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Everything posted by Manchine

  1. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Personally I have used every free respec (at level 24 I didnt have stamina for the first respec). These changes effect my Main like crazy. My dispersion field is gonna suck now. I still don't see anything completely wrong with it. I know I am just CRAZY aren't I. :D :ugly: :doi:
  2. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game SO MUCH GOOD NEWS WITH ONE LITTLE POST WOO HOO! With this news I will unveil my CoV Webpage the TERRA CORP http://globaldefenseforce.com/terracorps/corp.html Muwhahahahaha
  3. Re: Tell me about your superhero campaigns! Wow, other then the names that sounds like the first 3 issues in my webcomic. :D I even use the terms GDF all the time LOL.
  4. Re: Question Thaxs for all the help. I couldn't find what the Active/Real points were used for. I think I got it now.
  5. Re: Question Ahh yes I have Revised. Thaxs.
  6. Re: Question The Str. Minimum says See pages 327-328. Which doesnt talk about weapons? Talks about Disadvantages.
  7. Re: Question See this is the part I don't get. LOL
  8. Manchine


    What is A/R cost? I can not find anything about it. I am thinking this is End Cost for weapons. But I don't know. If not how do you do endurance cost for weapons?
  9. Re: WWYCD: Power Loss Now for my own Manchine would be devastated. From the dual minds in his head (even though its a computer). To losing all the Intelligence he had. Think of it like. "I know the answer but I can't remember! AHHHHH!" Plus, his biggest fear. Not being able to help anyone. Humans are Humans for a reason. There is a burning building now he can't fly into the burning building and save whoever. Animal Teen, the GIRLS are gone! What you don't want me in the spotlight anymore. NOOOOO! He is all about being the center of attention. Ceige, would enjoy not having headaches and hearing peoples thoughts anymore. She would be normal for a change. Sonic Soldier, would go back to being a pilot for the Air Force. Since he is still in the Military. He is the liason officer between the USA and the GDF. White Knight, would begin to age as normal. At one point in time he knows he will have a son and pass his powers onto him. So he is expecting it.
  10. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Thats exactly how I feel. None of my characters are min/maxed. All my characters have a preconceived theme. I mean I have a FF/Energy with no little bubbles because it doesnt fit the character.
  11. Re: WWYCD: The Basics Manchine would do this. http://globaldefenseforce.com/comic5/PG11.jpg Animal Teen would communicate with the cat and tell it never to go that high again. Then bring it down. Specially if there was a cute girl watching. White Knight wouldn't care and just leave the cat. Ceige TK it down and make sure the cat was not tramatized. Give it some milk and stuff.
  12. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game So you don't talkt to people thats in the beta. :D
  13. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Of course you can still tell them if you want, without breaking the NDA. Anything more then that is breaking the NDA. I have no problem telling people that I am in it. I am not going to tell them about CoV beta. If someone says they are in Beta. I tell them to look me up my name is Machine Teen on the boards. Once I see they are really in CoV. I talk to them outside of CoV. I stay away from the City of Villains board on the City of Heroes Boards. I won't even go in there now.
  14. What would your character do if whatever made them a hero was gone. They lost their powers (Intelligence to make powers, gizmo's, magic). Would they be happy, sad, try and figure out what happened, or ask for help? What would your characters think and do if they became normal again? PS I hope no one has done this recently. I quickly did a search and didnt see anything.
  15. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Nope its Limited to 7pm to 9pm eastern time. 4pm and 6pm if your pacific time.
  16. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Say "hi" to me on the forums. My name there is MachineTeen.
  17. Re: Need some Clix! There are only a specific few I want from Icons. They happen to be all villains. I just like villains better. I liked Fantastic Forces Better but thats because I am more of a Marvel Fan. Although I do not like Xmen(other then some core characters), Wolverine, Onslaught, Carnage, Ghost Rider, and Cable. I consider mutant mayhem to of been the worst marvel set to date. Pretty much the only figures I wanted was the Uniques.
  18. Re: Need some Clix! I picked up some Icons finally. Got 3 boosters pulled 3 uniques. 2x Lex and 1 FLASH. Not bad. For klix its just to much power creep. I just got out of it because of the power creep. I have just about every Marvel Fig out there. I probable will pick up almost all of ARMOUR WARS. (Why cant they spell Armour right?)
  19. Manchine

    Worst Fear!

    Re: Worst Fear! Worst Fear. This makes the characters more HUMAN. Manchine, would be becoming blind. Manchine is techinacally me and thats my worst fear. Not being able to see. (I was blind for a short time.) Animal Teen, he is all about his youth and looks. So Growing old. Sonic Soldier, being hunted by the American Government. Earth Lord, to have his hero look down on him. White Knight, being a disappointment to his FATHER! Seige, not being able to control her powers and hearing everyones thoughts driving her insane!
  20. Re: WWYCD: Anti- 'Authority' Are you reading my comic. LOL I am using these same situations in my Webcomic LOL.
  21. Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!! So flying straight up in the air goes to the hole in the ground. Right? I think I got it. In other words my sensors would be going crazy and would be totally useless. :D
  22. Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!! This Shield. Unless this is just a planet? There got to be something keeping you in.
  23. Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!! How powerful is the shield also. Its made out of energy so Manchine could absorb it.
  24. Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!! Manchine, would scan him and see that he could take him without breaking a sweat. He knows what magical energy looks like and knows it can hurt him. If he has any magical weapons. Sonic Soldier, not sure of the situation would take off running and double back and watch him. Since he is super fast there is no way he would catch him. He would learn everything there is about his capturer and know enough that he will know he is being watched. So he will be ready for the "I got YOU". Animal Teen, the cocky person he is will jsut walk right up to him and knock him out. White Knight, who uses a magic sword and is possible one of the best fighters in the world. Would consider it a dishonor to run away. Will challange him to a one on one fight. Since he is immortal he doesnt have that much to worry about.
  25. Re: What Would Your Character's City Be Like? Manchine, who needs a small city when you have a moon. Animal Teen, Los Angels, something with a little bit of everything. As long as its got hot looking women and a fun night life. White Knight, an english castle with a Small town nearby. Sonic Soldier, any military base. Would stay away from DC and the polticians.
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