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The Main Man

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Everything posted by The Main Man

  1. Re: Speculation on the Hero Games 2009 schedule Yes, it would be a book called The Ultimate Pipe Dream. I too would like a Cyber HERO and am awaiting the Lucha HERO book. I would also like to see Golden, Silver, Bronze, Iron, and Steel Age Champions sub-genre books, complete with further fleshed out Champions Universe setting material, as well as adapting any of the material to each age.
  2. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign It's not guns that annoy me, it's a player's utter inability to grasp that superheroes generally don't kill unless it's Iron Age or, in some cases, Golden Age (which surprises them). It's a complete ignorance of the Stan Lee credo "With great power comes great responsibility" and it seems much more frequent in the 25 or younger gaming demographic. That's why I too am annoyed by the Punisher. He's an Executioner rip-off who, along with the bad Iron Age comics of the 90's that were poor imitations of good deconstructionist stories from the 80's, has duped a whole generation into believing that superheroism is a necessarily military combat exercise. I'll tell the players when it's Iron Age:idjit:
  3. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Touche.
  4. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) I would rep you but I must spread. Wikipedia HERO
  5. Re: Autofire Option Man, I really need to return to Ultimate Skill; I missed that one. And this is why I consult the boards first.
  6. One of the members of my group came up with an idea for Autofire attacks. I'll call it "Focused Sprayfire" for the moment. Basically, a player can sacrifice Damage for an OCV bonus with Autofire attacks. Sacrificed shots do no damage. For every shot sacrificed, the player gains +1 OCV. For example, if a player is shooting a target with his Uzi (Autofire 5 shots) he can sacrifice two of the shots to give +2 OCV with the other 3 shots. If this OCV bonus would have allowed for the other 2 shots to have hit, they still do no damage, only the 3 non-sacrificed shots do damage. I like the idea he has, but I like to consult the boards on such ideas. Personally, it sounds like it could either be an Optional Maneuver or a new Autofire skill. Thoughts? Comments?
  7. Re: Susano's Guide to Adapting Fictional Characters to HERO
  8. Re: New Disadvantage Idea: Phobia I would have Repped you, but I must spread more first. That is an even better idea.
  9. Re: New Disadvantage Idea: Phobia As an effort to deconstruct it, why is Enraged separate from Psych. Limitation then?
  10. Phobia would be the exact opposite of Enraged, in that if you experience whatever makes you this way, you run for it! Afraid of Spiders? Then run for it! Not to fond of Public Speaking THIS MUCH? Tuck & roll Grandma, cuz we're gone! Comments?
  11. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Debbie Does HERO Dances with HERO OfficeMax HERO
  12. Re: Converting Palladium to HERO I'm not sure if it stands up to old HERO/Champions either, actually. Is it no surprise that the only superhero system that has really given HERO a run for its money (M&M) came out less than a decade ago?
  13. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Black Friday HERO Childbirth HERO Polar Bear (the club, not the animal) HERO
  14. Re: Converting Palladium to HERO For a long time I was trying to convert Rifts to HERO until I just gave up and decided to reinvent the whole damn thing from the ground up. It was a learning experience to not convert the system, but to instead convert the idea. If you want to see some of my ideas as well as others, just check out the Rifts HERO threads. I first entered roleplaying with Heroes Unlimited and loved it, but HERO has been my brand of choice for seven years now.
  15. Re: Is there a 'random alien race generator' anywhere? Man, I'll have to start getting Digital HERO then.
  16. Re: Yog-sothoth.com Makes a guy want to do it themself...
  17. Re: Power creation flexibility in Heroes Unlimited Yeah, I don't know what to say except maybe, just maybe, you should make their characters in both M&M and in HERO to ween them in.
  18. Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See? Hey, I like that Superhero Life Cycle thing, but what if there was a Supervillain nemesis to counterpart it?
  19. Re: Your PC's might be underpowered if... If they take physical damage from energy attacks. If the team brick is made of paper.
  20. Re: Lucha Hero While I am not a Jack Black fan, this is true.
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I Hate - Overkill
  22. Re: Wrestling HERO I like that Reputation + PRE Attack use; I think I'll have to incorporate that. One of the problems I have is making sure that wrestlers do not get knocked out too quickly. I have determined a sort of system based on a character's card. Low Card wrestlers take 2xSTUN from higher card wrestlers, while High Card Wrestlers have 50% Damage Reduction against anyone. Mid Card wrestlers have neither and are in the middle. I also have a system based on weight class. Cruiserweights take 2xSTUN from Ultra-Heavyweights and 1.5xSTUN from Super-Heavyweights. Heavyweights take 1.5xSTUN from Ultra-Heavyweights. Super Heavyweights have 25% Damage Reduction versus Cruiserweights, but they must perceive the attack. Ultra Heavyweights have 50% Damage Reduction versus Cruiserweights and 25% versus Heavyweights, with the same restrictions. You've already seen my John Cena write-up, although I'll still be editing it. I've also currently been working on Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Kane (Masked), Randy Orton, and The Undertaker (Now). Bear in mind that this is being done in the middle of college assignments, being a GM, and tinkering at getting my Rifts HERO campaign to work just right (it generally worked fine the first time, but when just about every character suddenly had resolution, I decided to end the campaign and shift to a different part of the world and take that opportunity to improve upon it).
  23. Re: Random Lucha update But besides that, dressing in tights takes all of the others in a steel cage.
  24. Re: Lucha Hero It's short for "Luchador" which is Spanish for "Fighter." "Luchadores" (plural) are typically referred to in "Lucha Libre" which means "Free Fighting" in Spanish. Have you ever seen anywhere masked wrestlers that speak Spanish, whether live action or animated, or in some other medium? That's a reference to Lucha Libre, which is the predominant professional wrestling style in Mexico (beware though, it's usually full contact). Luchadors have a history of starring in movies where they are portrayed as superheroic figures, battling crime and the supernatural. There's a comic book from Image comics called Lucha Libre that's out. It's quirky, but original, and I suggest you check it out.
  25. Re: D&D vs. FantasyHERO vs. Palladium Now there's something that I have never read about: D&D's psionics. How do they work in the first place?
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