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Everything posted by RPMiller

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Squirrel Minion #34: Returning from covert op to intercept all PayPal donations to SS, and deposit in DT's account.
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Minion #30: Hijack tank from local Army depot and drive directly North. Minion #31: Hijack tank from local Army depot and drive directly South. Minion #32: Hijack tank from local Army depot and drive directly East. Minion #33: Hijack tank from local Army depot and drive directly West.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Minion #29: Go past GO and collect $200.
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Squirrel Minion #17-28: Go to local Fed Branch, and run through the building setting off the internal alarm system.
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That would have probably been me too.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hmmm... I can't seem to find all 14. I'll have to count more carefully I think.
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Nevermind, make it 13.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hehe, I hadn't thought of that, change mine to 15 faces.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Man, I'm gone for two days and look what I've missed! Let's see... I count... 13? Hmm... Sort of lost count there, but I think that's it. This is actually a bit strange, but I've always seen faces where there were none. Bushes, rocks, carpet you name it. I think it stems from an early childhood incident where my uncle scared the bejibbies out of me with a scary mask. I'm scarred for life.
  10. Re: Superhero Images Oooooo! Ahhhhhh! Very cool! Would you have a colorized version?
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Squirrel Minion #2: Call every pizza joint and have them deliver pizza to the next nearest pizza joint! (I'm bored too)
  12. Re: Tuesday, September 28th, 2004 Yes, yes he did. In the first 50 issues or so, the series literally dripped red, white and blue. He was definitely a reflection of Stan Lee (as he has said in many interviews), and you could see it in his many "non-super plotlines".
  13. Re: Another Take on the Animated Justice League I may be mistaken, but I seem to remember a group of GLs fighting an army that was using yellow energy weapons and shields on the cartoon. Maybe it was a season finale or something, but I could have sworn they made it obvious about the yellow thing.
  14. Re: Tuesday, September 28th, 2004 I'm not at home to reference my Ironman collection, but lets see if I can remember some of the old ones... Hawkeye... (yup, started off as an enemy) Grog (Not sure of the name. He was a giant alien robot disguised as a neanderthal) EDIT: I think his name was Gigantor. The Doll Maker/Master (vodoo like powers with clay dolls) He faught his old armor on several occasions when it got stolen (probably doesn't count) The Pharoah (in a time travel issue) Black Widow (The Russian spy and Hawkeye's seducer that convinced him to be bad) Col. Kremlin??? (Again not sure of the name, I believe he donned the Crimson Dynamo armor at one point) I can't remember her name... (She was the empress of the deep sea civilization that was eternally youthful except when they came to the surface...) The ones you mentioned above... The various Avengers' enemies. That's all I've got for now. EDIT: I remembered another one, but can't recall his name right now. He could enter people's dreams, I think he was Russian, anyway he made Ironman fight all his enemies. Oh yea! I remembered more: The Unicorn The Melter The villain Iceman (or was it Blizzard?) He wasn't a mutant he had a freeze pack.
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER You have some rep coming your way when I can it to you again just because you made me laugh so hard.
  16. Re: Another Take on the Animated Justice League Rep coming your way! Excellent work!
  17. New thread idea I've been following some discussions recently on a completely unrelated board to this one, and I was thinking of starting a new thread, but perhaps I should do it here to promote the growth. It is on the topic of using the originating language of a sport when doing that sport. For example, use all the French terms when teaching, learning, or participating in fencing, or the appropriate Asian language for a given martial art. I have quite a few thoughts on the subject if you all would be interested in discussing it. Any interest here, or should I take it to a different thread?
  18. Re: Hero A Day...Sorta... Ok here is the updated Hero A Day Index.As always please take a look, and let me know if anything is out of place or missing. There have been quite a few solo heroes and villains lately so those lists have grown.
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I strongly believe in levity at work. There really isn't anything wrong with having fun at work as long as the work gets done, and better yet if you can make the work the fun then major kudos! There is a really great video called Fish! that you have to see. I saw it in my business class, but I understand that it can be found elsewhere. It is about a Fish company in Seattle I believe, and they are a really great example of making the work place fun.
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The are really great to use as wallpaper on your computer at work because the boss sees the familiar layout, and smiles at your desire to be motivated and you get to smile right back.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER and the last of what I have...
  22. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER and still more...
  23. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER and if you are feeling down enough yet...
  24. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER and some more...
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