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Posts posted by DasBroot

  1. ANd the Joker probably killed 6,588 of those 7,000, yet Batman still refuses to kill him.


    While the Joker certainly deserves it Batman has no legal authority to kill while apprehending (he has no legal authority to apprehend, period - hence tying people up to be found by the police instead of marching them into the station: Citizens can't do that with a citizen arrest.)


    I feel bad for Bruce and nobody would blame him if he did off the Joker (morally) but it's kind of a testament to his character that he doesn't take that final step and become the Punisher or Judge Dredd.  He's no more to blame for the Joker escaping and killing again than any of the asylum cooks that don't poison him or any of the asylum guards who don't say 'look out, he's heading right for us' and shoot him.


    Now, if he had a carry permit and the Joker pulled a weapon on him during one of their fights (as he OFTEN does)....


    Being sucky in a fight is one of Joker's best defenses against Batman thanks to proportionate response. 

  2. Drain Extra Limbs is unheard of but I would suspect a lot of people would Unify it with something else that might be targeted more often - like the strength it grants - which would make the arms stop working by proxy. 


    Inherent is one of the ones I look at closely (lest someone buy it on their Armour power and then Link every power to it for a free -1/4 to everything) but I've never said no to applying it to anything bought as a Sense, life support, or extra limbs.

  3. OIF on extra limbs is odd - it means they can be taken from you out of combat (so less permanent part of a body more backpack).  If that's the concept and intent then it works - but adding inherent to a power with a focus is mechanically weird IMO.


    I guess it would mean you can Drain the focus itself, thus rendering the power inoperable, but can't drain the power directly?   So drain Extra Limbs would fail but Drain Body targeting the focus would work?

  4. Every useful Inhuman power it is - just like we thought. At least those from those Inhumans they'd caught already.


    I thought the episode was pretty well done.  It made a lot of good points - since AIDA was following the directives of her programming and was incapable of having a conscience how responsible COULD she be for how she acted on her programming?  By giving her free will and humanity and then having her CHOOSE the writers have made her a villain.



    And opened her up to the Penance Stare from a returned Ghost Rider



    It was nice to see Yo-Yo make my complaints about the Mac situation on camera nearly word for word.  

  5. Huh




    It really doesn't make a lot of sense - even for the Flash tv show.  After the Once and Future Flash episode I had added 'Savitar is a rogue time clone' to my short list and I haven't fully taken it off - it makes no sense at all for it to be Barry Prime.




    I loved the first five minutes of last night's epsiode.  It's almost like someone had been reading fan forums and decided to answer them in the show itself.  Of course, the 'fan forums' could have been the writers themselves - or even the actors.


    I really enjoyed last night episode over all.  I think it was one of the strongest of the season - the character interactions were all well done...



    Even if the best arguement Killer Frost could come up after the (very true claim) from Team Flash that 'he can learn' for 'restore his memories' is ... 'uh... there are lots of bad guys out there.  You need more than one Flash!'



    The court room shenanigans was amusing but weak, legally - I'm sure there's something else they could have done to delay the arraignment:  After all - if the truth ever came out during the trial then I don't think a perjury claim would help their case.

  6. It wouldn't surprise me if the reason he didn't let him go in February was because he was seeing how the investigation was shaping up.  Looking good? He's 'learned his lesson' and 'deserves a second chance' and can be praised for 'exposing corruption'.


    Looking bad? He's 'prone to making the same mistakes', has 'used up his second chance', and can be condemned for having to reopen the investigation instead of 'getting it right the first time'.


    That's politics for you and hardly unique to Trump:  Nobody gets fired until it's beneficial to do so.

  7. While Bullseye is everything Deadshot is (and more), overall, in a straight gun marksmanship contest/gun fight they both 'never' miss - so I'll give it to Deadshot for being published more than 20 years earlier.


    Irradiated Behemoth smackdown!


    Hulk vs Grond!

  8. Wow. Harder than it looks. Both are victims of writer inconsistency that occasionally borders on downright character assassination and both actors could have done a much better job.  


    I'll give it to Janeway for getting to show what she's capable of more often.


    Bite my shiny metal....


    Bender (Futurama) vs Marvin (HHGTTG)

  9. The eating thing is definitely within the spirit of the 'always on' disadvantage for Desolidification - which you don't technically have to take to have a power be 'always' on (just many people do for the 1/2 limitation rebate): 0 End and Persistent are all you technically need (but it means you *can* turn it off ... unless you take a psychological complication stating your character thinks they can't).


    Desolid characters do breath, however - I believe it states under the power itself that whether they're affected by breathing based attacks depends largely on GM opinion and special effect.


    What you really need, though, is bump of direction so you don't get lost trying to walk through more than a few meters of something solid. :)


    That said he's only permanently invisible.

  10. Cheap character concepts are awesome.  I'd take advantage of the 'free' points to buy up things I normally can't afford (like contacts, followers, bases, vehicles, skill levels...)


    That said there are always 'offensive' invisibility tricks that few people consider.  Being invisible would wreak hell on someone's fighting ability and even ability to move around an environment: proprioception only goes so far.  Presumably characters who take invisibility are either used to it or can see themselves but what about poor Joe Mugger? Suddenly he doesn't know *exactly* where his arm is when he throws a punch or goes to block.  He can't see the bat in his hand - is he really close enough to hit a hero when he swings it?


    That sounds like a possible dex or ocv drain to me.

  11. I had an idea for trigger, growth, armor usable as an attack (for the trigger) but before I went crazy with it I remembered there are rules for catching a falling character.


    Probably cheaper to buy up what makes it easier to do that better (I think it's just strength and OCV but I don't have access to the 5e book right now)  with a limitation of 'only in heroic id' / 'linked' to a shapechange or limited power.

  12. Jock, though the nerd spends the next 30 years fantasising about the encounter and how it could have gone differently and eventually convinces himself that he won and that the jock would do nothing with his life.


    Pie eating contest!


    The Blob (the mutant) vs Volstagg (the Asgardian) 

  13. It's more than 'go faster' - Aurebesh is a full alphabet and numbering system that first showed up in the original trilogy (though just like Klingon without any real rhyme or reason to it besides looking cool).




    The EU and West End Games RPG expanded it by assigning letters to the symbols and it's canon these days:  Poe's flight suit in Episode 7 features it on the left breast of his flight vest - and it translates to "Pull to Inflate" according to the article linked.


    I like the premise (iconography was the same way in Shadowrun - many people were illiterate) and it wouldn't surprise me if entire worlds in Star Wars had low functional literacy rates (like farmers and craftsmen have had traditionally in the real world) - we don't see many (any?) schools, after all.  We don't really get a chance to, though, in context of the movie narrative.


    Is it most? I don't know. Is it many? Quite possibly.

  14. He believed at the end after he saw the 'world' rippling as people went through the portal - that's why he told Daisy to tell those who loved him there 'I'm sorry'.  He just chose a simulation with his daughter over a world without her.


    Again, as a father I can see the appeal.  I truly can.  It's a lousy corner the writers painted him into - which is why I hoped for one of my other scenarios mentioned to play out.


    Once AIDA's dealt and if Fitz comes back in any meaningful capacity I guess there's nothing stopping them from getting the 'beacons' working or fortifying the back door and entering and leaving the Framework at will... so I guess not all hope is lost. Until the writers say 'oh, it's changed now... no going back'.  Still, it's a weak exit for a character if it's truly an exit.

  15. I really hope Alt!Ward somehow manages to follow them through Aida's device. Since that world is running on a computer in a submarine, I don't think it has long to last.


    The submarine is just an access point these days.  They already stated earlier in the season that the Framework was basically running on a zombie bot net.  The submarine might have the master code in its computers but that's nothing that they couldn't copy over to a SHIELD mainframe - and they probably would if it meant keeping Mac alive.


    Since they decided to double down on the 'it's a simulation - they're all avatars' instead of the 'the darkhold made it real' approach, though, Mac's decision is brutally selfish: millions of co-opted cycles from computers around the world and mainframe resources and emotional pain from real people who care about him for the ultimate single person Sims game.


    As a father I get it on some level but I don't like it.  I was ok with someone staying if the world was 'real' after all.  I was ok with bringing his daughter out.  I was ok with technical complications forcing someone to stay - like Mac having to hold the portal open for Daisy somehow, for example.  I'm less ok with this and hope (without much hope) that they fix it somehow by the finale.

  16. It really doesn't make a lot of sense - even for the Flash tv show.  After the Once and Future Flash episode I had added 'Savitar is a rogue time clone' to my short list and I haven't fully taken it off - it makes no sense at all for it to be Barry Prime.


    They've had an 'out' the entire time, after all - hide Iris.  We now know this wouldn't have worked because 'Savitar' would have known where she was hidden.  However now that we know that they'll know that he'll know (ow) it should just be as simple as a phone call.


    "Hey Oliver - can you hide Iris for a week? Don't tell *anyone* where - not even me."


    or even just


    "Can you get out of town, Iris? Don't tell us where." (She's a grown woman, after all - she can book her own flight to the Dominican republic or Switzerland or something )



    Of course given Ms Deathwish's actions and lectures  so far this season (some justified others less so) she'd probably not go along with the plan.

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