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Everything posted by Redmenace

  1. Appologies in advance Norseman- Knowing that the prophesied day of Ragnarok approached, Father of the Gods Jodin sent his infant son Thor to Midgard. There his Godly parentage would make him like a giant before the skraelings of Earth. Faster than a speeding bullet train. Stronger than a thousand trolls. Able to leap vast Fjords in a single bound. Midknight- Mercenary Wayne Spector, Detective Bruce Franco, Cab driver Mark "Matches" Malone, and the mysteryman known only as the Midknight, four personalities all residing in the troubled mind of one man. After seeing his parents gunned down before him, Wayne Spector's mind fractured into four personas. Each distinctly different yet obsessed by the same goal, to wage war on the underworld. (Batman-Moonknight) The Unknown Four- Dr. Charles Challenger had once again talked his best friend, fiancé' and her bratty brother into trying one of his experiments, but this time the Crazy thing actually worked. After beating the commies to be the first explores to reach the Earth's core, the four returned each horribly disfigured but possessed of new and unheard of powers. Now as Dr Challenge, Slab, the Invincible Girl and the Flaming Youth, (mea Culpa, I'm sorry), they explore new dimensions, defend the earth from strange menaces and desperately try to reverse the process that transformed them. Cyber Man Promising young athlete Victor Stark came back from Viet Nam without his legs and with a jagged piece of shrapnel inoperably close to his heart. Bitterness and self pity drove him to the bottle. Something within him, however, would not die. Throwing himself into College studies he drove himself to become the greatest engineer of the age. With the aid of his self designed, prosthetic power armour he fights for those who cannot defend themselves. Penny Arcade- Originally a spoiled Beverly Hills princess, Quinn Harlin murdered her parents after being told they were cutting off her trust fund. Free to explore her twin passions of homicide and prop comedy by combining them in the creation of her Murderdrome amusement park, the bloodiest place on Earth.(Harly Quinn and Arcade Toysmith Originally a cybernetic engineer, the man who would become the toysmith was killed by a scheming rival who wished to steal his designs. Somehow his mind become one with the companies super computer. He found he could control any machine connected to it thus granting him access to both the Toy factory and Army advanced weapons development project. At his whim, the toysmith unleashes his lethal playthings, green plastic, life sized and lethal army men, radio controlled armoured cars and worse. (Toyman-Machinesmith) Thanoseid- He is the embodiment of the shadow in all men's hearts existing for one purpose, to extinguish the flame of life in the universe. From his lunar base Necropolypse, in orbit around Saturn, he sends out his Paragod minions to attack Earth while he works to complete his panthanatic equation. Gammazon- Bathed in purple radiation during a Gamma Ray Laser test at while investigating sexual discrimination at the Citadel military academy, judge advocate general linda Banner became a high energy heroine.
  2. It's more a campaign specific issue than an official ruling. With Density Increase (DI) you automatically get the increase in weight and thus there are resulting game effects. It is up to your GM to rule when this effects the world around you and in what way. As to wether or not you can take extra limitations, like Physical lim.s, to my knowledge there isn't anything saying you can't but it is up to your GM.
  3. In my campaigns the approach was always to make him a "local Legend", kind of like a boogie man or the urban legend about the escaped lunatic with the hook stalking lover's lane. This is just an oppinion, but the unknown quality of the character seems to generate a lot of his mystique. When you quantify him with a backstory it diminishes him to "just" another bad guy. Okay that might not be very helpful or in the direction you want. Here are some alternatives. Psychic manifestation- Maybe its all the fears felt by earth's peoples manifesting or maybe a latent psionic is subconsciously creating him. He becomes physical for a time, or ectoplasmic whatever, and can be defeated and destroyed. However, as long as people are afraid of the dark he'll be created again somewhere. Maybe a villain who uses phobia projection or fear gas is triggering his latest appearance and the key to knocking off the monster is stopping the other guy. Fallen Hero- Maybe he is a former hero who was believed lost on some supernatural mission and long believed dead. In fact they have been held captive and brainwashed, cloned or just corrupted by constant torture. Maybe he is redeamable and maybe he's just too far gone. If you have older characters maybe he was a former team mate. That could jibe with the demonic idea- what better revenge against humanity than to turn one of it's defenders into a predator?
  4. I turned mine into Dr, Clayton Forrester from Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I'm not familiar with the Morrow character, what's with those galoshes?
  5. Heroclix mostly with some supplementation with Superfigs and others. At the price I can't really offer any better suggestion unless you can draw your own. Sorry to hear about your order.
  6. Re: Champions, Decades gone by I've done some of these in various campaigns: Yeah, all of these themes and more. Supers with post traumatic stress disorder and communist friends in the closet, one was a wartime romance. There was a schism between players who totally supported McCarthy, that is to say "in character", who stayed out in the open in red, white and blue costumes and the ones who went underground and adopted stealthy black wear and methodology. My group and I enjoyed this part so much that it has become a campaign fixture with all of America's heroes divided into one of two camps. The above campaign continued into the 60s. The generation gap was largely reflected by the Pro Govt. heroesfighting in South East Asia and the shadow lurkers staying stateside and absorbing the counter culture for good or bad, often bad. With superhumans about there was no active space program, too much money was spent on early genetics and alternate technologies made possibly by savants. DC had an interesting "Silver Age" kind of annual miniseries based on a world where super abilities appeared in the 60s. If your interested in the era it might be worth your while to check out as would the First Wild Cards anthology. NO! I was, barely, alive for it the first time, never again. Mostly, I remember the lack of taste. This is when I started playing and GMing Champs and looking back, some of our characters and plots were very 80s. Wild Thing- Van Halenesque party animal, Rave- a broadcast mental illusionist, and one player who had a super soldier serum enhanced clone of Ronald Reagan. Yes really.
  7. The splitting up is more a special effect than a power advantage since it still hits the same target and only the same target. I think a 3 shot autofire would do the trick.
  8. Looking forward to any additions. Nice work
  9. Chaosium put out a game called Superworld , there was at least one scenario book called something like Trouble with H.A.V.O.K. The scenarios varied in quality from semi mundane to poor. It does have stats for 3rd ed. champions though. Judges Guild put out a Villains and Vigilantes or Champs adventure but I've never seen it. Enforcers , Odd, rarely heard of super system, had at least one scenario/module but I'd be very wary. Steve Jackson Games, Wild Cards sourcebook based on the anthology series. Good source material but highly criticized system and is somewhat Wild Cards world specific. Mike Surbrook, I think, did translations for the characters and has them posten on his site. Wild Cards adventure , Sorry, I can't recall the title, globe spanning adventure against a superhuman conspiracy. I liked it but many don't. Not 4 colour at all rather real world. School of Hard Knocks, SJG, by Aaron Allston. Fun adventure about an emerging super who's powers are noticed by some villains. Several reusable bad guys. 4th Ed Champs stats are on Aaron Allstons site which is linked in the Other section of Hero's links page. reccomended. Supertemps, mostly a character book about the employees of a superhuman talent agency which matches superpowers to specific jobs. Some good ideas but a bit specific to a certain kind of campaign. Gurps I.S.T., interesting Apollonian world with some fun villains and settings. I like it but it isn't immediately reworkable to a typical champs campaign. Good source of character concepts. IST Jamaica, a setting for a UN superteam in the Caribean. Useful if you want the campaign to go to Jamaica. Gurps Super adventures, sorry, I only know it exists. Different Worlds magazine, put out a annual Superheroes issue, mostly write ups of established characters, X-men, Teen titans, Dnagents but had the occasional adventure. The Space Gamer, occasionally ran a super adventure, the original School of Hard Knocks for champs, Microfilm madness - reworked and part of the Viper sourcebook, and One from the H.E.A.R.T. I know there are more but I can't recall them now. Hope this helps.
  10. Re: campaign website I didn't have time to read through everything but thats a damn nice site. Pcs, Npcs, villains all with pics and stats, Scenarios and a nice clear layout. Good job right out of the gate. Anyone who wants to make a Champs campaign site should do themselves a favor and check out how this site is organized, orderly and to the point with no snags. Looking forward to seeing it get even better.
  11. Just out of curiosity, what does anyone think was so awful about Gurps Wildcards? Lack of world data?
  12. I apologize to the author, I've never written a printed supplement, but Roadkill is just unbelievably awful. Its like the books in Call of Cthulu, evil and sanity destroying. That said it isn't the worst. Return of the Elokians , Chaosium- a alien first contact scenario where the aliens are misled against the heroes by a geriatric gangster couple, Bugsy and Murial. Bundled in a collection with two others, Sorry but I can't remember the title.
  13. I like the Living Legend line but only half of them are 30mm, the other half is a petite 25mm. The scale isn't listed whenever I order on the web and nobody carries them out here. For any one interested in cardboard hero type paper minis- Cumberland games has a set of superheroic CB figs that are programed as a font. You type out say Capitol A for the front, hit return then lowercase a for the back of the figure. Being fonts they work in any word processing application, are scalable and have a nice selection. Plenty of other genres as well. A very nice and very affordable alternative to metal and plastic. Check em out for yourself at Cumberland games, under SPARKS http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/cumberland.htm
  14. I"ve been using Superfigs, Some of Sandra Garrity's Living Legend miniatures-(superhero minis for another super hero game), but mostly its been Heroclix customs lately. FIGURES Silver Age sentinels recently put out 4 Sandra Garrity sculpted minis lately and they are just beautiful. Ones a superman type, one running hero, one agent or psychic investigator kind and a female agent with guns out. Heroclix has a couple of side characters, figures of police, enemy and ally superagents that no other line ever bothers with. If your local gamestore sells heroclix singles ask to see the Gotham pd, Shield agents, Hydra agents and Checkmate or intergang figs and try to buy the rookies which are sold cheaper, there poor in combat so your store may be glad to get rid of them MAPS I use Microtactix cardstock setpieces, they are paper foldup buildings, vehicles, bridges etc that you download in PDF. You can print as many as you want and they come in a varity of genres.http://www.microtactix.com/ Otherwise I just make up a basic floorplan in some basic Draw program then lay a hexgrid over it with a hex font from cumberland games. http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/cumberland.htm
  15. Now that's imprerssive. I don't know when I'll get the time but thats a resource. Thanks Kev.
  16. Thanks for all the advice, very helpful and very appreciated. I'd like to put out a question- Gurps World War 2, is it useful for more than the usual professionally detailed attention to the topic? I know that there will be a thorough timeline, lots of Gurps stats, and 1 paragraph, genre specific plot seeds but is it better to buy the Core or several of the cheaper specific subject supplements, in your opinion? Pol Rua wrote: Interesting twist on the 'American Villains are still AMERICANS, by golly!' thing... I'll try and find the references for ya, but I read this quite a while ago, and it may require some digging. I really appreciate the offer but I don't want to waste your time, don't feel any obligation to do so. I can use it and its a great bit. Re: the Martian Invasion Its a fun idea. The campaign has already begun in 1941 but it might be interesting to have the martians attack just before the war in Europe closes. The Axis is desperate and needs new super weapons technology, foo fighters etc. American war production is at it's apex and they are close to developing atomic weapons so the martians see a window of opportunity. It would also be very useful to have a big plot curve in reserve to throw at the players should the War story ever start to get too routine. Agent X wrote- In my campaign, many Golden Age American villains joined the Armed Services to fight the Axis. If you ever want to share any of the details I'd love to hear them. That pretty much goes for anyone on the list with Golden Age/WW2 stories. I promise not to steal without permission. One of the players is running a semi reformed Catwoman as a agent of Bruce Wayne. The Joker is still a villain because We have Robin becoming the second Batman while Bruce sees to Wayne aviation's wartime production and helps Doc Savage start up the OSS. Batman 2's player took the Joker as a hunted so he'll have to stay villainous. The posts make a good point about using villains coming out of the cold to fight. It really underscores the national spirit. Wish I'd been bright enough to have thought of this sooner but then the players are just now returning from their first mission overseas and coming home to a less "shell shocked/more angry" unified America could be interesting. Re: sharing how the campaign is going I'm game and I'd like to hear anyone else's. Is there a unofficial rule about that? Like keep it brief or don't clog up the boards with your campaign stories? A.S.S. Too funny Young All Stars/All Star Squadron I'll ask at my local shop. Thanks for the mention of them.
  17. Hmmn, good point about the Joker. M is a incredible movie, I'm thinking of making a modified Dr. Qual, Golden age of Champions, based off of him.
  18. Re: What would you put in this Multipower? Invisibility or a limited shapeshift- the nanites reconfiguring skin color, adding or subtracting tattoos or facial structure Universal translater, only usable for electronic media- nanites building a datajack and interface with the brain Unusual senses- ability to detect em fields or chemical traces Aid or healing that takes extra time- nanites building up specific muscles or repairing damage A little extra armor A low level eb or hand to hand attack- nanites building an electrical charge and releasing it on contact, maybe only usable to harm sensitive electronics Clairsentience, retrocognition, only to detect past prescence of an electromagnetic signature or detect the "fingerprint" of a specific device or weapon A low level of dispel or suppress vs another host's internal nanites ie yours fighting his A low level transformation attack that gives someone else your chr's abilities by some of the nanites transferring to a new host and slowly reproducing there, hard if not impossible on 10 points I know
  19. I would really like to see a good example of a "Body of some element " power. Specifically, a body of fire/plasma or of water where by the nature of the body is a limited desolid mass that has several special effect related powers that effect the physical world. The potential for a Pandora's box is perhaps too high but It was one of the rare concepts I've had trouble building in hero. On a side note, great to have Hero and you back Steve, et all.
  20. Yeah, the serials are always good for plots and cliffhangers. Not that I need the excuse. I'll see what I can do about finding some. Most of my visual "research" has been watching the Indianna Jones trilogy, episodes of Batman the animated series, and various specials on the History Channel. As to the Batman-Capt. America book, yes I've read and enjoyed it very much. SPOILER BEGIN I never quite bought that the Joker would be that bothered to be working for the nazis though. He seems to be more of a "I like the cut of their jib" sort. SPOILER END
  21. Re: Golden age Sadly no so far the characters are Eaglescout, a Native American US Army Ranger in a costume Batman 2, the first Robin taking over for Bruce Captain America, the 1941, newly emerged hero Victory Siryn, a Helenistically beautiful sonic blaster Nachtfeur, a defector from the Nazi Ubermensch, a blaster American Eagle, a Thanagarian Hawk cop, investigating 1) why there is a Hawkman already on Earth, 2) why there is a Green Lantern here as well, 3) trying to figure out if Superman is actually a surviving Kryptonian, and 4) If he is, trying to recruit him for Thanagar and/or deprive the Lantern Corp the same. The Catwoman, reformed, atleast for the duration of the War Bazooka Joe, a Army demolitions expert assigned to the Heroes who has taken to wearing a lone ranger mask, a complete loony. Liberator, a black superhero who is forced hide his race less it demoralise the White Allied fighting man, or so say his commanders. Excellent suggestion. I was thinking of showing them the WW2 Justice League Finale but that will work well. Another good selection, every scene in that movie is overflowing with period style I had no idea it was on DVD. Much thanks for the heads up on that. I'm off the Suncoast vidstore. All our players are childless adults, unless you take into account our state of maturity. Thanks for the warning though,
  22. Thanks, I'll check out the thread. Don't worry about the Axis schemers, they've got plenty of muscle behind them.
  23. I'm starting a WW2 supers game and I was wondering if anyone who had done so prior had any advice, anecdotes, useful sources and or webpages, adventure and or character ideas you'd like to toss my way. To give you some idea of what page I'm on, here is a brief introduction to my campaign. We are running 5th edition and using J.I. and Golden Age of Champions. We borrow heavily from Marvel and DC continuity of characters with players having the choice of playing pregens ot established heroes or of making their own. The campaign started off in October of '41 with the pcs getting together to stop the Joker's Halloween rampage. From there we proceeded to an alternate history of Pearl Harbor then induction into the Oss. Currently, the heroes are in 1940s Wakanda, trying to stop the nazis from grabbing the Vibranium deposits and recreating the experiments that created Captain America's invulnerable shield. This makes it sound like I'm a continuity hound but what what I am really interested in any advice anyone has to offer. Thanks in advance.
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