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Everything posted by RPMiller

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, since the last one worked up a frenzy of discussion I'll post another of her, but from a different angle.
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well I happened across this and thought I would share. Her name is Adriana Sklenarikova.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER John Holmes, famous porn star of "large attribute" fame died a while ago. The guy who placed the bid is using Holmes_4000 as a handle so... it's either John or Sherlock, and I would suspect the former.
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Did you see who the only bid was from?
  5. Re: Supervillain Images Does anyone have a cyborg type character that they would like sprussed up with a little PhotoShopping? I would like to try out some techniques for wires and other electrical components, but alas I have not mastered the human form well enough to draw my. If so, please post one. It doesn't have to actually have the components drawn in, just tell me what you are looking for. Circuit boards, wires from chest to arm, etc and I'll give it a try.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER And thank you very much!
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Umm... no , but I do have these that I *can* post .
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Because today is my birthday and I'm in a good mood, and also because this thread is about to go to thee second page I present to you... Jennifer Connelly
  9. Re: Supervillain Images No. Just kidding. I don't know that it is a "secret", but it was certainly new to me. You more PS savvy folks will probably say "Sheesh, I've known that forever." Here it is: As you probably know holding ALT, SHIFT, and/or CTRL allows you to do various "non-standard" things. Well, it turns out that if you are using paintbrush or eraser that you can click once in the drawing and then while holding down SHIFT you can click again, and it draws a straight line from the first point to the second at the width of the current brush. How cool is that? Anyway, as I said, I'm still learning PS, and I had never seen that in any tutorials are docs that I've read so far so it was a cool surprise. Class dismissed.
  10. Re: Supervillain Images Well, thanks for all the great suggestions and links! I used everything as you can see. I redid the coloration of the costume so let me know if you prefer it over the previous. I also took some artistic license on some things that hopefully work with the character writeup. As I mentioned before the artwork is not my own, but all the coloring and texturing is. Let me know what you think. Oh one last thing, I discovered a PS secret as I was working on this character which made coloring the shafts of the arrows incredibly precise. That discovery alone was worth all the time and effort that I put in.
  11. Re: Supervillain Images Thanks! I can definitely use those. They helped immensely!
  12. Re: Supervillain Images I'm currently working on an old favorite of mine - Rainbow Archer. It is a scanned image from the Classic Enemies book so I can't take any credit for the artwork, but the coloring is all mine. The image turned really grainy do to the size and resolution decrease. The image I'm working on 600 ppi and huge. It is about a 25 meg file. I'm having a tough time trying to figure out what color to color the bow, arrow, and quiver. What do you all think they should be?
  13. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. But if her enemies are basically the world that would mean that her power must be... infinite.
  14. Re: Superhero Images Is that because he can destroy a city block in under a minute? Most excellent pic! I wish I could even approach that level of skill.
  15. Re: Superhero Images So then posting both pictures, with and without backgrounds is good? One for printing and one for looking at. I'll continue to post two versions when I post. I'm even considering trying my hand at drawing a whole picture instead of just coloring, but I'm afraid I'm not very artistic. I'll try some sketches, and see if I can make something resembling a person.
  16. Re: Superhero Images :hehe: I more statuesque version of Molly. There is a resemblance though.
  17. Re: Superhero Images I agree that you achieved your goal of drawing the eye to the face. I probably would have added more detail to the lower body to blend the overall figure, or softened the upper features a little more. I think the hair and face "pop" out a little too much.
  18. Re: Superhero Images Alrighty, here it is let me know what you think.
  19. Re: Superhero Images Now I'm playing with a few ideas. It's getting late so I'm going to call it a night. Let me know what you think about the direction.
  20. Re: Superhero Images Here is my first step.
  21. Re: Superhero Images I'll start on her shortly.
  22. Re: Superhero Images Ok. Fixed the hair color. Is red better?
  23. Re: Superhero Images Ah, oh. I must have glossed over SS's desciption. Her hair is supposed to be red or black... I'll make an edit of it this weekend sometime and make her hair red. It should only take a couple minutes, but my weekend is booked solid. Mags, I'm looking forward to doing another one. That was a lot of fun. I was able to learn a couple new techniques. Thanks!
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