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Posts posted by lemming

  1. In 4th edition I once built a planet-cracking missile on 5 points. The fact I can't do that anymore does not strike me as necessarily a bad thing. (I wonder if I could still build an attack to wreck on earth-size planet on a starting superhero budget if I really wanted to....)



    And the rest of the post was nicely put.

  2. House sitting this week.

    One of the dogs has decided that getting sick is a great idea.

    Not sure if he managed to eat something that did this, but he vomited all night Thursday night.  He's an 80lb dog and I have now done the laundry eight times using up all towels.

    He saw a vet on Friday that didn't find anything really wrong, but gave some anti-nausea meds.  Of course, I get back to the house with him, and he vomits again.

    Next morning he vomits some digetive blood.  Thankfully, I got him into the vet at my wife's work even though the dog is now a "public" dog, not an employee dog.
    So he got an ultrasound, bloodwork, hydration and a few other things, but nothing really has shown itself.  He'll go back to the clinic in the morning. (didn't want to leave him overnight since they don't have an overnight person at this time)


    My friend who I'm housesitting for will be running the St. Patrick Marathon in Portland tomorrow, she'll be back here Wed. (unless she catches an earlier flight).


    I've gotten at most 3 hours of sleep any of the last few nights and this is the first time I have house sat, and one of the animals has gotten sick.

    Well, Bob seems to be resting comfortably on the couch now and I'm going to sleep in the chair (large comfy chair)  across from him.

  3. I recently read that the majority of America's untapped coal reserves are "inaccessible" not for technical reasons but because they are under National Parks and the like. So we may be in potentially better shape for a post-disaster renaissance than you are projecting.

    There's a lot of coal under there, but it's a dirty energy and there are alternatives.  (though if there was something that caused us to have to use it again, it would probably be after a majority of the population died off.)


    Right now, that coal is just being looked at so it can be shipped off to China.  I'd rather that the regions got the money thru the increase in tourism that Bryce Canyon, etc... get.

  4. Quote: lemming "If you're just going to go with costs, costs increased from 3rd edition to 4th."



    Are you sure?  You may be mistaken.  But I could be wrong.  My 3rd Edition characters were easily ported into 4th Edition will absolutely NO reconfiguration.  They literally ported straight into the 4th Edition with almost no changes whatsoever.  No point increase/decrease.  The only time any point change was required was when we wanted a new, previously unavailable, power modifier that we had not thought of.  The only changes needed were to update how 4th Edition did Martial Arts.

    I'm very sure there were cost increases from 3e to 4e. So yea, you're wrong.

    Easily ported, but there were changes in costs.


    Just off the top of my head:

    Damage Resistance cost per point instead of just 1/2 Damage Resistance, or Full Damage Resistance.

    (Cheaper for some chars, more expensive for others.)

    I know there were enough changes that our group took some time to fully convert from 3e to 4e. We had already started using martial arts from Danger International (and Steve Maurer had written up a MA package similar to what 4e had.)

    EC's, Multipowers, and some other stuff had a bunch of changes done.


    I can port a character with little work from 1e to 6e, though if I want to port between editions, I prefer to do a rewrite anyway.


    If you're so bent to keep with 4e, there is nothing stopping you from playing the 4e version.

  5. My wife is having a degerative spine disorder that is causing a lot of pain.

    This started a couple years ago after her cancer treatments and she's gone thru a ton of pain meds.  Bunch of different types, with latest being fentanyl patches with Oxycontin pills for breakthru pain.  She still can only deal with a couple hours of activity before needing to lay down.

    She was stubborn and kept working, but she'd work, then come home and often turn in then.

    This January, she finally gave in and decided she needed to work on getting this resolved.


    The cranky bits:

    1) Short Term Disability has been denied again. They say it doesn't look so bad.  (This is with a lot of doctors trying to help her for two years.) (We're appealing again)

    2) Finally decided to check in with a neuro-surgeon (we've done all the pain doctors, physical therapy, etc...).  First appointment is in late May.  (which is better than the other doctor who would be able to fit us in August...)


    And of course now we expect her work to start being jerks.  (maybe i'll be surprised...)

  6. I do hope you realize I wasn't being serious, and that I do not endorse the declawing of cats or the consumtion of the same.

    Figured.  Like I mentioned, kneejerk response.


    On a site I moderate, I've got this one problem child that keeps bringing up cat torture, etc...   I told him to knock it off a few times.  We then went to  "Don't bring up cat torture, one of the admins can't stand humor..."

    I think we've finally gotten the point thru.

  7. I was thinking clinging as well, though I think the idea of an entangle may be better since you're breaking the hold it has on the earth (or the roots).


    So any STR beyond needed to lift the mass of the tree would go toward breaking thru the entangle.


    Better stronger root system, more DEF.   Harder packed earth, more DEF.


    And you wouldn't nessarily need full lifting strength either.  (A flier going further up the tree would get more leverage on the root system, assuming you don't break the trunk)

  8. If you're just going to go with costs, costs increased from 3rd edition to 4th.  Every edition has increased the starting costs.   Dang that 2e adding all those skills in...


    Every change has had some detractors.

    One thing 5th and then 6th nailed down was getting rid of a lot of ambiquity though a lot of verbage was added.


    There is no perfect system for everyone.   There are things about all the editions that I either miss or am glad are gone.  Those that I miss, in games I run, I can easily use them.


    I find having a "This really sucks" attitude about changes really limits your ability to work with others.

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