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Everything posted by Tornado

  1. Prime: Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 58* STR -2 22- Lift 51200 kg; 11 1/2d6 HTH Damage 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 13 CON 6 13- 14 BODY 8 12- 30 INT 20 15- PER Roll 15- 14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 2d6 8 COM -1 11- 3 PD 1 Total: 23 PD (20 rPD) 2 ED 0 Total: 22 ED (20 rED) 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 6 REC 2 40 END 2 28 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 91 *: See Power Arms in Powers and Skills for the 60 extra points Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers & Skills 5 Long Arms: Stretching 1â€, 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), Only - For Arms (-1/2), Always On (-1/2) 29 Power Arms: +50 STR, Restrainable (-1/4), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 6 END 6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+1/4) 48 Body Armor: 20 rPD, 20 rED, OIHD (-1/4) 8 LS: No Breathing, OIHID (-1/4) 3 Night Vision, OIHID (-1/4) 42 Multipower - Combat Glove Moves - Restrainable (-1/4) 4u a) Sweeping Claw: 1d6 HKA, AoE: Three Hexes In Front Of The Hero (+3/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Double Knockback (+3/4) (45 AP), Restrainable (-1/4) 36 RP, 4 END 4u Hurl Objects*: 9d6 EB, 1/2 END (+1/4), Restrainable (-1/4), Range Based On Str (-1/4) 37 RP, 4 END 4u c) Closed Fist: +12d6 HA, 1/2 END (+1/4), Restrainable (-1/4), HA (-1/2), 42 RP, 3 END 3u d) Iron Grip: Entangle 3d6 BODY, 3 DEF, 1/2 END (+1/4), Continuous (+1), Restrainable (-1/4), No Range (-1/2), Can Only Entangle Two At A Time (-1/2), 30 RP, 2 END 1u e) Wall Stab: Clinging 68 STR, Restrainable, 8 RP 3u f) Shockwave: EB 4d6, Explosion; Cone (+1/2), 1/2 END (+1/4), Double Knockback (+3/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Restrainable (-1/4), Does Not Work On Concrete or Asphalt Or Similarly Hard Surfaces (-1/2) 34 RP, 3 END 27 *Hurl Weird Objects: Variable Advantages on Hurl Objects; Up to +3/4 (67 AP), Limited Group: Advantages Must Be Based on Shape and Size of Objects (-1), Restrainable (-1/4), Range Based On Str (-1/4), +6 END 14 Low Radioactive Levels: 1/2d6 Major Transform (Heals By Surgery), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), Cumulative: Up to 48 (+1 1/2), Improved Results Group: Mutated Form of Target (+1/4), Partial Transform (+1/2), AoE: 6†Radius (+1), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Always On (-1/2), No Conscious Control On Result (-1), Extra Time: Turn (-1 1/4), Activation 14- (-1/4) 2 Personal Immunity (+1/4) on Low Radioactivity: OIHID (-1/4) 3 Knowledge Skills: 2 Point VPP, No Skill Roll (+1), Only for Knowledge Skills (-1 1/2)** 31 Gadgets: 20 Point VPP, No Skill Roll (+1), Only Technology (-1/4), Focus (-1/2) 233 Powers Cost Skills 0 AK: Wherever He Is 8- 0 Climbing 8- 0 Concealment 8- 0 Conversation 8- 0 Deduction 8- 3 Demolitions 15- 3 Electronics 15- 3 Inventor 15- 0 Language: English 3 Mechanics 15- 3 Paramedic 15- 2 PS: Scientist 15- 0 Shadowing 8- 0 Stealth 8- 17 Total Skills Cost 259 Total Powers & Skills Cost 350 Total Character Cost 250+ Disadvantages 10 Distinctive Features: Monkey (Concealable, Noticeable) 15 Physical Limitation: Radioactive Armor (Frequently, Greatly) 15 Physical Limitation: Emotionally Retarded (Infrequently, Fully) 15 Physical Limitation: Unable To Speak Without Voicoder of Suit (Infrequently, Fully) 15 Psychological Limitation: Compulsive Tinker (Common, Strong) 10 Social Limitation: Monkey (11-, Minor) 20 Susceptibility: Dispel, Suppress or Drain to Combat Glove Moves or Power Glove Bonus STR (Common, Effect Is Instant, 3d6 Drain to Running and DEX) Experience 350 Total Disadvantage Points **: This is a very evil power build, and as such you may not want to use it. If you don’t, just slap some bonus points on him and give him a bunch of different KSes. Background/History: Prime was originally born as a mutant, hyperintelligent monkey. He began to study humans and their activities, since he could not relate to his fellow monkeys. Although he had a difficult time relating to most humans (he was that smart), he found a peer group existed amongst the scientific elite. He tried to copy human behaviors and succeeded quite well. Once he felt he had a good enough grasp of human society down, he attempted to gain a Voicoder in order to talk. He eventually succeeded after a series of wacky misadventures. He became a point used to prove evolution did happen. He eventually began to perform his own expirements in various scientific forms. One of them, involving prosthetic limbs, went horribly awry and a pair of gigantic metallic arms became bonded to his arms, destroying his internal arm structure, and could not be removed. He now fights crime using them. Personality/Motivation: Prime is not a human. This is important to note. He will not act in ways a human, highly intelligent or not, would, and he definitely will not act with the same maturity as an ordinary fully grown adult. He’ll act like a small child in some ways, with a lack of proper understanding of various human concepts, like the idiosyncrasies of human morality. Prime is motivated by a desire to understand human society and psychology, and if an opportunity presented itself to gain it that was simpler or easier or would result in better understanding than crimefighting, Prime would take it. Prime is also a compulsive tinker. He will fiddle with and take apart any switch or lever he is not familiar with until he is satisfied in his understanding of the how and why of it’s design. Quote: “What, so I can’t just urinate anywhere I want to?†Powers/Tactics: Prime has a few different powers at his disposal. First of all, he has the obvious giant arms of crushing death, which can be used to knock an enemy unconscious in a wide variety of ways. These arms supply other valuable combat functions, such as super strength, enhanced reach, and the ability to easily climb. Secondly, he is highly intelligent. He also has a wide variety of gadgets on him at any one time, so that he can quickly react to danger in a quick and responsive manner. Appearance: Since Prime does occasionally work with radioactivity, he is rarely seen without his outfit, which is there to shield him from the radioactivity that his Power Arms gain during such work. This radioactivity is latent and generally not too powerful, but when it comes around it’s very nasty to be exposed to for a long period of time. When seen without his outfit, Prime looks like a monkey with giant robotic arms. The arms are generally marked with a fairly large radiation warning. (Prime created by Elijah Davis, character sheet created by Elijah Davis)
  2. Re: Help designing a nasty Zombie Transform: Dead to Living You can't do this. It is illegal. If you transform a chair into a frog, it will be a frog, but a dead frog.
  3. Re: I think I broke Hero System. Can you do that? I thought that you couldn't apply the Cumulative advantage to Aid. Are you doing something else I'm missing, or what?
  4. Re: I think I broke Hero System. Okay, I got it. Only this time, for real! Summon: 15 Point Character: Molecular Anomoly (3 points) Molecular Anomaly: 2d6 Aid, Summon and Other Power, Simultaneously (+1/2), Some -1 Limitation (-1), Standard Effect (-0). Real Cost: 15 Adds 6 Points to the summon, which adds 4d6, which adds 12 points to the summon, which adds 8d6, which adds 24 points to the summon, which adds 16d6, which adds 48 points to the summon, which adds 32d6, which adds 96 points to the summon, etc.
  5. Re: I think I broke Hero System. I think you need to explain this further. I am unclear exactly what you mean. Do you mean that one divides by the roll by (1+Advantages)? Do you mean that you just skip past the limitations to determine value per d6? I'm not clear on this, and consulting my book does not really help.
  6. After an awful lot of work, I created a device that can add 3960 points to a power per day. That's 792d6 for an energy blast per day; 264d6 for an KA per day; 1980" of a movement power; 1980 PD/1980 ED of a defense power, etc. I realize that I will never get a chance to use this ability, because no GM on earth would allow you to take this power. However, I still made it, mostly for fun, and I wanted to check with you guys to see if I did everything right. Here it is, along with a calculation of it's amount of aid: Oroboros Power Supply: 1d6 Aid Other Power (+3 Points), Aid (+1d6), Simultaneously (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Decreased Return Rate: 5 Minute (+1/2) (AP: 30), OIF Bulky (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn; -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Set Effect (-0), Conditional Power: Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4), Activation 10- (-1 1/4), Independent (-2), Does Not Work In Darkness (-1/2), Does Not Work Half Of A Twenty-Four Hour Period (-1), Takes One Day To Initiate (-2): Real Cost: 3 5400 growth during functional period (5 [times to get it/minute] * 60 [minutes/hour] * 12 [hours/twelve hour period])/2 [50% chance to get it] -1440 slow reduction (5 [amount lost/period] * 12 [number of periods/hour] * 24 [number of hours/twenty four hour period]) 3960 points gained per twenty four hours activated
  7. Re: Transfer Electricity? No, for the above reason.
  8. Re: Pregnancy Maybe it's a monotreme? They give birth to eggs, but are warm blooded and breast feed their babies.
  9. Re: How Visible Is Fusion Booster Exhaust? I don't really see how a big, giant, free AoE attack that deals heavy damage is a "Side Effect". If we assume, for a second, that the attack deals no damage, then it's just a SFX. Sometimes the jet will be useful (being distinct and enabling identification, sending signals), and sometimes it won't (the enemy spotting you). I believe that that exact sort of case was referenced in at least one edition of the rules. I've lost the copy of the edition I believe that example was in. I'm not even sure what edition it was. Does anyone else remember that? Any attack caused by it would be a Linked RKA, with a few advantages and disadvantages to make it distinct. I'd call it: Xd6 RKA, 1 Fuel Charge (1,000 phases [66,7 minutes]; -0), Continuous (+1), AoE: Any Shape (+1) Linked to Flight (-1/2), Shape Based On Flight Patterns (-1/2) 22.5 Points/d6
  10. Re: The voice in my head Mental Illusions if the effect is they see weird stuff. Mind Control if the effect is they do weird stuff.
  11. Re: Ironpaw: Modeling and Practical Concerns This pirate has one eye, a pegleg, and a hook for a hand. Some guy asks him how he got the pegleg. And he goes on with this story of an epic fight with a barracuda, and the guy's like, "wow". Then the guy asks how he got the hook. And the pirate tells him about this duel with another pirate, and the guy's like, "wow". Then the guy asks asks how he lost his eye, so the pirate says "A seagull shat in it." So the guy goes, "but wouldn't you still be able to see?" And the pirate says "Yeah, but when I went to wipe away the poo, I forgot I had a hook for a hand." As to the character, living with that would probably be something he'd adapt to. Maybe he'd use wooden spoons and forks and such, and then stab them with his knives, and furthermore manipulate them. As to wiping his bottom... well, I doubt he did that much. Pulling down his pants to go to the bathroom is probably possible. Maybe hooks on the sides of his pants that he could grab? I don't know. He'd probably have someone do a lot of things for him, though.
  12. Re: Bodyjacking If I was making a character this way, I'd probably model it based off of Multiform, with the alternate form an AI (or a permanently desolid, invisible character with Clinging) with the Mind Control power (and possibly Telepathy and/or Transfer and/or Variable Power Pool). Doesn't seem like the power really needs to make a new one. Just mess with the Mind Control memory level to choose how he remembers what happens, and utilize telepathy, transfer and VPP to steal skills and memories. If there's the body still... hmmm... a bit harder, but you might just add in duplication (perhaps as a side effect?) with feedback, with the duplicate having 0", 0 DEX, etc, and just sit there.
  13. Re: "And I'll form... the head!" Duplication, powers with "Only when X has recombined". Duplicates works quite well whenever you want the people to combine, disappear, etc.
  14. Mary Mallon (AKA “Typhoid Maryâ€): Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 12 STR 2 11- Lift 120 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage 10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 10 CON 0 11- 10 BODY 0 11- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 10 COM 0 11- 2 PD 0 Total: PD ( rPD) 2 ED 0 Total: ED ( rED) 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 4 REC 0 20 END 0 20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 0 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers & Skills END 5 Typhoid Carrier: 1d6 Transform: Healthy Human to Typhoid Victim, Cumulative 0 (up to 96; +1 1/4), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (16 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Target Must Ingest Food of Mary’s Or Otherwise Be Infected (-1), Limited Target Group: Human (-1/2) [Notes: Recovers like any normal disease; proper treatment, careful medical care and so forth] 1 Immunity: Typhoid Fever 6 Total Powers Cost Skills 2 AK: New York 11- 1 AK: Ireland 8- 0 Climbing 8- 0 Concealment 8- 0 Conversation 8- 0 Deduction 8- 0 Language (Irish) 4 Language (English; fluent) 6 PS: Cooking 15- 0 Shadowing 8- 3 Stealth 11- 0 TF: Horses 14 Total Skills Cost 20 Total Powers & Skills Cost 20 Total Character Cost 0+ Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Typhoid Carrier (Common, Greatly) 0 Psychological Limitation: Easily Provoked (Common, Total) 0 Experience 20 Total Disadvantage Points Background/History: See Wikipedia Personality/Motivation: Typhoid Mary is not a terrible person; she is simply easily provoked and oblivious to her condition. She is more of a victim than a villian, and really could not believe she was responsible for Typhoid fever infections. Powers/Tactics: Typhoid Mary is completely oblivious to her condition. She refuses to believe that she is infected; she showed no symptoms of the disease and never seemed to contract it herself, so she does not believe she is responsible. Over the course of her career, fourty seven cases of Typhoid Fever were accounted to her and, of those, only three deaths. Designer's Notes: Typhoid Mary may not be entirely appropriate to a typical fantasy campaign. She is incredibly low powered and is a historical figure which may not fit in to the campaign setting. However, the carrier power build is applicable to any character. Typhoid Mary is a very simple adventure seed and can last a while if played with ingenuity. She may not be brilliant mind, but until her first quarantine she was an unknown, and even afterwards she was not distinctive; she worked as a cook again, infecting more people. (character sheet based off historical accounts of Mary Mallon and created by Elijah Davis)
  15. Re: What's up with Charges? Ah, now I see. That makes sense.
  16. So the reason Charges can be advantages is because they, by nature, cost 0 END. That makes sense. So why is it that Charges can cost more than simply purchasing No Endurance? For example, suppose my character has a machine gun that can fire 100 shots. This is a +3/4 advantage, and my character could be more effective by purchasing No Endurance for fewer points. It's always bugged me, especially when attempting to simulate weapons with lots of ammunition. You end up either wasting points or failing to simulate the weapon properly.
  17. Re: Naked Advantages in frameworks... Except, naked advantages can also have limitations on themselves, and not the power in general.
  18. I'm working on creating a monster that can take human form in order to get amongst it's targets. Now, since the monster's natural form has certain advantages (increased running and strength as well as claws), I've been writing it up with the OIHID limitation, since it seemed to fit. However, rereading the limitation, it seems to be an illegitimate use. Since the Shapeshift is defined as taking the form of a human, a Drain, Dispel or Supress won't get rid of the other powers. Furthermore, for the same reason, there's no good combat way to keep it stuck in human form. However, the monster would not be thinking straight if it took it's natural form all willy nilly. On the other hand, the PCs would probably know it was a monster at that point. So I inquire, would you say that the limitation is worth a -1/4 or is it just a simple -0 special effect in this case?
  19. Re: Why is Strength so underpriced? I did. But it brought up 853 results, and a scan of the first few pages showed me absolutely nothing.
  20. Let's say you buy ten points of Strength. This costs ten points and grants you +2d6 HTH. In addition to this you get... Two points of Physical Defense (worth two points), two points of Recovery (worth four points) and five points of Stun (worth five points). Hmm, something doesn't quite work here. Two plus four plus five equals... Eleven. Interesting, isn't it? So the total cost of enhancing your Strength with the effective equavilent of No Figured Characteristics is a negative number. Thus you can actually get points for inceasing your Strength in this fashion. Why is this?
  21. Re: It Costs Too Much! Continuous is just silly. It makes the power a Constant power, but costs the same amount as making the power Persistent.
  22. Re: Halo Hero Personally, Entangle looks to me to be a lot better for MC's shields than Force Shield. Sure, Entangles are suppose to be an attack power, but they have BODY, which means they can regenerate in a fashion more appropriate to Master Chief. Energy Shields: Entangle, 4d6 BODY, 6 rPD, 2 rED (averages out to 4 DEF), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (80 Active Points), Standard Effect (-0), Entangle Does Not Restrict Movement Or Defense (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Extra Time: Full Turn (-1 1/4) Real Cost: 21 It makes the Shields regenerate every Turn, have hit points and be particularly good at defending against bullets but not plasma.
  23. Death Spirit: Val CHA Cost Roll Notes -30 STR -40 3- Lift 0 kg; 0d6 HTH Damage 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 12 CON 2 11- 16 BODY 0 11- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 3 PRE -7 10- PRE Attack: 1/2d6 (5d6 for Fear) 0 COM -5 9- 0 PD 0 Total: 0 PD (0 rPD) 3 ED 1 Total: 13 ED (10 rED) 3 SPD 6 Phases: 6, 12 4 REC 8 27 END 1 14 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 2 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Leap: 0â€/0†Cost Powers & Skills 50 Otherworldly: Life Support, Total 15 Otherworldly Resilience: Armor 10 ED 11 Ghastly Form: PRE +22, Only For Fear Based PRE Attacks (-1) 60 No Physical Form: Desolidification (affected by magic), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4) (90 Active Points), Always On (-1/2) 12 Devour Life Force: RKA 1 pip, AoE: Radius (+1), Penetrating (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Affects Physical World (+2), NND (Power Defense or not being alive; +1), (35 Active Points), Can’t Turn Off (-1/2), Extra Time: Turn (-1 1/4) 21 Devour Life Force: Healing: 2 BODY, Standard Effect (-0), 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Affects Physical World (+2), (90 Active Points), Only Up To Total Taken By RKA (-1), Extra Time: Turn (-1 1/4), Linked (-1/2; Larger, Only At Full Power), Self Only (-1/2) 40 Invisible Ordinarily: All Normal Sense Groups (Sight, Smell/Taste, Hearing, Radio), 0 END (+1/2), Doesn’t Work On Children And The Sick (-1/2) 209 Total Powers Cost Perks Talents Skills 6 AK: Home City 16- 0 Climbing 8- 0 Concealment 8- 0 Conversation 8- 0 Deduction 8- 0 Language (native) 0 Paramedic 8- -1 Bought Off: Professional Skill; No Occupation 0 Shadowing 8- 3 Stealth 12- -1 Bought Off: Transport Familiarity; Relies On Self 7 Total Skills Cost 216 Total Powers & Skills Cost 218 Total Character Cost 75+ Disadvantages 15 Distinctive Features: Appears Mauled and Hideous (Easily Concealable, Extreme Reaction) 20 Susceptibility: Existing, Always, 2d6 Killing/Hour 15 Psychological Limitation: Desires Human Life Force Above All Else (Common, Strong 93 The GM Hates You Bonus 218 Total Disadvantage Points Ecology: Death Spirits are created by multiple violent (and typically related) deaths in the same area. The sheer level of psychological torment and pain associated with it leads to the effective construction of a golem through human thoughts and mental constructs. They require not only the pain of the victim, but the people who loved them and cared about them. As such, if nobody cared about them, or the people who cared about them were far away or didn't know, it doesn't work. Personality/Motivation: Death Spirits are, in a way, a tragic tale. They came into the world with a need to consume that far outreaches their environment's ability to supply. However, despite the poetry of the situation, Death Spirits are vicious little devils. They get a sort of high from consuming humans that they don’t get from consuming animals and plants, and are practically addicted to it (though only mentally). Though the desire is irrational and against reason oftentimes, they will pretty much only feed on humans, consuming plants and animals only in order to survive when they burn out their native area. Powers/Tactics: Death Spirits generally simply feed on normal humans invisibly. This simple, easy method is very sufficient; until sickness and children come into play. Kids are generally the first target of Death Spirits for this very reason. When Death Spirits are forced to fight with those who can detect them (such as those with extrasensory powers or the diseased), they simply try to dodge as much as they can and slowly drain and kill it's foe. Appearance: Death Spirits look hideous and disgusting. Just imagine the ugliest zombie-beastie you’ve ever seen in a movie, throw in a little transparency and you’ve got a Death Spirit. Designer's Notes: I initially considered the Dependence disadvantage instead of Susceptibility, but that didn’t really pan out. Firstly, Dependences can only do STUN damage until the person is knocked out. There are no rules in play for anything else (except minuses to characteristics and skills). Secondly, Susceptability better models the requirement, since a Dependence with such a need would be Very Common and thus worth few points despite the obvious consequences. Instead, the Death Spirit requires sucking out an average of three hit points per hour to survive. (Death Spirit and write up created by Elijah Davis, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook) This is one of the first Hero characters I've made in a while and I don't have Revised, so if there's anything I'm missing, or messing up, or forgetting, tell me.
  24. Re: Character Building Challange Wait, so is it the core character or the "possessed" ones who are in control of the new body? Reading it, I thought it was the core character, but the other powers suggest it the other way around. First thing I thought reading it over was duplication, since it's a select group. So I built it as such. Merging: Duplication: x Number of y-point duplicates. Altered Duplicates: All Character Points Differ (+1), Must have at least y characters total [ala Cannot Recombine, but allows one to recombine with the "main" character] (-0) Powers: Multipower Pool: z points All Powers Bought With "Only While Such And Such Is Recombined (-1/2)" EDIT: Whoops, missed UBO in the Desolidification.
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