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Posts posted by Balabanto

  1. The problem comes when PC's come into the game with a vs. GM attitude. That's what causes things like OMCV sellback on characters with no mental powers. So what's the solution to this? Well, there's two. The first is, as GM, you don't allow this because of "normal-shaming." "Just think, your mind is less than that of the local Dilbert clone." Now, if your player doesn't care about this, he probably shouldn't be in your game in the first place.


    The second is creative use of the Alternate Combat Value advantage. This may be slightly mean, but there is nothing to prevent a GM from changing Alternate Combat Value to suit his needs.. So, bought your OMCV down to 0, did you? Well, my 10d6 Blast with Alternate Combat Value works on OCV vs. OMCV. I have an OCV of 6. Your OMCV is 0. Bought that down, did you? Well, against most people, this will be a 14-, so there will be a chance to miss with some range mods. Sadly, against you, even from 32m away, he needs a 13- to hit.  But for your local Dilbert clone he needs a 10. This is messing with the rules. I freely admit that. But jerky players require jerky solutions.

  2. In Southern California, you always see the sun...


    But even the sun can make monsters....


    For their dessicated brothers and sisters...


    For revenge...


    For every bowl of raisin bran....


    Grapes of Wrath II....Starring the California Raisins....


    This summer....


    Hear it through the grapevine...


    (Filmed in Panavision)

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