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Everything posted by Klytus

  1. Q: What were the last words spoken by anyone in an Iraqi prison before "confessing"? Answer: A cruise misisle, a condom and the Green Bay Packers
  2. Q: What group finds the California recall election to be highly innane? Answer: MSNBC, in the PDA with a WMD.
  3. Q: What is an attempt by one member of this board to come up with a creative insult to be directed at another member of the boards? Answer: Karl Grouch Marx
  4. Question: Are you aware that you were just eating haggis? Answer: A Rhinestone Jesus Christ with a Ruby Loincloth
  5. Q: Who are Superman's past, present, and future girlfriends? A: The Dreaded Undertoad
  6. Q: Either you're an insomniac or have a girl you just can't stop looking at when you have what problem? A: Singing pirates and chocolate covered cheesecake on a stick.
  7. Q: So, Mr. President, what chapter do the Ten Commandments appear in again? Answer: A Damascus steel kitchen knife
  8. Question: So, wanna watch as I try to get a double date with Kara and Nemesis? Answer: A naked elf, an angry unicorn, and really smart badger.
  9. I think evening out the curve sort of defeats the whole purpose of having the curve there in the first place.
  10. Thanks Hermit Q: What sounds like the start of a fun evening for followers of the Marquis deSade? Answer: But I put it all on a floppy.
  11. Which is why in the recent past he changed his name to CM3.
  12. HEY! No fair! No skipping my answer! I went back and did a repost and everything, and I *still* get dissed.
  13. Aww crap! Missed by just a few minutes! Q: What phrase in an immediate cause for despair? Answer: Smurf Juice.
  14. Q: When Duck Dodgers of the 24½ Century saw his reflection in the monolith, what did he say? Answer: Smurf Juice
  15. It only works for people to whom the Wizard gives the power too. When Billy and Mary say the word, they are invoking the name of the Wizard, and they then receive the power. Capt. Marvel Junior, on the other hand, was given his powers by Captain Marvel himself, which is why HIS magic word is "Captain Marvel." The main problem these three have is that the magic word always works - they can NEVER say the word without the magical lightning striking. Technically, there is no limit to how long any of them can remain in their super-forms. It is simply a mark of their sense of obligation and responsibility that they feel they should not weild the power unless there a real need for them to do so. And yes, Black Adam had a similar gift. Lacking any sense of responsibility, he never chooses to change back into his "mortal" ID. In the original incarnation, this was because he was a 3,000 year old Egyptian warrior, so transforming to normal would have killed him.
  16. Q: What fact defies explanation? Answer: An atom smasher, cans of compressed air, and Anna Nicole Smith (back when she posed for Playboy).
  17. Q: Who, when playing the bagpipes, does no one makes fun of for wearing "skirts"? Answer: The perfect thing for opening English Knights
  18. Q: What statement preceeds the smart ass remark: "But if *I* hold the glass, how will you drink it?" Answer: A Charles Emerson Winchester Rifle
  19. Q: What is the dress code at a typical party in the Playboy Mansion? A: A thousand throwing stars with a pound of butter.
  20. Q: Who is that fellow cowering in the corner who won't drink, cuss, fight or even get on board a ship? A: A $12 Harrier Jet
  21. Q: What do you need to see in your sink to persuade you that maybe you need to call a plumber? A: Stonehenge and a rubber ducky.
  22. Q: What are the ideal things to have with you when returning home from a night on the town? A: King Soloman Grundy
  23. Q: Are you the one who ordered the platoon of Attack Badgers? A: A bushel of brocolii
  24. I having a physics brain-fart and need some help. I know the rate at which an object falls is 9.8m/sec^2 (or 32.2 ft/sec^2 in English) I am just having a hard time remembering how it works. If I do not have this right, please set me straight. I drop an object, and for one second, it will move at a rate of 32.2 feet/second. On the second second, it is now going 64.4 feet.second. On the third second, it is doing 96.6 feet/second. Is this right? Or am I way off? And at which speed does one hit terminal velocity? All I'm trying to do is figure out (roughly) "If I drop someone from this height, how long do the heroes have to save them?"
  25. Question: So, Worldmaker, what would you rather give up than those pictures of Kara everyone is so hot for? Answer: Only if it makes me go blind.
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