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The Main Man

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Everything posted by The Main Man

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Overkill Wrecking Your Neck - Live - Elimination
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Serial Killer - Vio-Lence
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Lucretia - Megadeth
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Metropolis Part 1: The Dreamer and the Sleeper - Dream Theater
  5. Re: Semi-Penetrating I agree with that notion. To me, as it usually is with Hardened, it should be able to cancel +1/2 of power advantages for every 1 level (+1/4) this being said, it should take 2 levels of hardened to stop Indirect at +3/4. Of course, this also brings into question the existence of semi-Armor Piercing. Why introduce it at all [in Dark Champions]?
  6. Re: Heroic Characteristic Maxima? Thanks for the info; what's the site though?
  7. Re: Heroic Characteristic Maxima? I came up with it initially for my Rifts HERO game for PC's that are playing Borgs, Crazies, etc. This is a way to reign them in while still allowing them to go beyond; just not insane. I want to see a SPD 6 character (in this campaign) cost a bit.
  8. This operates similarly and/or as an add-on to Normal Characteristic Maxima. Generally (without getting too granular) NCM caps PC's off at 20, after which they must pay double the character points. Heroic Characteristic Maxima (HCM) would set a further cap (or be the only cap in some games) at 30, after which things are doubled again (or doubled for the first time if there is no NCM). This would be the maximum values before it takes effect. STR, DEX, CON, BODY, INT, EGO, PRE, COM - 30 PD, ED, REC - 15 SPD - 6.0 END, STUN - 70 HCM could also be taken as a 10-point disadvantage for Super-Heroic games, but it probably should not be stacked with NCM unless the PC actually buys CHAR to values that would take both into account. The purpose of HCM is to exist in more powerful heroic-level campaigns that could feasibly have more than a few characters with superhuman CHAR.
  9. Re: Semi-Penetrating Don't forget about rolling "6's" though. A fully Penetrating attack would do 2 BODY/STUN/Effect while a semi-Penetrating attack would still do 1; it cannot "max out."
  10. Re: Semi-Penetrating After I posted, I did get to thinking about the rounding part of it and realized that mistake. As for the rest of the post, point taken, but on the other hand why would anyone want a semi-Armor Piercing attack? It too never enjoys superiority. Observe. 12d6 --> 42 STUN, 12 BODY 9.5d6 sAP --> 31 STUN, 10 BODY 8d6 AP --> 28 STUN, 8 BODY vs. DEF 22 42 - 22 = 20 STUN 31 - 16.5 = 14.5 STUN 28 - 11 = 17 STUN vs. DEF 34 42 - 34 = 8 STUN 31 - 25.5 = 5.5 STUN 28 - 17 = 11 STUN To me, the idea of a semi-Modifier is to throw the guy with Hardened a curveball while still saving on Active Points, but that might by my inner munchkin talking. Why take Armor Piercing and Penetrating to do 6d6 when you can do 7d6 and do a full modifier plus a semi-version?
  11. Re: WHY is combat so slow and what have you done about it? Some things that I do: 1. I created two new Optional Combat Maneuvers: Standard Effect Attack and Average Effect Attack. I recommend Searching for the thread that made about them. 2. I also prefer the "snappy decision or hold your action" approach. I prefer a count to 10, but 15 is starting to sound better. 3. The alternate attack roll is generally better because it requires less book keeping for the players. 4. Minion combat is a must. 5. Environmental hero rule as mentioned earlier, except that it is based off PER rolls; obviously there are some things that will not appear to a PC, no matter how well they rolled.
  12. Semi-Armor Piercing (+1/4) functions like Armor Piercing (+1/2), except that the target gets 75% of their defenses; half the effect of Armor Piercing (+1/2), which makes the target apply 50% of the their defenses. Penetrating (+1/2) means that an attack does a minimum amount of damage (STUN for Normal, BODY for Killing, etc) equal to the Normal Damage BODY rolled on the dice. Semi-Penetrating (+1/4) would do half that much in minimum damage, rounded up. Example: A 10d6 Penetrating Normal attack would do (on average) a minimum of 10 STUN. A 10d6 Semi-Penetrating Normal attack would do (on average) a minimum of (10/2=5) 5 STUN. Example 2: A 3d6+1 Penetrating Killing attack (still 10 DC's) would do (on average) a minimum of 3 BODY. A 3d6+1 Semi-Penetrating Killing attack would do (on average) a minimum of (3/2=1.5 --> 2) 2 BODY. Any problems with that?
  13. Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See? Another thing that I would like is perhaps further elaboration on each comic age. Why not a hero and a villain example each for them? I have frequently read about how the current age is often called Steel, and it would be interesting if it was detailed in this new book.
  14. Re: A New Use For Hardened That's mostly what I think, too.
  15. Re: A New Use For Hardened While I am fully aware of what Indirect effects, I am now intrigued about Hugh Nielson's comment regarding Foci. The same could probably be said about Independant powers as well.
  16. Re: Amalgam Universe Campaign Well, this campaign has been on the back burner for quite some time, but I have been thawing it out for a while. I have been thinking of running it "one-shot" style, where before each adventure the players are given their campaign specifics (Base Points, Disadvantage Points, Active Points, CV, DC's, etc) and they are set loose to make them and contact the GM. The idea is to run it as they were presented originally in single issues, except of course that each adventure will be longer than one measly game session. If a player wants to continue to play their amalgam character, they may if they fit within the next adventures campaign parameters.
  17. Re: A New Use For Hardened I got to thinking about how +1/4 of Hardened cancels out +1/2 of Armor Piercing and Penetrating, but it entirely cancels out Indirect. What if it required 2 levels of Hardened to cancel the +3/4 Indirect. Building on that idea, power advantages like Semi-Armor Piercing and Increased Stun Multiplier could be real ace-in-the-holes when facing Hardened foes.
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Nameless and Faceless - Fozzy
  19. If a character has a Flexible slot in a Multipower, do they make a Skill Roll (if they have that limitation of course) based on the points being allocated to the power, or the total points of the power itself, regardless of allocation?
  20. If a character with Stretching attempts a Haymaker, and their target moves "1 hex" out of the way, but they are still within reach of the Stretching, can they still proceed with the Haymaker?
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Shut Your Mouth - Motörhead
  22. Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See? 1. Update the book to conform to new material in the Ultimate books as well as 5ER. 2. Example characters (Hero and Villain) for each era (Golden, Iron, Modern, etc)and sub-genre (Galactic, Teen, etc). 3. A comprehensive list of Champions related products to direct a player in the right direction.
  23. Re: Wrestling HERO Actually, the other day, I decided to use the lifting maxima of STR to determine base weight ranges, and from there it would determine most of the base physical CHAR. I'll cook up a spreadsheet later.
  24. Re: Wrestling HERO Actually, that sounds similar to Know Your Role!'s combat, which is a D20 derivative. In Know Your Role, wrestling maneuvers are improvised most of the time, with a table of values to make an attack roll vs. attack roll, replacing the attack roll vs. armor class. That's cool that you playtested the other game though. By the way, here is the most comprehensive index of wrestling maneuvers that I have ever seen. The Big, Big Book of Wrestling Moves http://www.deathvalleydriver.com/bbbowm/part1.htm http://www.deathvalleydriver.com/bbbowm/part2.htm http://www.deathvalleydriver.com/bbbowm/part3.htm http://www.deathvalleydriver.com/bbbowm/glossary.htm http://www.deathvalleydriver.com/bbbowm/bbbdt.htm
  25. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno
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