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Everything posted by Vestnik

  1. Re: Superhero Politics That was an inherent feature of the command economy system. Soviet technology kicked ass. Mass-producing it was another matter.* And a lot was not implemented for political reasons -- for instance, Soviet computer technology was excellent by the standards of the time, but PCs were not introduced, because you can write a political pamphlet on one... * Except for military tech. Military production was treated as a top state priority, so the slip-shod work that was normal for civilian production would have been considered treason in a military factory. Soviet inventors didn't get any money from sales of the invention BTW. I don't think Kalashnikov cot a kopeck for his rifle.
  2. Re: Superhero Politics Yes it does! Good job! It's usually translated as "herald," but harbinger is close and sounds much cooler.
  3. Re: Superhero Politics Where does the history of the game world divert from that of the real world? Gorbachev never came to power? His efforts to end the Cold War were rebuffed in the US?
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Burning from the Inside -- Bauhaus. Actually by far their worst record.
  5. Re: Whould you buy...CHAMPIONS SOUTH OF THE BORDER and CHAMPIONS OF THE RISING SUN. I think Asia is way overdone, at least Japan. NO MORE JAPAN! I am all Nipponed out. I would go for something Latin America-based over Asia* if I were in a CU-supplement-buying mood (as I will be when I am in the States for Christmas!). *Clarification: Viet-Nam, India, Korea, Mongolia and the rest of non-Japan, non-China Asia would be cool. But NO MORE JAPAN, dammit!
  6. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 "If Hulk on boat with Ancient Mariner, Hulk break puny neck of albatross! Poem end different! Hulk go to Xanada and crush Kubla Khan! Puny Kubla Khan always try hurt Hulk!" The Leader is probably some philistine who teaches over in the Engineering Department, jealous because Hulk has all the cute girl graduate students. OK, that's enough of this entertaining thread derailment, from me anyway.
  7. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week Maybe an Inuit Canadian hero? Or even a Viking, given that they had a colony up there.
  8. Re: Runequest Races Thanks all. Nothing for Scorpion Men? They were my favorite.
  9. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3
  10. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Hulk most literate one there is! Hulk write dissertation on Jane Austin! Hulk get post-graduate fellowship!
  11. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 I think this is hilarious: "IN WITNESS of this charter, we founding members have hereunto subscribed our names... Iron Man Thor Wasp Ant-Man Hulk" I love that the Hulk signed his name as "Hulk." Does Hulk know how to write? Is that legally binding?
  12. Re: Runequest Races Score! You have a link? Much appreciated!!!!
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Jacques DuTronc, that song about the million de chinois et moi, et moi, et moi
  14. I'm sure this has been done, probably multiple times, but... Has anybody ever converted the RuneQuest races (scorpion men, trolls, etc.) to hero?
  15. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting She looks pretty badass to me if she has a glass of blood handy.
  16. Re: Who uses or has used Dr. McQuark? I have used Dr. Quark so totally hard... Oh, sorry, you guys have got to clean up the thread titles!
  17. How much would you require a character who speaks Modern Greek to learn Ancient Greek? A modern English speaker to have Anglo-Saxon, or a modern Norwegian to learn Norse? Relatedly, if you speak, say, Egyptian Arabic, what's it cost to learn Classical Arabic or Modern Standard Arabic?
  18. Re: Help with some African Supervillains please ! It's not Sub-Saharan Africa, but there's always Ancient Egypt and the other North African ancient cultures to draw on. Ba'al makes a good villain. And the Nubians.
  19. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? Maybe we need a professional caste of Hero exegetes to determine the correct reading of the Holy Text of FRED. And perhaps an Inquisition to enforce it. "This part is meant allegorically..."
  20. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting I am!
  21. Re: Help with some African Supervillains please ! Anansi the Spider.
  22. Re: Wierdest powers... In any case, it would need some serious air freshener.
  23. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Obssessive Onanist Hero
  24. Re: Wierdest powers... Yes, if hard-pressed to escape, he could simply change a passing woman's genitalia into a Swedish car and drive off.
  25. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting Thanks for the feedback and ideas everyone. With respect to Frankie's Monster, I just don't see giving him super Brick-level STR without totally mutilating the book and/or movie (the latter of course having thoroughly mutilated the former itself). The Monster is a basically a reanimated corpse (or bunch of corpses). He's not throwing around tanks. I had reinvented him as a gadgeteer using Steampunk Victorian technology, postulating that he had returned to Victor's lab after returning from the Arctic and doing some studying. Plus his amped-up stats (I gave him I think a 40 STR, a bit high for the book but not outrageous). And a LOT of points on skills and languages (the Monster in the book is on the brilliant side).
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