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Everything posted by Ternaugh

  1. For Christmas in 1975 I received a record player, a bunch of 45's of novelty recordings, and two actual albums, Flatt & Scruggs Greatest Hits and Ella Fitzgerald/Nat King Cole Christmas. This was one of the 45's, which I don't believe I've ever heard in stereo until now.
  2. "The Battle of Yavin" by John Williams, from the Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition soundtrack.
  3. The scammers waited until 9:59AM this morning for my call, which was intercepted by my Panasonic phone. I had blocked the same number a few weeks ago, after the "tech support agent" had hung up on me. I'm beginning to suspect that they have notes on my phone number that only appear after the auto-dialer connects them about how I like to string them along.
  4. The chances of anything coming from MarsAre a million to one, he said The chances of anything coming from MarsAre a million to one, but still, they come
  5. And jets like a 747 can cruise at up to around 39,000 feet.
  6. Well, not yet, I'm sure someone's trying to reboot it.
  7. Mind blown! Where have you been hiding them all these years?
  8. I'd blame Catholic guilt for some of it. It's one of the hardest things to shake when becoming a former Catholic, that feeling that everything's really your fault, somehow. Former Catholics seem to only rarely convert to another religions. More often, they become agnostic or atheist. It's like Catholic catechism either makes you one of the faithful, or burns the desire for organized religion out of your system. There's sort of a middle ground, that of being a lapsed Catholic, but that's sort of like Limbo*. Some lapsed Catholics will attend mass on High Holy Days and other occasional events, often out of a sense of duty to others (usually related to the guilt of upsetting someone), and others will cruise along, until asking for a priest on their death bed ("Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It's been 34 years since my last Confession....). I said that I was a lapsed Catholic for a long time, until I finally realized that I had essentially become an agnostic (or a Deist on sunnier days). *Except that Limbo's been removed from Church** teachings after 800 years, but you get the idea. **See, there's that Catholic dogma again. There's only one true Church, and we're still a little upset over that upstart, Martin Luther.
  9. I am totally unaware of this "Cold Chisel" band, are they from Canada like Justin Bieber?
  10. Roger Ebert was very active in the (SF) fanzine community before he became a critic. I believe that it was one of the reasons that he'd tend to score movies on how well they represented their genre, and why his reviews were so approachable. While he could be cutting in his reviews, I never really detected malice. He simply seemed to love movies of all kinds, and wanted to share that experience with others. Read his review of the original Star Wars, and you'll see someone who wants his readers to experience the joy that he felt. That's not to say that he'd hold back when the movie stunk, those reviews were epic.
  11. Steven Mnuchin wasn't listed as a producer on JL*, so we can't blame him for expensive flights. *I believe that Wonder Woman was his last production credit.
  12. ...or at least give him a good tongue-lashing!
  13. MediaMonkey AutoDJ: "Moribund the Burgermeister" by Peter Gabriel "I Won't Hold You Back" by Toto "Merano" from the musical, Chess "Nice to Know" by Chroma Key
  14. I see quick cuts as often fatiguing (especially if used in a 3D movie*), and sometimes as a tell that the fight choreographer didn't know what he or she was doing. It's why the Daredevil hallway fight is so amazing to me. I'm also not a fan of shaky cam. At best it's a gimmick, at worst, it's just unwatchable. *It takes a bit of time for a viewer to adapt to see a scene in 3D when scenes change, and quick cuts mean that the viewer never quite adapts to it. It's why most of the scenes in Avatar are long, without a lot of cuts, and with careful use of pans.
  15. I think that there's something screwy with the budget numbers. Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War both had budgets in the $250 million range. My guess is that there's a lot more fiscal oversight of Marvel productions at the House of Mouse than DC movies have at Warner Brothers.
  16. Wouldn't that be a Jack-Jackalope?
  17. MediaMonkey AutoDJ: "Time Stand Still" by Rush. "Radioland" by Kraftwerk. "Allentown" by Billy Joel.
  18. My experience with BvS was that the theatrical release was a chaotic mess. The extended version actually explained stuff, and is a better version of the movie.
  19. You're absolutely right. This picture of the "sketch" performed on stage clearly shows her turning her face away to avoid getting full brunt of the kiss. That matches what she said about the events.
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