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Everything posted by Vestnik

  1. Re: What is Munchkin? I was trying to build a character who turned into the Nike of Samothrace in the Louvre (plus head), that is, turned into a giant stone Goddess of Victory, who once changed had a sword that could be taken from her. It seemed that OIHID and a Focus would be the best way to do this, but as far as I could tell this would be illegal according to the rules. 'Twas a bummer.
  2. Re: What is Munchkin? I've wondered about this. Why (except for balance issues) can't you have OIHID and a Focus? For instance, a sword that I can only use when in Hero mode?
  3. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? Well then, who would win, Fifth Ed. Eurostar or the Ultimates?
  4. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? Firewing is a Firelord homage. Gravitar is a Magneto homage. Magneto has beaten Spiderman, while Spiderman has beaten Firelord. Therefore, Gravitar wins.
  5. Has anyone ever done a game in a Stone Age setting? Just seems like it could be an interesting genre if you fiddled with the world abit, perhaps adding shamanistic magic or whatnot.
  6. Re: RKA & HKA cost the same? Yes, but the character already HAS Strength as a basic characteristic that adds to secondary characteristics as well. You can of course also buy a Rangeg HKA or a No Range RKA. (Mind you I have my own issues about KA pricings. Also mind you that there are people on this board who are a lot more experienced than I.)
  7. Re: RKA & HKA cost the same? Strength adds to HKA?
  8. Re: More Russian language help I translate from Russian to English occasionally (not professionally). If you have any further questions, feel free to send 'em my way.
  9. Re: Macroverse and Microverse? What kind of effect on the physical world does a character in the Macroverse have? Please tell me we're not talking about moving around galaxies here.
  10. Re: What Champions supplements should I buy? Thanks much. Actually I am looking at it more from a character-building perspective (as I'm a player in some PBEM groups). I see people here talking about the "Speed Zone" and Martial Arts tricks and so forth and I and my lonely 5E have no idea what they are talking about.
  11. I've recently gotten back into Hero and role-playing in general (via email) after an absence of over a decade (yikes!). I no longer live in the States, and no Hero materials are available here (as far as I know -- I should say I REALLY DOUBT they are available here). The only book I have is 5E, and I haven't ordered anything through the mail because 1) I don't have a credit card and 2) I don't trust the postal service. I see from the discussions here that a lot of really interesting material has been published. So, I'm going to visit my mom in the States in 6 weeks or so, and planning on blowing $100 or so on Champions materials. What what y'all recommend I should pick up for that amount of money? Thanks!
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? That jazzy album Bjork did in the Icelandic language.
  13. Re: Size and Martial Arts Awesome! Thanks much.
  14. Probably there is nomething about this in UMA, but... Is there some kind of generally accepted understanding that certain martial maneuvers (I understand that they are in a sense implicitly all Real Weapon, e.g., a 20 STR punch can't smack through steel no matter how many DCs of Martial Maneuvers you have nehind it) don't work on targets too divergent from the attacker in size? I'm thinking of various Grabs and so forth. Can 4-foot-tall Martial Grab Gal put a blue whale in a choke hold?
  15. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Role Playing Game Player Hero. You play characters who are sitting around playing a role-playing game. (Metanarrative Hero!)
  16. Re: Build me a voodoo doll Yikes, thanks. That's brutal. How does one bypass having to make an attack roll?
  17. Re: Build me a voodoo doll Nay, I do not possess this esoteric volume. I was unaware it had been written up somewhere.
  18. A doll and some unfortunate's hair. You hurt the doll, target from whom the hair has been taken takes damage. How to do this?
  19. Re: How would you use Gravitar? And Usable by Other! I may have seen this Power advertised in spam in my inbox!
  20. Re: How would you use Gravitar? +60 PRE, Only To Impress Females of the Species (-1/2), Only When Location 13 Exposed (-1), Restrainable (-1/2), Two-Handed (-1/2) Gravitar shall be mine!
  21. Re: How would you use Gravitar? I would so totally use Gravitar so hard she couldn't stand up for a week.
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