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Posts posted by pbemguy

  1. 17 minutes ago, Duke Bushido said:


    I don't know if it makes a difference to Henry's player or not, but the Russian version is designed to be thrown.


    You an stick it a couple of inches deep in an oak tree from twelve feet away.




    That I'd expect you to pay points for, LOL.



    Here is a first draft of equipment sent to me by Henry's player:



    Free - Backpack (or do I seriously have to say Extra Limb, Focus, only for carrying extra things on my back)


    Free - Mechanics tools (portable set includes omni-wrench, omni-screwdriver, pliers/wire cutters, strong tape, spool of wire, etc.)


    Free w/Climbing skill? - 30 meters nylon rope


    9 - Collapsible trenching tool, made from a strong alloy (1d6 HKA [2d6 w/Str]; like a hand axe/hatchet but can't be thrown, but can be used for digging, e.g. burying scuba gear [I'm not going to get too crunchy figuring out the specs of Tunnelling, extra time, focused--some Hero System books went nuts with that, the Star Hero equipment list includes a towel, a f'ing towel, and defines it as a Transformation attack, wet object to dry object] but basically it's a spade])


    1 - Camera & sound recorder watch (Eidetic Memory, Focused, only for up to 20 still images and 30 min of recording)


    8 - DuraReady military grade flashlight (2d6N [7d6N w/Str]; like a stick, plus 3 hex cone Change Environment, light, batteries last 5 hours)


    2 - 4 sodium magnesium flares (2" radius Change Environment, light and can start fires, 4 charges, 5 minutes each)


    19 - M-16 assault rifle (+1 OCV, +1 range mod, 2d6 RKA, +1 Stun mult, 5 rnd Autofire, 30 rnds)


    4 - Extra clip (30 rnds [is that a fair cost, I just guestimated])


    7 - 9 mm Browning Hi-Power (1d6+1 RKA, 20 rnds)


    Clothing: Combat boots, camo pants, taupe t-shirt


    Free Scuba gear, I hope?  Free waterproof container to haul all the gear and weapons, with built-in buoyancy regulator?


    GM note: I told him that the flashlight is free, the flares are free, the scuba gear is free, the spade is free (the collapsible trenching tool), but that he has to pay for the wrist cam because it is 1981 and that it definitely qualifies as spy equipment. So he still has 19 points to spend!

  3. 2 minutes ago, pbemguy said:


    By confession I mean arrogant confession: "I totally fooled you all, so ready to believe your paragon had fallen, so quickly duped." Or the Wonder Woman rope trick would work too.


    By "Wonder Woman rope trick" it could be sodium thiopental.

  4. 2 minutes ago, pbemguy said:



    A confession from the villain?

    The materials/equipment used by the impersonator seized?



    He doesn't clear his name, and has to start over with a new Hero ID?


    By confession I mean arrogant confession: "I totally fooled you all, so ready to believe your paragon had fallen, so quickly duped." Or the Wonder Woman rope trick would work too.


    3 minutes ago, Dr. MID-Nite said:

    Ok..here's the scenario...a villain is going to impersonate a hero and frame him for some crimes. He can imitate someone to the cellular level. My snag is I need some feasible way for the hero to exonerate himself. As he's a teleporter, saying he wasn't there at the time won't work as the counter argument is he can port to another spot instantly. I want some tension, but I do want the hero to be able to clear his name in the end. Ideas?


    A confession from the villain?

    The materials/equipment used by the impersonator seized?



    He doesn't clear his name, and has to start over with a new Hero ID?

  6. 58 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

    It's always debatable, but Green Lantern...?  The power ring's not a focus, it's SFX.  Makes a sizable difference in the costing if you take that out...well over 100 points.  You also assigned a -2 to the yellow vulnerability?  -1/4, maybe -1/2.  Yeah, it does nothing against something yellow, but that doesn't represent a near-complete loss of functionality *generally*...which is what the limitation represents.


    But you did do a nice job in showing how crazy-broad the ring is...all the utility powers.

     I think the ring is a focus, yeah!


    Also, the reason yellow is -2 is because SO MANY PEOPLE KNOW. That's why Batman paints Robin yellow and locks Hal in a room with him to demonstrate that the kid is going to be okay.


    Also, everyone please give fdw3773 some love: Hit that button and give the man (or woman) some REP!!

  7. For fun I have been trying to find a song for a game I am setting up. It's a Top Secret module using Hero 3-6 (you can make your character in any of those editions).


    Anyway, I want a song that sounds like a James Bond song, but was never used as a James Bond song. *AND* it has to be from 1980-1981 because that it is setting of the campaign.


    The song, in my opinion, needs a strong, epic opening, a spectral/ethereal vibe, and...well whatever makes a song sound like the opening of a Bond flick with the silhouetted girls etc.


    The closest I got so far was:



  8. 1 hour ago, Brian Stanfield said:

    So no Normal Characteristic Maxima?


    Yes, there is a characteristics maxima, but you don't get the 20 points for it.

    The first character bought 25 STR and it cost double for the 5 points above 20.


    Oops, Duke caught that! I noticed just before I hit "Submit Reply".

  9. Mission brief (attached PDF)


    This is the file for the players to begin the game.


    Note that the setting is 1981.


    You can be from any spy agency in the world, or something else if you clear it with me. This is a joint international task force to deal with the situation.


  10. 5 minutes ago, Brian Stanfield said:

    It seems to me that the edition used will make a difference on the points expended. I'm a full-blown 6e guy, but I get the feeling you're a 4e fan, correct? Is it better to use those rules?


    I *am* indeed a 4e fan, but my PBEM runs in 5e. Either one of those I am extremely comfortable with. Still, I have played 6e campaigns, and I have the books.


    2 hours ago, Brian Stanfield said:

    What kind of characters are you looking for? Super-spies, mercenaries, private eyes? I know nothing about Top Secret so I can't get a feel for what's expected. 

    Looking for James Bond types, but a merc would work for this, or a Special Forces soldier.


    The setting for this game is 1981. For Your Eyes Only is the perfect reference if you're unsure. Plus Carole Bouquet!


    I'm going to make it 50 points of characteristics/skills, 50 points of guns & gadgets, and 50 points of disadvantages, having had a back-and-forth with the first player.

  12. Very short term. Truth be told, I'm simultaneously trying to attract people to the format (PBEM) for my Superhero campaign.


    But the Top Secret game will be about 3 weeks, I imagine. I do already have one player interested, and he has submitted a character sheet.


    Actually, I'll ask if I can post it here, for insipration!

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