drain) sapping his Strength, CON, STUN, BODY, and Resistant Defenses all at once is a glaring tactical flaw. It basically hands certain villains an "I Win" button that the hero can't do anything about.
  12. There are a few things that strike me as odd: Beast: Her damage seems a little high, 12d6N Armor Piercing Claws is a lot of damage, even for a Standard Superhero. It is also a little odd that you chose HA over HKA (which is how claws are usually written. Buying REC Unified with her Regeneration is an unusual choice, but I think in this case it fits. Also I like your use of Resistant Defense as "Instant Regeneration"; You might consider Always On for this, since regenerating around a syringe or scalpel might actually be a legit hindrance in that it prevents them from receiving medical care for things they can't heal from naturally. Beast Hearing is misspelled "Heearing". Her sheet doesn't note her Movement Speeds (which are normally included in Characteristics), but the concept strikes me as the type of character that should have extra Leaping and Swimming. Belt: ​"Combat Disc (Legal)" I'm not sure what "legal" in parentheses means here. The Grapple/Swingline should probably be separate slots, since it is unlikely that you can use that gadget for both in the same phase. Skills (and therefore Skill Levels) aren't legal to place in a Framework (because they are Special Powers). You should note this in your description, or buy the power outside the framework. The Motorcycle slot confuses me to no end. This should really be a Vehicle instead of a framework slot. Where does it even go when you aren't using it, and why can't Belt (logically) use both his Motorcycle and Rebreather (or Discs for that matter). Blur: First note, a Flying Speedster... You almost never see these. I'm not complaining mind you, it is a very cool concept, but if the goal is to represent typical stereotypes this one is a little off mark. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with having so many Unified Game Elements, She is highly susceptible to Drains, and has no Power Defense. For a Speedster... she's actually kind of slow. Only 44m per second at full speed. The example Speedster in her range (Kinitik) can move 23.2km per second at full speed, or something like 530 times as fast. Yet at the same time, her Flight Power is kind of expensive for her point level (400-point characters usually cap out around 80 APs). Her Damage is going to be kind of low, and she has no tricks (speedster or otherwise) to make up for it. She could really use some Speedster Tricks (such as an Autofire HA) Blast: This one is pretty bog standard, I don't have many comments on her. For Attack Multipowers, I tend to prefer a smaller number of variable slots which can be use in Combination. For example, one variable slot with 15d6 Blast, and another with 15d6 Flash (Sight), or 12d6 of each at Half-END, that the player can mix dice of during play as a Combined Attack. It is a little odd to have both Code Vs. Killing and a 5d6 RKA as your best attack. That attack is powerful enough to kill a "Normal Person" outright with a perfectly average roll. It is also odd that her "Full Blast" is an RKA, but her "Focused Blast" is a Half-END Armor Piercing Blast (it should also be an RKA, and not cost Half END). And... now I'm kinda petering out (which is what I get for drinking and posting). I'll review the last three in the morning, and probably revise my earlier critiques when I'm actually sober.
  13. Passing Strike is in CC, and is in every way superior to using a Move-By. Passing Strike, Defensive Strike, and Martial Dodge would make a decent Speedster Martial Arts package.
  14. I second this suggestion. Here are some options for Cyberpunk source material: Bubblegum Crisis (either version) Ghost In the Shell (any version) Ergo Proxy Psycho-Pass Serial Experiments Lain Texhnolyze Dirty Pair Armitage You can also steal bits from almost any of the "Giant Robot" and "Trapped In a Game" series. Such as: Neon Genesis Full Metal Panic Aldnoah.Zero Gargantia On the Verdous Planet Blassreiter Sword Art Online Accel World Log Horizon
  15. You should make a thread over in Star Hero to shamelessly plug your efforts. You might even consider posting this to the Downloads section so that years from now, when these threads are lost, the document itself can still easily be found and enjoyed by the community. You can still update submissions to the Downloads section if necessary, and I've done so several times myself. Skimming the new document I have some formatting/editing notes: Since this is primarily for digital consumption, you can push the margins all the way out to 0.25". This will save you a lot more page space than you'd expect, and such documents can still be printed without clipping. You might also be able to save some page space using Columns, but they are more print-friendly than screen-friendly so that is just a matter of taste, Also, a little bit of white space isn't a sin, so you might consider putting in some extra line breaks to remove the orphan and widow paragraphs; they are something of a soap box for me, but I'll spare you the diatribe. However, there are lots of examples of them; such as: The last sentence of the third paragraph of Introduction on page 3 spills over onto page 4. The words "Penetration Table" spill over from the second paragraph of Weapons​ on page 6 unto page 7. The section Penetration Table​ only gets one sentence into itself on page 7 before spilling over to page 8. Sensors​​ begins on page 10, but all of its text is on page 11. The same is true of Endurance Reserve (Optional)​ on page 12. etc.
  16. My costs were derived from CC, so they might not be accurate. I sacrificed most of my 5th Ed era knowledge in favor of memorizing CC.
  17. In the back, CC gives some vague suggestions in the chapter "Champions - Superhero Roleplaying" (CC 167-190), but those suggestions would have been much more useful if CC had included the Character Ability Guidelines Table (mentioned above, 6e1 35). I use a slightly revised version of that table when I am building characters to make sure I hit the general benchmarks for that level of play (such as a Low-Powered Superhero being expected to dish out 6 to 12 DCs).
  18. Congratulations, you might've just made Hero Games a little money. Now that I know somebody is working on a conversion for 6th edition, I'm putting Robot Warriors on my wish list for my next round of orders (which it is likely to be prioritized for since I don't have to consider shipping on PDFs). As a suggestion, since the update to 6th will at the very least invalidate the costs of certain game elements, and possibly require partial rebuilds; you could include in an Appendix the Robot Warriors To 6th Edition pseudo-errata. For example: If Characteristics values for a robot are the same except for their costs, you could just note the new value for "Characteristics Cost" for that entry... If a power needed to be replaced, such as Entangle to create Wall with Barrier, you would describe the new power, list its cost, and then list the new value for "Powers Cost". I would organize them in a Template-like format so that you don't have to reproduce whole sections of the book (and risk infringement in the process).
  19. Yeah that Blaster Rifle is kinda OP: 12d6 Blast, Autofire (5), +1 OCV, +2 vs. Range, and 64 Charges. It is a full step beyond what VIPER, PRIMUS, or UNTIL agents are using in the Champions Universe (unless you count Viper's V-12 Cannon, which is a 20d6 crew-served blaster with 30 Charges). Even Doctor Destroyer's agents aren't quite that will equipped (they have 12d6 Blasters with 32 Charges, and an 8d6 Autofire (5) Mode). I blame Power Creep...
  20. Something like DasBroot's ​Super Stealth Suit​ above is the most legal equivalent to what you are looking for. If you wanted to you could add Invisibility to Hearing Group or Normal Hearing. For example: Super Stealth Suit II​: Invisibility to Radio Group, Hearing Group, and Infrared Perception, Persistent (+1/4), Zero END (+1/2) (35 APs); OIF (-1/2). Total Cost: 23 points. ​Note: Radio is not inherently a Targeting Sense Group, so as a base effect it is worth 10 APs; likewise Hearing is worth +5 APs as a Sense Group (even though both of these groups senses have Targeting Senses associated with them), and Infrared Perception is worth +5 as a single Targeting Sense.
  21. I'm reading through them now... I'll check back in with detailed critiques this evening. Are these characters intended to be Hero System 6th Edition legal or Champions Complete​ legal?
  22. Ahh, that makes sense, he just needed to be picking up hills instead of mountains. At least he wouldn't have been crushed by the mountain when it fell on top of him, since Crushing Damage is also a factor of the difference between the mass of the object and your maximum lift... and the initial throwing damage would have only been 14d6, since Throwing Damage is based on his attack strength instead of his lift strength (or the mass of the object being thrown).
  23. I generally make it clear to my players that no amount of "reactive"-building will save them if I want to throw something at them they cannot defend against. I also make it clear that I don't do it often; but when I do it will​ work, by hook or by crook. This is one of those things you and the players should be on the same page regarding before the game begins. For example, one monster I threw at my Champions group was a Mutant Toad with a Supersonic Croak (Blast, AVAD (Hearing Flash Defense), Does BODY, Area of Effect (Cone)). However I only used that monster once, if they had bought Hearing Flash Defense just on the off chance that monster appeared again, they would have wasted points.
  24. That sheet looks good Doc, it's pretty similar to the character Brief format; which was designed to fit into narrow columns, such as the wide margin spaces of 5th edition sourcebooks. Since they are for GM's use you could also have cut most of those descriptive sentences for his powers, the GM should know what X​d6 Mind Control does before they run a villain that uses it. Regardless, despite the risk of sounding like a broken record, my point wasn't that you cannot present a villain in a half-page using a more concise format (such as in Character Brief Format), it was that you cannot present a villain in a half-page using the Standard Format.
  25. Agreed. However, even bit villains (300-350 point characters) like Snowblind take up two pages in standard format; ~1 page of fluff and ~1 page for their sheet (with art on whichever page has more space left over). The simplest example character from FHC, the 175-point Elven Ranger (who has no spells or magic at all) takes up a full page (technically 3/4ths of a page plus a small illustration).
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