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Everything posted by Checkmate

  1. Re: 6th edition I'm willing to amend my statement. I just browsed through the APG and made assumptions. I think you are drastically understating the change to characteristics. It has a much larger impact than just accounting. For example, Ice projector wants to put ice under your feet 5th ed: DEX Drain, 6th ed: OCV, DCV, DEX drain. Some may call that better, but it's still different. It's also affected the cost of advantages (at least I assume that's why they changed). You can effectively do the mental paralysis for +1/2 advantage on entangle (I don't have my book with me but I'm pretty sure that's right). This brings up the other issues, that may be worked out with more time and playtesting, but only one thing was looked at: EGO costs as much as STR so advantages switching an attack from one to the other should be relatively cheap. The problem with this, is looking through the published characters, the average EGO values haven't really gone up. This means that the attack is cheaper but it's just as effective. Sure you can just raise the average EGO values, but we've already established characters in general cost more, and now we're raising EGO's just to protect against the lowered cost of advantages. I want to stress that this is just one example of what the changes do that people may not consider.
  2. Re: The cost of Internet Hmm good point. How much do you think that ability should cost? Better yet, I'll start a thread on that topic to see what other people think...
  3. Re: Who the Heck are These?!? Questions about some of the Old SuperHeroes
  4. Re: The cost of Internet Again fellas, I'm talking about an A.I. follower doing the searching while the human pilot does the fighting.
  5. Re: EPIC Champions--unofficial material, what should I write about? While they may not be cosmic or magic, the mechanics still come down to "Whatever is needed at the time" Now that we've started talking about it, I think this is the biggest difference between a 400+400XP character is that they may have the same versatility as a VPP, but they've purchased the powers seperately one at a time. The VPP character buys that versatility in one chunk, then uses the points left over to beef up the rest.
  6. Re: EPIC Champions--unofficial material, what should I write about? I've really only skimmed this thread, so forgive me if some of this has been said before, but here are my suggestions: The reason I dislike most games of this power level is that EVERYONE takes a VPP. You have the situation where Hero 1: What can you do? Hero 2: Well my Comsmic Dohickey lets me do pretty much anything. Why, what can you do? Hero 1: Yeah, my radiation suit allows me to do pretty much anything. This makes those types of games incredibly bland A character where the GM says: Okay you have 800 points go build a character, will be completely different from a character that started with 200 points and gained 600 points in XP. When players get XP in smaller chunks (like 3-6 per session) they don't typically save it up to make large purchases. They cover their weaknesses right away, or buy things that they think would have helped them in the previous sessions. A character who started with 200 points usually can't handle the same level of threat that a character that started with 800 points can handle, but the 200 point character will generally have a broader scope of abilities and skills (baring the 800 pointer having the VPP).
  7. Re: Who the Heck are These?!? Questions about some of the Old SuperHeroes Didn't Mind Maid become Rose in the comic book?
  8. Re: Wonder Woman's at 70! Not bad, I would multipower her lasso, and change her invisible jet from a Focus to Physical Manifestation as he jet was damaged but was never really taken away from her.
  9. Re: The cost of Internet I disagree with the AI only being only as good as the programming roll. Data from Star Trek is an AI, I'd imagine he'd be pretty good at an internet search, the Terminator, Red Tornado, all A.I.'s as opposed to computer programs. Things to think about, especially when you're talking about speed, a few years ago (4 to be exact according to this article) in Japan, they launched a satalite that allows 155 mb/s downloads ANYWHERE in Japan, with the potential for 1.2 GB/s. And that's commercial use. Imagine someone that had the ability to create an A.I. what they could do. Just as a test, using Google with auto-complete, it took me 4 seconds to get the name of the mayor of New Orleans. It took me 6 seconds to find out who Katie Holmes is married to. I used Katie Holmes to simulate the kind of coverage someone famous would have, and assume that superhero/villain would have the same type of coverage. Google makes things even faster by guessing what you're going to type before you type it, and pulling up results before you finish. I don't need to click a link as the preview tells me what I need to know. I can type B-A-T-M-A-N-S-E and look down and see Bruce Wyane. Now I don't know what I'm really getting at here, but it seems like you could do a lot with an A.I. looking things up on the internet.
  10. Re: The cost of Internet I considered the the KS:Everything, or even using Universal Scholar/Scientist, and may just go that route. I've not overly concerned with time, anything I need with combat applications I'd just buy as a seperate skill. So would HRRH/xmit be enough, or would you require the Computer Link Perk? If the latter, what would that perk cost?
  11. Re: how to block a teleporter The reason the plane crashed could be an energy field like the Bermuda Triangle. You can teleport inside the field, but you can't teleport from outside to inside, or from inside to outside. This allows the PC to still have powers and participate, but limits the long range teleport.
  12. One of my favorite character types is the Power Armor character. My favorite part of it is the A.I. feeding the user information. When creating this type of character I would create an AI and give it a butt ton of KS: and AK: skills. It occurred to me, that I could do a lot of the same things I was trying to simulate with my smart phone and Google. If my smart phone has internet access and can Google a business, or look something up by taking a picture of it, surely a high tech suit of armor could. My question is what would the ability to look something up on the internet cost. I would go with Perk:Computer Link, but how much should a computer link to the regular internet cost assuming this character was going to be used in the "standard" Champions Universe. As a GM would you personally allow this? What issues or limitation would you apply?
  13. Re: Probability Manipulation Here is a discussion about luck. I really like the system we came up with in that thread. It would need to be tweaked to taste and actual costs worked out,
  14. Re: Tigra (Marvel Universe) Never was a Tigra fan, didn't dislike her so was just sort of "meh" to me, but I never realized she was that strong either.
  15. Re: Your favorite Archetype examples in super hero comics Good call on Warpath, although depending on what time in his career you take him, he goes from Martial Artist, to Martial Brick, to Uber Brick, back down to Martial Brick I liked Battalion for the first few issues. Minor mental powers and uses weapons. Then you find out he could level the planet with his mental powers causing one to wonder what point is there to carry a gun? I love the new Nova, but I had a hard time of where to put him, Energy Projector, Power Armor, or Speedster. In the end I went with speester because that applies to any point in his career (and I H A T E!!!! Quicksilver).
  16. Re: Your favorite Archetype examples in super hero comics
  17. Re: Heroes for pay There are no paid firefighters in my city, and to get paid that much as a teacher requires your Masters degree. So like megaplayboy said, what job that requires a 6 year degree gets paid less? EDIT: Also in case it wasn't clear where I was going: In order to get the "large paycheck" Firefighters get, they typically have to work a few years for free.
  18. Re: Questions about vigilantes To really answer we'd need more information. What type of Vigilantes are we talking about? Are we looking at a couple of Army buddies getting together breaking out the shotguns and taking on gang bangers, or is it more the Punisher taking on King Pin? You need to decide how gritty you want things.
  19. Re: Should I allow Multipowers in a heroic game? Hugh is right, it is hard to answer these types of questions in a vacuum. If you allow this type of framework, you will change the feel of the game. It becomes a much higher powered. If that's the feel you want, cool you got it. If you were trying for a Conan-type Sword and Sorcery game, you may want to reevaluate your thinking. The other question I would have is: Are all players allowed MP's or just the Psionic ones? For example, if I wanted to be a quick shot could I add a naked autofire advantage, or other things to make me a better fighter? There might be some disparity if you don't allow it in both cases, especially when XP rolls around.
  20. Re: GM conundrum - CSLs This reminds me of an old 5th ed argument I had all the time. If you told people that anyone that if you had a STR over 25 you were a metahuman, for the most part, people were fine with that. But do the same thing with DEX and/or SPD and look out, you had some fights on your hand.
  21. Re: Has there ever been a master list of characters published for champions? In 4th Ed Champions Universe there was a glossary that listed "all" the characters and the books that they were in. I'm not sure how comprehensive it was, even for back then, but that's the only one I know about.
  22. Re: Character and Gameworld Concept That is an interesting concept. I could see a whole campaign based off of this.
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