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Everything posted by Checkmate

  1. Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!! That seems reasonable, but if you also consider that people like Professor X and "Turn your brain off" with a thought, or make you turn your power against yourself, they both fall into the same category. Then you have people like Scarlet Witch and... Mr. Fantastic's kid, or Kovack (is that his name?), or Colossus' brother who can alter reality. On top of that you have the enhanced beings like Silver Surfer, Specter etc. Personally I would think they would have the advantage since they can also kill you with a thought, but are "more than human" and so reactions would be quicker. I do see what you mean though, here's this seeming innocuous guy and the writers gave them, what I'm sure they thought a cool power without fully considering the applications of that power.
  2. Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!! The problem with a lot of Rex's arugments about Chemical King, is that he appllies certian limitations to, say Dr. Strange, but not to CK. If CK had been in more than 2 issues of a comic, I'm sure he'd have been knocked out by someone, since he does have a normal human body, with normal human limitations. Any of the other characters with more cosmic powers could take him out before he even knew he was attacked. Dr. Strange could teleport him somewhere where the laws of physics didn't apply etc.
  3. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Your posts would be a lot more useful it you'd provide an opinion about the book. Just telling us what's on the back of the book doesn't help us determine if it's worth the read or not.
  4. Re: Critique my Character Please Some of the things I noticed were, you're CON might be a little low. I tend to have at least a 23-28 when playing at the superhero level. The Regeneration, in my mind, doesn't seem to fit the concept. How does teleporting give you the ability to regrow limbs? Along those lines, in my 25 years of playing Champions, I've never seen anyone who had a limb hacked off that the player didn't ask for it to happen (player wanted to turn the character into a cyborg). It seems like a waste of points for the most part. You also bought Streetwise twice. You only have 4 powers in your Mulipower, if I were GM, I'd say your CLS's with multipower only cost 3 points instead of 5.
  5. Re: Avengers: Dublin Assemble! Nice write up, looking forward to the other ones (I'm really just posting here so I can see the green dot and find this thread again... Not that I don't mean what I said, I mean if I didn't think it was a good write up why would I want to come back. Normally though I'd just rep you, and wouldn't just post "Nice write up" because that doesn't really contribute to the thread, know what I mean? Okay shutting up now.)
  6. Re: So...About Seeker... I could totally buy a Japanese commando knowing Ninjitsu, the problem I had was that Seeker didn't appear to know anything about being a Ninja. Change that to Karate and I actually liked the character.
  7. Re: So...About Seeker... Meh, I changed Ninjitsu to Karate, and liked it a whole lot better.
  8. Re: Figured Char and increasing Main Char (5ed) I know back in 3rd and 4th ed. the rules stated that you had to pay full amount for the abilities and any points you got from increasing base characteristics had to be used immediately. I assumed they stayed the same over the generations but never really looked it up.
  9. Re: New Look for Defender Defender is C:NM is my absolute favorite.
  10. Re: The Classic Justice League starting members on 350 points According to the old DC HEROES game by Mayfair Games, Superman's vulnerability to Magic stems from Krypton not having anyone who could do magic. It also talked about people who could use magic were called Homo-Magi. Not everyone could learn magic you had to be born with the ability. I don't know if any of that still applies or if it is even cannon, but there it is.
  11. Re: Valdorian Age in 6th Edition? That's an 11 OCV with a thrown Ax. That's quite a few successful head shots.
  12. Re: What comic book villains would make cool heroes, and vice versa?
  13. Re: As a Hero Gamer would you find this useful? I don't erase, just cross out and write again.
  14. Re: As a Hero Gamer would you find this useful? Personally I wouldn't use beads, I think it's a lot easier to just write down a number than count and move beads.
  15. Re: What do you really think of Champions Online?
  16. Re: The Naming Game with twist: The Character Concept Game And he could have CSL's with Bottle Rockets!
  17. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 That may have been the wrong example then, but hope my meaning comes across.
  18. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 Cheesy is taking limitations that don't fit the conception. My first thought when I see IIF on top of OIHID is cheese. That doesn't mean I'm right, and I would have to talk with the player to see where they were coming from to see if they were following a conception or scrounging for points. Would I call Captain Marvel cheesy for taking OIHID? Absolutely not, it fits the conception and is an element that the player wants to play out. Would I call the Black Knight cheesy for making his sword an OIF? No because he could teleport the sword to his hand, but it could be stopped by magic and force fields, and the player wanted to play out losing it sometimes. I would call Iron Man cheese if he tried to buy his armor as a OIF though. Iron Man never has his armor taken from him, and only breaks with GM fiat, this is at most OIHID. If the limitation fit what you want from the character, add the limitation in. Do your powers all come from one source so it would make sense if that source gets weakened (drained) all your powers go? Or are your powers separate? Think of the conception, and take what matches the conception
  19. Re: Definitional Points for a Champions campaign I understand what you're trying to do, I'm not the guy to help you . I don't agree with it, and don't think it's going to solve your problems. The rest of post goes into the why's for my opinion, feel free to ignore if your mind is made up The reason a lot of people play HERO is for its versatility, but artificially limiting that, is counter to the games core. I think the real problem is the players you have. I would highly recommend trading them out, but here's your real problem: Exploiters are ALWAYS going to find the exploits. There is no real way to stop that, all your restrictive house rules are going to accomplish is limiting the people that don't exploit. If you can't get new players, or make them see how damaging it is to a game, use it against them. Give all the villains the exact same builds. When you mop the floor with the PC's just smile and thank them for all the "cool" ideas. Then ask if they want to re-think their builds or continue to have the same exploits used against them.
  20. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 You're still paying too much for your skill levels: 15 +3 CSL with Dark Prowess Multi Power (10 OCV) That should cost you 9 points not 15. I would still add Unified Power to your Multipower and add 1/2 END to all of them, not sure why you're avoiding that so much. Where does your armor come from? Is it a costume that you wouldn't wear in civilian ID (i.e. OIF) or is it your skin? Can people tell you have Armor on (i.e. Perceivable)?
  21. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 This is how I would build her. Some of your costs are off (according to Hero Designer which you should absolutely buy the second you can afford it), and I've added Unified Power limitation to your Multipowers meaning if you get hit with a Drain they all go at the same time (although you do have 20 Power Defense to mitigate this A LOT), and you still have 17 points for the rest of your skills. Personally if this were my character, I would drop the Power Def to 10 points, drop the STUN to around 45, drop the BODY to 10 (characters in Champs rarely take body, use XP to buy this back up later). The attack powers you use the most only take 2 END, and you have some powers that only cost END to activate instead of every phase. Black Falcon VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes 15 STR 5 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1] 20 DEX 20 13- 30 CON 20 15- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 10 EGO 0 11- 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 7 OCV 20 7 DCV 20 3 OMCV 0 3 DMCV 0 5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 5 PD 3 5/25 PD (0/20 rPD) 2 ED 0 2/22 ED (0/20 rED) 15 REC 11 50 END 6 15 BODY 5 50 STUN 15 Movement Cost Meters Notes RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1] SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1] LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward FLIGHT 30m/60m TUNNELING 10m/20m Characteristics Total: 163 Cost Powers 34 Dark Armor: Resistant Protection (20 PD/20 ED) (60 Active Points); Perceivable (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) - END=6 25 Wings: Flight 30m, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) - END=1 20 Power Defense (20 points) 5 Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) 5 Nightvision 45 Dark Prowess: Multipower, 45-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (56 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) 2f 1) Shadow Punch: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6 (40 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), No Body to Living Things (-1/4), Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) - END=2 4f 2) Dark Touch: Blast 6d6, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (???; All Or Nothing; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) - END=2 3f 3) Blast 4d6, Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +1/2), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (???; All Or Nothing; +1/2) (40 Active Points); Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) - END=2 48 Darkness Realm: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) 5f 1) Darkness to Sight Group 8m radius, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4) (60 Active Points); Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) - END=5 5f 2) No Barriers: Tunneling 10m through 25 PD material (60 Active Points); Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) - END=6 4f 3) Black Tentacles: Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) - END=2 3f 4) Corrosive Aura: Drain BODY 4d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4) (60 Active Points); Only vs Non-Living Things (-1/2), Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) - END=2 3f 5) Drain BODY 6d6 (60 Active Points); Not vs Living Things (-1/2), Unified Power (Darkness; -1/4) - END=6 Powers Total: 211 Cost Skills 9 +3 with Multipower Skills Total: 9 Base Points: 400 Experience: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Total Character Cost: 383
  22. Re: The Naming Game with twist: The Character Concept Game That was actually my first thought too, then I looked at my son's action figure of Boba Fett and thought hmm, and took clone a whole different way.
  23. Re: Definitional Points for a Champions campaign What I'm curious about, is why all the ground rules? What are you trying to accomplish? I get limiting attack powers and CV's, I even get CvK's, but skills, talents and perks? "filler" powers? Maybe if you let us behind the curtain so-to-speak it would make more sense.
  24. Re: The Naming Game with twist: The Character Concept Game Psiclone - It makes me think of a character that can touch a person and duplicate all their skills.
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