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Everything posted by CaptnStrawberry

  1. 'BB was the big snipe, so I just said Heck with it, and went for a fairly obscure character who happened to reduce the 'white powah' vibe I was in danger of embracing I needed a mystic anyway, and Black Crow works nicely.' I consider myself reasonably well versed in comicdom, but that one threw me for a loop. Who is he? I thought I knew all of Marvel's Native Americans! Can't say I knew who Golden Girl, Tech Jacket or Sapphire were off-hand either. But drafting persona obscura adds to the fun. No war stories to date - for whatever reason I've been a sniper but not a snipee - so far!
  2. See, I told you to redraft him! A lot more competitive a character than Night-bling.
  3. Agreed - they're both adorable!! Plus she has Cap-style wings. Must be a Golden Age thing.
  4. Team Nietzsche selects a certain someone who defines the very concept of amorality and not being beholden to traditional definitions of good and evil: Purple Man (Zebediah Kilgrave) PS - The web claims David Tennant is being cast in this role. The character was voiced to slimy perfection in animated Avengers by Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data).
  5. From other threads, he seems to have a virulent dislike for Batman and Wolverine. But I don't want to put words in his mouth!
  6. You have probably earned Enforcer's enmity for life. . .
  7. I don't really discern a difference between a cybernetic arm and a suit of power armor - both are technological in nature, 'added' to the character at some point, and difficult to remove. I can see a character like Cyborg crossing the line, though, as he is mostly tech. I'll stick with her, in future I will PM if there is doubt! I calculate Misty's bonus points as 3 (24 hours) + 3 (never died) + 1 (female) + 1 (non-white) + 4 (no solo title to my knowledge, always teams) + 2 (character did not create focus) + 3 (focus is not unique if we count guns, her arm likely is).
  8. Good morning, All! My pick this round: Mercedes 'Misty' Knight! Smart and skillful in her own right, her superhuman powers are from the Stark-designed bionic arm! Not exactly PC, but she is so obviously inspired by 70s Pam Grier films that this clip seems appropriate:
  9. Yeah, I admit the GL-verse just became too much work to follow for me. We have (had) what, seven - ten corps now? Each contributing dozens of characters and hundreds of extras? Say 'when', guys!
  10. 2 strong women in a row! Nice. As we start Round 5: Heavy Equipment, I just want to clarify: are we talking any external source of power - technological, magic or organic? What about someone with multiple 'focii' with powers? Just weighing my options. I admit to helping escalate the 'arms race' we have going, though I'm going to try to de-escalate it and follow my heart the next couple rounds. I think we should all commit to 'fun' characters in the last (free) round.
  11. Bronze Age is my preferred 'tone' also - 70s and 80s are the comics I grew up on, although I remember reading a giant stack of 60s Amazing Spider Man that was in my grandma's garage. I think you've hit the highlights. A lot of folks consider the era starting with the Green Lantern/Green Arrow 'road trip', where they tackle the above-mentioned racism and topical social issues such as Speedy's drug addiction. I gather this was controversial at the time, as it openly defied the Comics Code. The documentary Superheroes! explores this and is worth a watch. This was also the era in which Tony Stark was revealed as an alcoholic; I also remember an issue c. 1970 in which Peter Parker was diagnosed with nervous exhaustion! So the true cost of being a superhero began to take precedence. And there was something of a backlash against the Silver Age. Batman, for example was redefined as a dark brooding avenger after the camp of the TV series. Retcons like the Invaders tried to piece together gaps in character histories. And as you say, villains began to take on more depth, with actual motivations rather than just cackling gleefully. It saw comics stretching the boundaries of the medium and diversifying into a potpourri of styles, with wacky parody in Howard the Duck, characters breaking the fourth wall for the first time, up to brooding post-modernism. As far as creativity goes, the true Golden Age.
  12. Hey, Emma is Blonde and Beautiful but doesn't really qualify as Big. She probably fits another word that starts with 'B', but we won't go there!
  13. Thx, tho I may have trumped Mrs. Pariah. . .I will say the power level for my group will start to head south from here on in!
  14. Interesting, my pick served with him in the short-lived Cabal: Emma Frost Former Hellfire club member, current X-Man (and least cheese-cakey pic I could find) Lady Pariah up next, and notified!
  15. Wow. Commish, you need to send a 'crack of dawn' bonus point Bazza's way!
  16. Yo, CHUMPS. This fraggin' Arena League just hit the Big Leagues. That's right, the Main Man's got a plan: to use your innards to grease the gears of my Hog. Losers. Third Round Pick: Lobo And, I guess I'll go with the obvious theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyhJ69mD7xI
  17. I was seriously considering picking Stan Lee as a character created by Stan Lee . Nice to see Aquaman getting some love. I enjoyed JL: Throne of Atlantis and thought they handled the character pretty well.
  18. He gets a big tax rebate/insurance settlement when adventurers steal his treasure? Take my hoard. . . please!
  19. Tough round, Stan is responsible for so many great characters, but the most 'Nietzsche-esque' has got to be: Man-Thing Burn at his touch!! (Stan shares credit with Roy Thomas and Gerry Conway)
  20. Same here. Destroyer is the only guy I know who can make pinstriped pants look cool.
  21. Any of these vs. another would be a good match! I'm starting to think there were bonus points for theme songs - or maybe just points for style?!
  22. Well, so far this is a big-guns round, so I will go with the ultimate strong, silent type: Black Bolt! Tentative Team Name: The Knights Who Say Nietzsche I have been generally well-liked by the friendly Hero Games community (less so in real life, but who cares about that?!) PM being sent to Bazza.
  23. Nightcrawler's player must've suffered a lot of Total Party Kills (TPKs) somewhere along the way - he designed a character whose agility, speed, wall-crawling and teleporting practically guarantee no-one will land a hit on him!
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