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Everything posted by NuSoardGraphite

  1. Ooh, Ooh! You saved some? My Hero! I'll be e-mailing you about it this weekend. I'm not really worried about the Blademaster stuff. I can always do that again (I really should put it into my own computer) and I want to adjust it to the 5th edition anyway, so starting from scratch is okay.
  2. With the new book out, and Hero 5th out, and all the new (and old skool) Hero converts lurking around these days, I figure its time to resurrect this old topic... Too bad we don't have access to the old message board. There was a TON of great stuff in there for WoT based games. I still have to finish the Blademaster Arts! (I was about 3/4 done with it) and now its lost....ALL LOST!
  3. Oh, I understand that completely. Mostly this is in regards to the more realistic Gundam shows. Currently I'm writing up the Mobile Suits from Gundam Wing: Endless Waltze if that helps.
  4. Considering that I think that Escaflowne is one of the finest animations to grace the airwaves...ever, the answer would be; yes, I have considered an Escaflowne Hero game. I played in an Escaflowne RPG before, using Mekton. It was pretty cool, but I think Hero would have been better because Hero handles melee combat better than just about every other game system out there...
  5. one of the things I'm debating right now is how to handle the Armor. Do I give the Mobile Suits one large Def characteristic or do I give them a smaller base Def characteristic (representing the inherent toughness of the Mobile Suits endo-skeleton) and the Armor power to represent its outer layer of armor? I'm thinking the latter, as with that, one could conceivably "rip off" a chuck of armor from a section on the Mobile Suit exposing its less durable innards to attack. What do you guys think? Another question: Would you guys rather see a flight movement system based on realistic G accelleration, or simplified Accelleration as presented in Star Hero and The Ultimate Vehicle? Personaly, I lean toward realistic accelleration myself, but the Suits from Gundam Wing are so light, with tons of boost, they average out at about 8 G's each! At speed 4, thats around 195"/phase Combat move! Using the simplified method, at speed 4, it comes out to 120"/phase. Whatcha think?
  6. I'm working on them now. I've finished the Serpent Custom and am currently working on the Wing Zero Custom. After I get a couple more pinned down, I'll start posting them. Be patient though as my own computer is in storage and I have to go to the public library...otherwise, I'd have the Serpent posted already.
  7. Try the Star of the Guardians series from Margarete Weis (of Dragonlance fame) and its spin off, Mag Force 7. Good star-spanning, Space Opera feel to those books.
  8. How about making the Flight Usable by Others. The base character that controls the flight would be the computer...but under normal circumstances, the computer lets the character use the flight, but the computer should have a program that takes over the flight if the pilot is knocked out.
  9. Re: Powered Armor & Mecha Here's a thread on the old boards... http://www.cybergames.com/ubb/Forum16/HTML/000033.html
  10. Actually, there are plenty of people who use the Vehicles rules to design PA. It really depends on the sfx and the game effects you want the PA to have. If you want the PA to be so tough that the pilot is in no danger whatsoever until the PA is destroyed, then Vehicle is the way to go. If you want the Pilot to take some damage if the PA is hit, then Armor is the way to go. Personaly, I use both methods. I use Armor with characteristic enhancements for smaller, personal scale Powered Armor (like an Iron Man armor or a BGC Hardsuit) and Vehicle for anything larger (like a Landmate or Motoslave or Mobile Infantry Armored Suit)
  11. Ah yes, forgot to mention. Those 8 Immortals mentioned above are also the main characters in the Chinese comic Saint Legend released here by ComicsOne. I mentioned it in a post above.
  12. That 8 Drunken Fairies "stance" is a subset taught in a few Kung Fu styles. The character of Wong Fei Hong was famous for it (I believe). This is who Jackie Chan portrayed in Drunken Master I and II. Its funny, because the Once Upon a Time in China Wong Fei Hong never uses 8 Drunken Fairies in any of the OUATIC movies (that I remember) yet, Jet Li played Wong Fei Hong in a non-OUATIC movie called Last Hero in China and he was doing Drunken Style all over the place. Wierd. Also, the translation of 8 Drunken Fairies is somewhat dubious. Its also often translater as 8 Drunken Immortals which is probably more correct. Then again, I don't speak Cantonese or Mandarin, so don't take my word for it. The 8 Immortals are legendary characters who figure prominently in Chinese mythology. Most of them were Taoists who acheived Immortality through Taoist Alchemy or were granted immortality because of great deeds. The 8 Immortals will figure prominently in the Wuxia campaign I'm currently formulating.
  13. I eventualy plan to run a High Fantasy game based in Shadow World from ICE. A lot of the Shadow World books had stats for 4th edition Fantasy Hero included in them (the quality of the writeups varied from good/detailed to awful/simplistic) so half of my work is done for me...
  14. I didn't think that The Executioners was nearly as good as The Heroic Trio was. Same thing with The Bride with White Hair 1 and 2 (2 not being nearly as good as 1) I agree that A Man Called Hero (based on Jademan comic The Bloodsword/Bloodsword Dynasty!) is quite slow in parts, but the ending more than makes up for it Plus the ninjas are cool as hell, though not as cool as the ninjas from Duel to the Death. Well, now that I'm aware that Hero is out on DVD, I'll be looking for it. Thanks for the 411!
  15. Character looks pretty good to me. No need to go tearing into him...
  16. For those of you not familiar with Hero: http://www.herothemovie.com/trailer/m300k2.html Its Jet Li's latest HK movie. He goes back to his roots and does a new WUXIA film! This one if from Zhang Zimou and it looks to be of the same caliber as CTHD. Also stars Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Chung and Donnie Yen. Check out the trailer above. Ching Siu Tung (Director of The Swordsman movies and Chinese Ghost Story films) does the Fight Choreography.
  17. Doh! Forgot about Storm Riders! Can't forget that one... Nope, different movies. I haven't seen The Duel yet, but I plan on getting a copy sometime soon. You...you've seen Hero? I want to see that SOOOOO bad. Where did you see it at? Theatre? I haven't heard about it coming out yet...(it was released in Asia in December, right?)
  18. I have the first book of Saint Legend from that comic company. I'm planning on collecting Crouching Tiger and Dragon Sword, Heaven Sabre. The Swordsman 2 is good stuff. Chaotic as all hell (like most Wuxia films from Ching Siu Tung) but quite fun. I also recommend Duel to the Death, Dragon Inn (Ching as fight choreographer) and Butterfly and Sword.
  19. I've played in a Final Fantasy inspired game before. It used Materia from FF7 for its magic system. (anyone could use the magic inherint in a particular Materia, but one needed the Magic skill to activate spell materia and summon Materia etc) I was wondering, were you planning to use the concept of Limit Breaks? Its been in use in the last few Final Fantasy games (from FF6 on up I believe) and is damn cool to boot.
  20. Post them here? Why on earth would I ever want to do that!? Just kidding! Of course I'm going to post them here. Thats my whole reason for doing them (I don't plan on ever doing a Gundam Wing campaign...now Macross on the other hand is a possibility)
  21. Great site! I've known about the Macross Compendium for some time now. Its my source for very detailed information on the various Variable Fighters in the Macross universe. I will be relying upon it heavily in a couple of weeks when I start working on converting the VF's to HERO (yes, I have a copy of TUV now! First Gundam Wing, then Macross!)
  22. Well, considering how long ICE and HERO were in bed together, its not surprising that there has been some sharing (stealing?) of ideas. I wouldn't be surprised if ICE borrowed the concept of the Elder Worms for their Darkspace book.
  23. Hey.... I finaly saw a copy of Terran Empire at the store the other day so I perused through it to see if it could be of use to me. (I didn't have the cash to buy it unfortunately as I was purchasing TUV at the time) I was looking through it when I saw something that disturbed me greatly. Elder Wyrms But...but...what the!?! Those are my badguys for my Star Hero campaign damnit! I stole those guys from ICE's Darkspace fair and square! [shakes fist at sky] ....okay. I'm calm now. I'm over it. Guess that goes to show great minds think alike. So to speak
  24. How about trying Recoverable Charges. If the Force Field is not hit in the duration, the charge is automatically recovered and the FF can be activated again. If the Force Field is hit in that time however, that charge is gone (takes significantly longer to "recover")
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