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Posts posted by DEFCON Clown

  1. Re: Flight Limitation...


    That would be regular Flight which he doesn't want, he seems to be looking for a cheap and effective way to get a large amount of running and swimming without having to buy two powers. At the most he should take Usable Underwater (+1/4) and Only in Contact With a Surface (-1/4) and Surface Must Be Water (+0).


    Its a +0 because he can create water.

  2. Re: How do you focus on things?


    Well if you suddenly get writers block you could always use my tried and true method. Try really really hard to not think about what you are writting. I know it sounds odd but whenever I really focus on not thinking about whatever I'm writting ideas just start occuring to me, as if my brain is trying to prove I can't tell it what to do.

  3. Re: Flight Limitation...


    I don't think it deserves a limitation at all. If he can create water and can only move really fast through water I don't see how that is limiting. Give it a -0 lim (Only to duplicate Running and Swimming).

  4. Re: Ruling on this situation...


    Nerd fights are funny. You all do realize you are arguing over how a supervillian can or can not throw a superhero in flight while because the villian doesn't have flight? I mean by all means continue your argument, I just want confirmation that everyone realizes this is not a real world situation.

  5. Re: Would you charge points for this ability?


    So if they start doing that, then make them take a couple of points of Wealth...





    ...and some Hunteds.

    And some beatings from the other members of the team, unless your team is filled with morally bankrupt people.


    No points for the ability though. And when the character is in the seventh month or so, start hitting them with pregnancy related problems that affect their powers. Heh heh.

  6. Re: [review] Earth Magic


    Create Shelter: Summon 35-point Base, Slavishly Devoted (+1) (14 Active Points); Extra Time (20 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 1/4), OIF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4)

    Is it rules legal to summon Bases?

  7. Re: WWYCD: Flipside


    Gregory Cauldron: He'd suddenly agree with his family's aims and ambitions. So he start killing other mages whenever he could find them, making sure that when he and his family are ready to take over the world there is no one to stop them.

  8. Re: one year to change the world


    Well first I'd disguise myself so no one would recognize me after my year was up.


    Then I'd take out North Korea's nukes, then all their military equipment, then all government run research labs, and then I'd gift wrap Kim Jong Ill and leave him on the lawn of the CIA. Then I'd let South Korea know that get to expand.

    Same basic treatment for Syria and Iran. I would build the damn wall between Mexico and the US (out of metal I'd get from the Dangerously Close Asteroids) I'd make it 80' tall and 15' wide with four big giant gates.

    Before my powers faded I'd help NASA by dropping off probes on each planet and moon as well as bringing them whatever samples they want. Any asteroids that are dangerous would be crushed into dust by me. Then I'd get myself a couple hundred million dollars to live off of when my powers are gone.

  9. Re: Legal Woes- How do you handle?


    Our GM tried that on us and we talked to him about how we thought it sucked some of the fun out of the game. He kept on with it anyway. So we pooled our exp and added super-cells to our secret base. Then we started our own little prison for supervillians. It has actually turned out to be pretty fun.

  10. Re: Okay Class: Make me a Fighter.


    The Grizzled Veteran


    Years of difficult campaigning: +4 CON

    I've had worse: +3 EGO

    Been there, done that: +5 PRE

    A thousand little tricks: 4 levels with all combat

    Voice of experience: Oratory

    Command decisions: Tactics +3 levels

    Riding, familiarity with common melee and missile weapons, etc.

    I like it. Fitting that you should post it.

  11. Re: Hardcore hero?


    How old are you? How old am I?

    I'm pretty sure I've lived past two sessions in real life :)

    Or are you saying realism in Hero is deadlier than realism in real life?

    Well Derek is 38 and you are 35.


    I think he meant that combat is so deadly with all of the optional rules that your chance for survival isn't too good.

  12. Re: The Magic Trunk


    This is very, very similar to the trick Harbringer of Justice could do in his 4th Ed. incarnation.


    Unfortunately, I'm away from my books right now, so I can't tell you how he did it.:o


    If nobody else pulls out their 4th Ed. DC before I get back to this thread, I'll tell you then. That, however, will be late tonight or else tomorrow. :(

    That would be a big help! Thanks Basil.

  13. Re: Okay Class: Make me a Fighter.


    8 Mighty +8 STR

    9 Nimble +3 DEX

    6 Tough +3 CON


    4 WF: Common Missile Weapons, Common Melee Weapons


    8 Proficient +1 with all Combat

    5 Proficient +1 with all Melee Weapons

    5 Proficient +1 with all Ranged Weapons


    4 Fast +2" Running

    1 Good Swimmer +1" Swimming

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