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Posts posted by Amorkca



    Along similar lines, in hindsight I kinda wish I'd been more restrictive about the use of magical Healing. Harder to keep things gritty when the Priest heals everybody's wounds as soon as the battle is over. But the idea was to use Biblical miracles as the basis, and particularly in the NT 90% of them were some form of healing.




    To be fair, the disciples who followed Christ saw lots of miracles that He performed, but the general public did not see them.


    Hence the PC's are the disciples seeing the miracles and being part of history...  Just a different view for you

  2. For me, it's not a nostalgia thing. Rather it's a "We have this, let's use it" thing. Games like Danger International and Justice Inc were fun, sure. But why not use them and expand on them? DI could be the agency that the espionage/military game is built around for example.


    Another thing that we need, I believe, is a new Adventurer's Club magazine. Whether print or an e-zine, a well-done magazine that could publish new characters, adventures and even reviews would be pretty handy. 


    Have you looked at the Digital Hero stuff in the store?  Its older (5e) but its got lots of things there...

  3. I believe the major difference between the two forms is to allow a character the ability to fly or run from one side of the continent to the other in milliseconds, allowing them to get to the scene of the crime as its in progress.  Your at HQ when the Central Bank alarm is tripped and you need to get there in time to stop the crooks from stealing all the Halloween Candy!!  But your 12 m of running won't do it, and taking the Studebaker* is cumbersome...


    Combat speed is for when your at the end of the block and you want to save Aunt May from the car that Juggernaut just threw at your partner who merely side stepped it.





    * Cool car your gramps used to own...

  4. Didn't Vindicator from Alpha Flight comics have this ability as a "get out of jail" free card? Or rather a get away from the other X-Men escape plan?



    He would hold his position in space while the world kept revolving?


    and I'd go with "3 meters, Megascale 1 m - 10,000 km bakes 30,000 km, more than enough under either interpretation, and it only costs 9 points."

  5. I too was curious about the speed chart and as far back as 1987, the speed 1 character moved on segment 7.


    In all honesty I've been playing Champions for... Decades.. (Imagine that) and have never had a speed 1 character...


    So I would house rule that should such a creature exist it would get to move on Segment 12 as "Combat Begins" and then move to Segment 7 as that comes up... Presuming their still conscious/alive at that point.

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