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The Main Man

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Everything posted by The Main Man

  1. Re: Captain Awesome Okay, maybe serendipity might win the day with that +10 PRE. Check It: Captain Awesome is now The Main Man's official WWYCD? character.
  2. Re: Captain Awesome Repped and will alter. I couldn't help but notice upon opening it that there is a bothersome "+10 PRE" slot that shouldn't be there; ignore it, but imagine it (until I re-export it) with the quoted power.
  3. Here's a character that I cooked up for a Vibora Bay campaign after I came up with the premise of a character who is to PRE what bricks are to STR. Frank Kennedy is a third generation superhero born with the power of superhuman charisma. His arrogant attitude is contrasted with his desire to be as good of a hero as his father and grandfather before him.
  4. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Library HERO Pooper Scooper HERO Lost Wallet HERO Prince Albert HERO
  5. Re: Mixing Swords & Sorcery with Comedic Fantasy Goblin Ninjas? That's preposterous! In any case, I think that a good dose of relentlessly absurd, over the top melodrama could go a long way towards establishing comedy.
  6. Re: How do you handle campaign limits on defenses? I do a couple of things: 1) The maximum amount of Physical, Energy, Resistant, and Hardened defenses the character may have, when calculated, is determined by the Active Point limit of the campaign. Example: 60 AP could allow for possible combinations such as: 20 rPD/rED 60 PD/ 0 ED 32 PD (Hardened)/ 16 ED (Hardened) 16 rPD (Hardened/ 16 ED (Hardened) and many more. As for more exotic defenses (Power, Flash, Mind) the PC is limited to having up to half the Active Point limit in any combinations of these defenses, if any at all. The inclusion of Hardened and Resistant defense Active Points for these types raises that maximum to the full Active Point limit. Examples in a 60 Active Point Campaign: 10 Power Defense, 10 Mental Defense, 10 Sight Group Flash Defense 15 Power Defense, 15 Mental Defense 30 Mental Defense and as before, there are many other possible combinations.
  7. Re: Actor Package Deals However, once again, this is not about the real Ahnold. This is about if you compiled all of his movies and analyze what all of them generally have in common and what can be extracted from any character the actor plays which can be replaced by the abilities of another actor.
  8. Re: Actor Package Deals I would say +8 or even +10 to simulate the dramatic reality of his characters. Surprisingly, he should have bonus INT because a LOT of his characters do not win with sheer brawn, but have brains as well. Arnold Schwarzenagger +8 STR +3 INT so far...
  9. Re: Actor Package Deals Yes, that is correct.
  10. I had this idea of creating package deals out of various Action Actors. The idea is that you can take any character and add this particular Package Deal to simulate that character if they were played by that actor in a movie. Example: A GM decides that Arnold should play the Harbinger of Justice, so he add's Arnie's package deal to the HoJ:eek: and now it's Arnold as the HoJ. Later on after that campaign, another GM decides that he prefers if Bruce Lee plays the HoJ:eek:, and inserts that package deal instead. The idea of an Actor Package Deal is that it boils down an actor's roles to the perceivable patterns in all of their movies, and leaves out any character specific details. My only problem is getting started. A little help from the community?
  11. Re: Horror Hero Resources That's how I see it too. I guess that one thing that annoys me is when one of them says they are going to run a horror game and it just becomes splatterpunk.
  12. Re: Horror Hero Resources Yes, true; that and isolation to exacerbate the feeling of powerlessness. To me, Horror is the hardest mood to accomplish in RPG's because of the commitment it requires. That and I wish there was a Horror HERO book.
  13. Re: Horror Hero Resources Man, my group still hasn't had a real Horror game yet. We've had splatter before, but that's not horror any more than gore is all that is needed to make a movie scary.
  14. Re: Horror Hero Resources What about the Army of Darkness RPG?
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Monty Poppins - "Iiiiiiit's Johann Gambolputtydevonausfernschplendenschlitcresscrenbonfriediggerdangledongledunglebursteinvonknackerthrasherapplebangerhorowitzticolensicgranderknottyspelltinklegrandlichgrumblemeyerspurtenmitzkurschtlichhimbleeisenbahnwagengutenabendbitteeinurnburgerbratwustlegerweimacheluberhundsfutgumberaberschonendankerkalbsfleishmittlerauchervonhautkoft of Ulm" "I never wanted to be dirty Cockney chimney sweeper. I always wanted to be... A lumberjack!"
  16. Re: The Questions 6th Edition Really Needs To Answer I once asked this in the seventh grade, and the teacher used her teach-fu and assigned it to me. If memory serves me correctly, it took me 169 licks to breach the center and there was a collegiate study that gravitated at an average of 170. I am above average.
  17. Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See? I agree with the Masters of the Universe comparison; I knew there was something about it that sounded similar.
  18. Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See? Sharna freaking Gorak the mother-*beep*ing Destroyer. Although to be honest, I kind of picture him being Dr. Destroyer with a fantasy twist. I would be interested to see it feel like a true Fantasy Champions where it walks the line between genres in many important ways.
  19. Re: Greatest Superhero Team of all Time!!!
  20. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots Beat me to it on the Leech part; it's so obvious.
  21. Re: Simple questions on AP caps Well, yes, this is true, and I point it out to my players when they consider buying it that all they really are doing is buying more BODY and STUN essentially, but maybe it's psychology? However, Damage Reduction has a more defined purpose when it is up against more exotic attacks which don't affect BODY or STUN.
  22. Which is what Damage Reduction and Recovery are for.
  23. Re: Real point caps? To me, Real Point caps are the least effective, because a character could have a power with high Active Points but with tremendous Limitations and it makes a highly convoluted power. However, in one of my original ideas for a Dragonball HERO campaign, I had the idea of a Base Points = Real Points idea, with the Active Points being variable between the two.
  24. Re: Simple questions on AP caps Yep, that's exactly how I'd do it. It creates a sense of growth, whether or not the PC's actually utilize it immediately. Be careful though, because your Villains need to keep up with them too. Be cautious as usual with allowing PC purchases; Make sure that there is a good reason that things get stronger; things should not become +1-2 AP stronger simply because it can.
  25. Re: Simple questions on AP caps I tend to divide the total starting points (Base + Disadvantages) by 5, with the PC's gaining +1 AP for every +5 CP they gain in play.
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