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Everything posted by Redmenace

  1. Re: Hey Mister Long? Some nice work there. I hope you post the finished figures. I'd like to see the finished products. The Battlesuit Ptoemkin looks REALLY on the mark and the Thor blows away the official clix fig.
  2. Redmenace


    The cheap way ro build it would be N-ray vision with limitations placed upon it. ie must consciously determine what she wishes to detect or... She could buy danger sense and with GM permission/oversight add on the senses ability to analyse details about what is sensed. The latter being more sense like and less like a power.
  3. In the Order, a sort of miniseries fpr the Marvel team of the Defenders, Kurt Busiek had a enemy mage put a curse on the members of the team. Whenever a threat occured that required their intervention all the individual members would teleport to wherever the threat was, the downside being they had no warning so there secret IDs, other battles they were engaged in at the time and poor innocent bystanders that they were in the midst of saving would be left high and dry. I suppose this is team formation by coercion/kidnapping.
  4. Even better in color.I think this will make one hell of a good impression on anyone looking for a super product to add to their campaign. It just invites you in to look at all the details and really sells the whole superworld . Really nice job and thanks for posting it.
  5. Sourcebooks- Strikeforce, as it showed me what a Champs campaign could be. I can't say enough about this book. Golden age of Champions 1 &2, I always wished there had been at least a section of non light hearted characters but found it useful when I ran a ww2 campaign recently. Target earth or perhaps it was Invasian earth, a sb on the invasian storyline in a Champs campaign that was used on and off for years. Mystic Masters, which i found very interesting to read but too alien for my players to get into. Organizations book 1 & 2, with the Circle from #1 and the Blood from #2 standing out. Kingdom of Champions, I always enjoy Phillip Masters writing and it was an interesting take on how another country would view superheroes. Adventures- Watchers of the Dragon, The martial arts sub-campaign that gave the team martial artist a really great plot to follow up and made many of the players rethink their choice of character type. To Serve and Protect, a enjoyable adventure. The Coriolis Effect, about the same as above but with characters that clicked with my players so they stayed around long after we'd played the adventure. The Great Supervillain Contest, ran as more of a Star trekish Captain Kirk and Lincoln vs Hitler and Genghis Khan , pawns of the gods kind of thing. There were others but I'm tapped.
  6. My favorite reason for capture is to turn the hero against his/her allies. This could be brainwashing them to actually fight them or taken to a telepath for interrogation. As an example from my home campaign; one of the players was a super agent type who's power level wasn't on par with his team mates, thus he was captured semi regularly. The player was into roleplaying and so we thought up the following. An arch villain captures the hero in a standard melee, secretly got them out and replaced him with an identical being who was loyal to the bad guys. (robot, clone, mentally influenced dupe, younger brother Dnpc, what ever fits well in your campaign.) The captured player plays this character as they would their own with the understanding that he is infiltrating their organization for the enemy. (a particularly good roleplayer can drop an vague clue by not remembering something that happened to the group prior or by doing things the real hero wouldn't) As this is happening the real hero is broken and turned against the heroes but in a new costumed identity. This new villain always seems to be a step ahead of the team, know their every move, what psychological buttons to push, identity of dnpcs etc. In short he/she become one of the campaign master villain. Finally the last major confrontation with him/her comes down and they are defeated, possibly with the coup de gras delivered by the duplicate. The heroes unmask the villain only to see it is their team mate. The dupe takes that moment to shoot them in the back, get them captured what ever. In my own campaign, the beating snaps the original hero out of his mental conditioning and he had to infiltrate the enemy base to free his comrades. As an alternative, the freed hero could just be a sleeper agent waiting to betray the team at a bad moment or supply intel to the bad guys. Sorry about the length there.
  7. Genre Convention #9 No recently invented phenomena or technology, no matter how revolutionary or useful will significantly effect the world around the heroes.
  8. I'll understand if now isn't the time to say so in a public forum, but, are we going to see any Hero or M&M superfigs?
  9. Hope it's an out of the ballpark success. Everything I've managed to get from your superhero lines have been fantastic and the ability to cross systems is a HUGE plus to me. Best of luck.
  10. Great, keep 'em coming. Are your books going to have more artwork than is average from the general game publishers or is it just a handy way to give a taste?
  11. Re: character images Its a very nice piece. The serpentine fluidity gives it a nice flow. Normally I don't like profile shots that much but here it has almost a heraldic quality. Good job. If you want a critque, put something in the background, a horizon line at minimum. Polaris, very nice like the costume, like the pose, (the lower extremity energy effect) and, in contrast to what I said about DragoniteWiz, I like the free floating lack of a background. Nightwatch: Beautiful, nice design, nice prisma work. Keep posting
  12. Nothing to apologise for, I enjoyed it. You wouldn't want to see what my player's characters beget.
  13. This could change of course as we see more of the Characters but American Gargoyle really stands out so far. Part Man. Part Monster. All American! Still, Lacie has a kind of Buffy like quality that has lots of possibilities.
  14. Re: coloized Black paladin I think the only thing wrong with this is leaving it on a pure white background. Get rid of that and you'll show off your work much better.
  15. The art certainly has the right feel. A good time to be a superheoic gamer indeed. Thanks for the continuing preview art and commentary CynthiaCM. You have me very interested. PS, since the Voodoo doll in the last pick,( lower right cornerish) is statted out you've made a sale.
  16. Nice Stuff wildcat. Who is the stealthy dude with the tonfa? He looks like one of Fred Corham's.
  17. I'm not sure inquiring would be my first adjective for your minds but He normally has a full set of billiards but it was getting time to leave for a Halloween party and so I posted it as was. Though I think the innuendo it has generated has definitely opened new options for Inobvious and Inaccessible foci.
  18. Nice job. It's a nest with some regional flare and a bossman that gives the whole nest a bit of competency and personality.
  19. This is Eightball, as if anyone couldn't guess.
  20. Mea Culpa, fixed it and I offer apologies.
  21. It's a terribly worn cliche but there is always the desperately saught item that gets slipped into this year's hot toy. Villainous parties are breaking into homes on christmas eve and doing more than ripping up presents and one type of toy in their quest to recover it. To counterspin, it could be Black harlequin who has rigged every one of this years uber toy with a deathtrap. The pcs, who've only found this out at 2 minutes to midnite, must track down they toys and disarm/destroy them before people are hurt.
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