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Everything posted by Samaritan

  1. Samaritan

    Super Names

    Re: Super Names Singularity True Blue Threshold (aka Doc Slab) Slate The Prof The Gentleman
  2. Samaritan

    Super Names

    Re: Super Names Wager Webb Risk Grimchilde Chalk Royal Vermillion Fusilade Omni A mystic hero group name: Grim Brigade
  3. Re: Battletech/Mechwarrior HERO Conversion Compliation of Links That was just awesome! I had been looking for stuff like that.
  4. Samaritan

    Super Names

    Re: Super Names The Lucky Star Citizen X Shatterjack Mandate Panacea Solace The Fool Boxer Plan B (aka, The Henchman from Hell) Eightball
  5. Re: Martial Arts to represent "Basic Training" Marines teach a wide variety of weapon familiarity, even to non combat personnel (M16A2, M249 SAW, M240, M2 .50 cal, M203 grenade launcher, MK19 automatic grenade launcher). You learn the M9 9mm pistol if your speciality requires it, or you make Staff Sgt or higher (including officers). Army follows similar guidelines (though not the M2, MK19 or M203, if I heard right). Marines also teach VERY basic martial arts in boot camp. Army does, too, I think, though I might be wrong. Not sure about AF or Navy.
  6. I'm putting together a concept for a magic based character that will be using a focus for part of his powers. Part of the concept is that the focus acts as a 'channel' for the mystical power that infuses his body... allows him to fly, fire energy bolts, etc. Without it, he becomes essentially a brick (high STR and ED/PD) with a magic special f/x. As such, I'm thinking of building the suite of foci powers via a Multipower (I don't think you can do EC via a focus, can you?), and then buying the powers that 'kick in' without the focus with a Limitation ("Only without focus", -1/4 or so). Would this be considered an abuse? Or simply a weird useage of the rules? Or should it be a Multiform instead (I'd like him to keep the same appearance and personality, memories, etc.)? Think of those 'multi tiered' bosses you encounter in video games... the mroe you beat up on him, the more his tactics change. Frankly, I like the idea of enemies thinking he's powerless without the focus, and then be shocked when he chucks a car at them. Any input would be appreciated!
  7. Re: Mecha HERO? Sad to hear it... unfo, Mekton Z has little in the way of support anymore around here... though DP9's "SilCORE" ruleset is interesting. I just have a hankering for putting some superheroes up against a small army of giant alient robots.
  8. Re: Mecha HERO? Ult. Vehicle, I think. Haven't picked it up. Anyone think it's worth it for someone interested in the Really Big Stompy Robot genre?
  9. I'm trying to figure out the vehicle rules (I really only ever play superhero and 'character' scale games with HERO) to see if I can do a 'mecha' type game. Giant robots, and all that- either "Shogun Warrior" or "Robotech" style. Curious if anyone's tried this? What have your mecha HERO experiences been?
  10. Re: The cranky thread I dig me some Chemical Bros. I know how it pisses one off to leave your CDs at home. This prompts me to post a 'what kind of music do you enjoy' thread...
  11. Re: Imposing disads or limitations... and Luck! Yeah, I just didn't want him to be ineffective simply because I'm rolling poorly. Having a small suite of more reliable (if less spectacular) powers might be nice... a Deflect or something. The change environment might work... I'll have to read around when I get home and see if that could happen...
  12. Re: Imposing disads or limitations... and Luck! Niiiiiiice.... *prints out page*
  13. Re: Imposing disads or limitations... and Luck! That's... actually pretty cool! Thanks for your input folks. Hmmm... Negative CSLs, require a Power or or Activation or Skill roll to reflect the 'unreliabiilty' of fortune/fate/luck kicking in? Though I agree, the possibility of getting multiple sixes on dice... that would be just too fun... I often don't do the most point efficient way of construction; I go by concept and what would be 'neat to be able to do'. On the other part of my post... any advice on how to construct 'less intangible' effects? Heavy things dropping on opposition at the right moment (Indirect EB, perhaps?)? Bullets missing altogether, or a gun jamming (SE of Deflection and Drain vs. mechanical device, maybe)? I'd love to hear other ideas.
  14. Okay... I know I posted something along these lines (I think it was, "How do I make a character who can impose the "Uncontrollable" limitation on another character?). I seem to recall the idea of Transformation coming up... So... how would I make a character who could 'jinx' another character (mechanically, give them dice of Unluck)? How could I lend 'fortune' to another character (give them dice of Luck)? I'm designing a character called the Lucky Star; virtually all his powers are Luck based. Aside from what I've seen in the UNTIL Database, how would you construct luck based powers? Thanks!
  15. Re: The cranky thread For that matter, who in the hell thought up the auto-flushing commodes? I mean, I understand auto-flushing urinals. But, with the commodes, you're sitting there, and if you lean too far forward, or end up shifting your weight by too much (depending on the sensitivity of the sensor), you get an assfull of cold toilet water; sometimes, not entirely *clean* toilet water. It wouldn't have bothered me so much, except there was a guy here who got caught... well, with his pants down... when the toilet on which he sat decided to overflow. I can only imagine the colorful metaphors that ensued.
  16. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, I know. I'm just venting. (I'm assuming you're referring to my actually crapping in the sink, or doing as tkdguy suggests.) As is, a user on another forum came up with an effective (I thought, even though childish on some level) solution. Put up a sign in the restroom that reads: "To the guy leaving his snot on the walls: I know who you are. I've left a surprise of my own for you somewhere. Enjoy." Don't even need to follow through on it.
  17. Re: The cranky thread I guess this is the place for this. I'm having a bit of a... disappointing week at work, and it's affecting my normally low-key, accepting mindset. Why is it that when I go to use the restroom, I have to stare at some nugget of snot that some prior visitor has decided to grace the walls or plumbing with whilst I stand at the urinal? What the hell is that? Are they marking their territory or something? Am I to believe that they can identify their own boogers when the time comes? Then, I stand there thinking, 'should I go use another urinal?'. Because, fellas, you know that once you've started something like that, stopping mid-stream is... bothersome, on some primal level. But, being a lowly admin, I wouldn't want to upset the social structure and use some project manager's chosen piss pot. No sir, don't wanna do that. I mean, I get passed up for promotion for the umpteenth time, for a job for which I was assured I'd be a perfect match, and now I have to stare at the product of some other cube-zombie's nasal passages. I feel like I should up the ante somehow. Crap in the sink or something. I dunno.
  18. Re: I need a Super Hero Name for TinkerBelle.... Glitterwing? Flutterheart? Feyling?
  19. Re: Is anyone gaming the Iraq war? I had planned on doing a write-up for a version of King Nebuchadnezzar (as a spirit who possessed a German worker during the excavation of 1904- one of the ships that was bound for Germany sank, losing a good deal of gold... figure that the host had forced it to sink, and now Neb has the funds to fuel a take over of some sort, and a whole crew's worth of undead servants) I was over there last year and got to see the ruins of Babylon first hand... man, what an AWESOME place for ideas for maps of ruins, etc.
  20. Hey all- After having seen the new Spider Man movie, and playing the game on Xbox, I've got a question... How would you construct the powers of using his web to swing opponents around (and attacking other opponents); and of blinding an opponent/shutting their mouth (Flash attack?). Just curious... interested in hearing ideas!
  21. Hey all- This has probably been proposed before, but here goes- I'm trying to create a character that can cause another character's powers to go awry; mechanically, imposing the 'Uncontrollable' limitation on the target character. I'd like to hear suggestions on how to make this work.. Thanks!
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