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Everything posted by Redmenace

  1. Can't help you with the book though I'm sure various power drinks would have plenty of pseudo science about body enhancing properties of their product. As to powers: Drains- Fatigue poisons, vasal constriction, irreguler heartbeat, bronchial constriction, Kidney or liver shutdown. Aids- Adrenaline release, seratonin release, endorphin release, increased oxygenation of the blood going to the brain NND- effects would vary but stimulating the lungs or heart to behave erratically would stop any one with even a vaguely human biochemistry I'd phrase it in terms like inducing palpitations or cardiac flux. Flash- All the bodies sensory systems trigger and run by chemical signals so screwing with those sounds rerwarding, Synestesia- a kind of cross circuiting of the senses where impressions from one sense, say sight, get misread by the brain and instead are recieved as impulses from another sense say hearing. Not only do you not see but you have a mental illusion of something utterly unrelated at the same time. Mind control, with limitations can only trigger preexisting stress influenced psych or physical limitations- essentially putting someone through agonizing biochemical stress which triggers a physical lapse of conscious control like a berserk or withdrawing into a catatonic state. I suppose you could potentially manipulate most emotions. Dispel- vs poisons and drug effect powers.-creating antitoxins, cleansing the system, anti venins etc. RKA- many ways but just manipulating the Insulin levels would screw with most people nicely. You've already got a good entangle Drain vs skills, perhaps linked with Int drain- causing hypoxia-lack of oxygen to the brain. Healing vs drains as wiping out fatigue poisons. Effecting crowds by using a change environment, create caffeine in crowd, diminishes fatigue etc. I'll try for more later.
  2. They apparently have been notified from on high that they are responsible for copyright noninfringement and they don't like you screwing around with the zoomer till you've been led through it once. After that I can't imagine they care.
  3. In a more, rather than less, realistic universe the supply lines, adjacent resources etc. might determine what kind of city you'll see built. 1.) After the city is gone, what resources does the site have left? Pittsburgh had/has aging, outmoded steel factorys, coal mines and agriculture while Detroit had/has several means of transporting materials in and out. The advantage to redeveloping a new industrial base is more evident in Detroit what with highways, the great lacks connecting Chicago and Canada. Maybee Pitt 2 goes into a different set of sciences like Genetic engineering, super genes etc. If the area doesn't have any significant advantages it will have to attract business with low taxes, promises of noninterferance. Viper and everyother shady organization will want to get in on this from the beginning. It might be a new utopia on the outside but corrupt inside from the beginning 2.) Insurance is a huge burden of high technology firms experimenting with anything destructive. Maybe the city planners set aside a specially zoned area away from living areas and makes insurance available to various supers and corporations. This is handy as it alowes you to have a several difernt city types in one. The high tech sector, the ruins, the bright shiny city center etc... Is it an area with an antiquated power grid? If so it might be built energy independant by use of a massive reactor, zero point energy tap, em field collecters, solar plants etc. Super technology could be employed in abig way with who knows what tech in place. Just some thoughts
  4. The Kinko's poster scale printer is called a zoomer and prints to 18' by 24'. Locally it costs $2.43 for a copy. The only problem I've ever had is explaining what I was copying to the clerk.
  5. I've wodered about that myself. I kind of pictured a super heroic Ragnorok with all the worlds supers involved in a last "all the marbles" kind of thing. As there is to be a Champions 3000, it sounds like the magic goes back to sleep or is again inaccesible/undiscovered much the same way as it was before the Nazis reawoke it.
  6. I have to agree with Ghost, 1/4 limitation on the first considering the homefront location and the era's national fervor. Is this meant to be used as her main offense? If not, I might change the wording to patriotic Americans so Black marketeers, fifth coloumnists etc won't just give up despite it being somewhat in character for period comics. Other player want to beat up mooks. As to the second, reduced by range seems right but i'd look over the hearing modifiers chart on page 230 of the Fifth for some ideas as to how ambient sound effects the power.
  7. Re: Move-throughs with weapons pg. 259 5th ed. last paragraph before SET I'm not sure if I can directly quote the book so here is a paraphrasing. If you are using a weapon/killing attack with a move through, you divide the characters strengrh by two to determine damage. It isn't explicit but it seems that you lose Str adds, since momentum ia powering the weapon instead of muscle, and replace it with Velocity bonus. This doesn't exempt the 2x maxima for Weapon/attack damage from modifiers. So it's still 4d6 HKA Max. pg 270-271, paraphrasing again , No matter the modifiers, add ons from velocity etc, can you more than double the base damage from a attack. The exception being normal damage weapons, in super campaigns, and unarmed martial art damage classes. Nothing in the 5th ed. errata contradicts this.
  8. I'd never heard of the books/s. Care to share some details on the more interesting details?
  9. I'd think a Messiah complex, the sense of burden to use the power for societal benefit, or Meglomania, the urge to conquer and or use the ability to out compete your counterparts, would be extremaly common. Certainly your society will shape this to some degree. A heavily religious state would impose it's theology upon the individual which could easily result in him or her manifesting both these traits. Just becouse you are personally gaining from your abilities and use them to coerce unbelievers to your way of doing things, doesn't neccesarily mean you aren't following God's will. You can ask any televangelist. A Socialist or Communist society would likewise engender public service based on their ideology. However the Comic Super hero is an invention of socially progressive capitalists. Check out Supreme Power by Marvel comics, written by Mike Stracynzki for a much more detaile set of examples. It'll give you some things to think about.
  10. I must have missed Wings of the Valkyrie. What was it about and who wrote it?
  11. I use a campaign of my own design with the "Official" Champs universe being an adjacent parallel world. I imagine you already know this but all the Hero products fit into the official timeline, so the Terran Empire, as an example of a published product, is an official hitorical era. One of the DOJ 5th ed. products scheduled is Champions 3000 which will take the official world forward in history. Okay those are alreafy going in the wrong direction. As far as I know the only Turakian documents are Takofanes from CK&C and the Hero Universe PDF available free under Free Stuff. It has a bit of background but that's all. Sorry, I know that isn't a lot of help.
  12. I've had it up to here with all your Stalin bashing.
  13. To the best of my knowledge there haven't been any but what's to stop you from using an earlier edition? The character sheet it'self hasn't changed any. Here is a site that has a ton of sheets frommany commonly played game, free for download. They could possibly help. http://www.rpgsheets.com/ I like the idea of a back ground and Illo getting a one time reward. How well has it worked for you? Are there players who abstain or is the oppourtunity for points too great to pass up.
  14. You might think about getting the Until Superpowers Database. It has plenty of premade powers at varying power levels players can just pop in to their characters. You still need them to have access to the Big Book but it might save you from having to loan it out so often.
  15. Mea Culpa, DW. Sorry about mis representing.
  16. CorpCommander, this is a free and open forum and you are entirely within your rights to express yourself. I don't want to stomp on that even if I had the authority to do so. However, Nato is pretty active on the bourds and he may very well read that. If you have legitimate criticism then at least be specific about what and or why you don't like his stuff.
  17. Bats wouldn't have hired super mercs/ignorant Asian godlings and allow them to endanger the public like Slade has. Machiavellian as he is capable of being, he doesn't unnecesarily endanger people. Of course in the Justice League-Darkseid story he used the word Whacky which I didn't think him capable of either. IMHOP
  18. I believe the Defenders of Justice is Steve Long's old campaign, a Golden Age superheroic one. It's where DOJ comes from. As they've been mentioned in Steve's work they'll probobly see the light of day when ver a Golden Age source book comes out. In the mean time, check the Digital hero page by clicking on the various covers to pull up a table of contents for that issue. There have been some character write ups that might include what you're looking for.
  19. Sorry to jump on the band wagon but several marvel characters have semi succesfully tried to recreate the atomic accident that unleashed the Hulk as well. Emil Blonsky, Commie spy, became the Abomination Walter Langowskie, atomic physiscist, became Sasquatch of Alpha Flight, (kind of anyway) Leonard Samson, psychiatrist, became Doc Sampson There have been several others as well Sorry, got it out of my system. As to doing a campaign about the era or more likely in that style, Silver Age Sentinels is all about it and the core rules go into the whole silver age feel extensively. As to the weird science- there is an early issue of THOR where Loki turns several people of New York into anti matter. They continue to walk around the city eliciting strange looks but little else. Thor reasons that by swinging his enchanted mallet counter clockwise it will emit negative magnetic rays that will reverse the polarity of the anti matter, and it does. Stan was battin' a thousand that day
  20. Re: Wow! Try Noble Knight Games http://www.nobleknight.com/MiscellaneousPages/homepage.Asp They got a nice bundle of Ice/Hero products recently. RPGS-> Hero-> Champions If they don't have it you can check back every week, they get new stuff every week or so or you can send them an e-mail requesting the item. They'll need the title and company which they will post in there games wanted section of the e-mail bulletin.
  21. I can't thlnk of one. What makes you ask?
  22. I'm just begging for a flame here but I rather liked that episode. Does anyone know what the in-comic Mad Mod was like? This version had almost a Arcade-murderworld as drawn by Steranko(=Op art kind of style), I assume that that is a reinterpretation.
  23. On a semi related issue, does anyone know when in October the new Justice League episodes air? From the ads describing the TT episodes on "Justice Saturdays" I thought that they might be bundled together along with the Clone Wars shorts.
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