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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. Bad news, Kzinbane... Read and digested. Although, I'm not sure what good the forewarning will do... Besides, I was here first.
  2. I've been trying to figure out the appropriate Power construction to use to allow a character to freeze a section of a river or other body of water. Would the appropriate power be a Transformation (Major or Minor) or would Change Environment suffice? Of course, I could be barking up the wrong tree entirely...
  3. That'd be a cool talent... "Can hear the background music" It could act as a modified form of Danger Sense, where the character always knows when danger is near because the music changes. The character would also be privy to other information - like the girl he's making eye contact with likes him because a soulful saxophone starts playing, or thinks he's a dork because of a clowny tune by an oboe or something. Almost a form of empathy, but works with inanimate objects as well.
  4. Well, there are more GURPS books than there are Hero books (at least so far) I have about 75 GURPS books (not counting duplicates), and almost all of the 4th Edition Hero books (plus 1st, 2nd, and 3rd edition, for that matter...) plus my FREd & Champions 5th. (Been unemployed lately, so I have some catching up to do on my 5th Edition printed material...) The current edition of GURPS has been on the market longer, so they've had more time to build a library. Ahem, and the entire name was Vermithrax Pejorative. Let's be respectful of the old lizard, shall we?
  5. Ah, OK. I had read the FAQ, but I had to re-read it a couple of times before I caught it. So Megascaling can be scaled to any number between the breakpoints, which neatly answers the question. I understand now. Thanks!
  6. You might remind the everyone that there are other inexpensive things that are useful. Skill Levels are a prime example. They can have many uses, and don't always involve combat. However, the others are correct, thou art the Gamemaster and thy word is law. We have a heavy Multipower character in our game (Me in fact. A Spellcaster, ala Doctor Strange) and although he has an excellent motivation and character excuse to keep acquiring new slots, there other things that need improvement as well.
  7. If you have, say, Teleport at 5" with Megascale 1"=10,000km and have also purchased 'Can be scaled down to 1"=1km' on it, how does it break out? I understand that the minimum would be 1km, but would it go 1-5km, then 10-50km, then 100-500km, then 1,000-5,000km and then 10,000-50,00km, or could you Teleport anywhere from 1km to 50,000km (Assuming you also bought the requisite Megascaled sense so as not to bounce into a mountain)?
  8. Senses don't use END, correct? Does adding Megascale to, say, Sight, cause it to use END?
  9. Ummm, is it just me, or are the French and Italian Chefs the same person?
  10. Would The Thunderbirds count? They weren't animated, exactly... If so, then there'd be Joe 90, and the crowds from Fireball-XL5 and Stingray. How about James West and Artemus Gordon from the Wild, Wild West? There were also the Misfits of Science, short-lived as it was. Was Black Scorpion in print before it was a TV series?
  11. My main concern is would it be a Knowledge Skill, or should it be bought as a language?
  12. How would you set up the skill for knowldge of Braille? I'm working on a blind character that would know this...
  13. Well, they are constantly trying to find ways to miniaturize components for use in space (less weight, less fuel to boost to orbit...) Could be the victim of an accident during experiments in that direction. Then there's the old "Fantastic Voyage" route, where they are experimenting to try to miniaturize people for use in medical procedures. As far as the mental abilities go, it could either be a side effect of the accident/experiment, or the accident/experiment could have awakened latent psionic abilities in the character.
  14. Here's an idea... The last time I built a mage's manse I laid a blessed silver pentagram in the ground surrounding it. (Takes a whole LOT of silver...) This assures that whatever comes out of those extra-dimensional doorways has to stay in the mansion, and not bother the neighbors.
  15. Wow... A lot of righteous indignation being spouted here. But then, superheroes are a self-righteous, indignant lot. If Heather gets rescued before the baddies have her for lunch, she might be pretty thankful it's there. As the story states that she's been kidnapped before, being lo-jacked might not necessarily be a bad thing. Sure. it's a double-edged sword, depending on how it operates. (Constantly broadcasting, or just when activated? Open signal, or coded burst transmission? Single frequency, or frequency-hopping?) There are a lot of ways to make it tough to track unless you knew exactly what to look for. If the technology were available, how many CEO's would have these installed on purpose into loved ones under threat? As far as character reactions, it depends on which of my characters you ask... Spellbinder (mage): Sloppy and instrusive, my friend. You should find a better way. Mr. Gizmo (gadgeteer): Cool. Good thinking. Let's go get those idiots. Steel Raven (spiritual swordsman): Not an honorable course of action. Either have it removed, or tell her, or I'll do it. Rapidfire (swinging energy-flinger): Not the best solution, but it'll work for now. We'll talk later. Recoil (manipulates inertia): You did what!?!
  16. I can see where it says that Gliding doesn't follow the normal acceleration rules. (1# per phase rather than 5") How would you apply Improved Acceleration/Deceleration to Gliding? Can you even use Improved Acceleration/Deceleration with Gliding?
  17. Many Advantages increase the END cost of a Power when added to that Power. Does this include the Advantage "Power can draw END from Character or End Reserve"? It doesn't really go into it in the book. My first reaction is that since it deals with where the END comes from, it shouldn't increase the END cost of the Power in question. Is this one of the Advantages that will make a Power cost more END?
  18. I've run into an apparent contradiction. It says in the 5th Edition book that a 5-point CSL is the smallest that can be bought with Limitations. I was looking at the example characters in Champions, and I saw that Green Dragon has a Multipower with a 3-point Reserve (Stances). Slots 2, 4, & 5 all appear to be 3-point CSL's with the Limitation of Costs END. Slots 2 & 4 also have Requires a DEX roll. What am I missing?
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