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Everything posted by jkwleisemann

  1. Re: Brother From Another Mother Hmm... well, let's see here. Steele: Race wouldn't work (she's obviously caucasian - Public ID), gender wouldn't (obviously female), sexuality wouldn't (just ask the fellow players - no real secrets there!) So it'd probably have to be politics... which, if she didn't actually agree with them, would probably turn into an expletive-laden public repudiation of said beliefs. Steele... doesn't really do subtle. The whole brick thing, y'know. Though if it was just mutants? No problem, she'd just point out that she's not a mutant, agrees entirely that they should have equal rights, she has the police report to prove she *isn't* a mutant, and that public speech at the IHA rally ripping the jerks a new one was primarily to force the hand of the psychopath running the show - she could handle the bullets and laser blasts better than the hecklers in the crowd could. It doesn't indicate any extreme level of devotion to The Cause. If she was that dedicated, it'd be in her books, so keep buying them, just to see if she changes her mind!
  2. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... ...and you eventually find yourself hating them with the same fury that the rest of the Superfriends must feel for Superman, because compared to you, they're just that perfect.
  3. Re: What would your sidekick be named? No, Care Bears count as a disturbing, mind-controlling police force over his distant domain of Bunny-La. :-P
  4. Re: What would your sidekick be named? Steele: Name would probably be something else, but probably called some variant on 'hon,' 'sweetie,' or 'boy toy.' Void: Vortex, most likely. Field Test: Death Wish? Splat 1, 2, 3...? Sparky: He already has one, at least potentially. If the blind girl he serves as seeing eye dog for ever gets powers....
  5. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... If they're the B-team replacements for the A-team heroes who just went missing.... The Hoboken Half-Wits.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... An actual, semi-heroic moment in a Paranoia game (sorry folks, context needed for this one - included behind the spoilers). "Tell my clone, I died for freedom." *dramatic pause* "It's a Gundam!" *roar of explosions*
  7. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... Well, to be fair, that *could* be a sign that you're properly powered... as long as it's the other guys' scream. Or that you send the brick in to catch the bad guy in the middle of a nudist's colony on Fat Friendly day. Not gonna do that again....
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Bonus XP on the new character - muchly deserved.
  9. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... ...your team "danger room" looks uncannily like the team refrigerator....
  10. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... Are you kidding? Those girls... if you don't buy the cookies, they're - *is found three days later with a thin-mint over each eye as a warning*
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... And I think the merchant would have been happy to do so. It's the fact that the PC wanted to walk out with it right there that created the adventure fodder (and that the PC, therefore, created these adventures, potentially dangerous, without the rest of the party's consent for such a stupid reason, while painting a great big target sign on their head for their enemies - who the PC should have reasonably expected to get wind of this - to shoot for.) Besides... when you start looking at return on investment (we're talking RIFTS here, not Hero)? Taking his head, collecting the 2 million bounty, and keeping the wand (or returning it, if required - still 2 million ahead and one idiot down) isn't half bad.... Don't know anything about the KOTWR, but I'd say it's well within reason for a Rifts character to suggest it, from what I know about the setting.... Back on topic: A quote from Sentry City. Miss Mystique is debating the virtues of killing certain psychotic villains with the CvK brick, Steele. Her general assessment is that dead people can't come back to hurt anybody else. Steele: "Says the ghost who nearly killed somebody, making this whole conversation necessary in the first place."
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Then you head to the planet Jupiter to resurrect Arthur C Clarke and let him deal with it.
  13. Re: The fall of your character Oooooh, I've got *lots* for this one. :3 I barely ever make a character without some sort of mental image of how they'll bite it in the end - it's the Tragedian in me. Just to get a start going.... Void: Most likely a heroic stand against the forces of the anti-mutant groups out to get him. Alternately, going down in flames, taking his ex with him, after she escapes from confinement and comes for him with alien psychic powers blazing. Outsider: Assuming his team doesn't get him killed at some point, his most likely fate is a Hail Mary pass to take himself, a Qliphothic-infused Doctor Destroyer, and the new Destroyer's master (it's a long story, kinda) back into the Qliphothic. Crusader: Has actually just met her end, most likely - she got caught when one of her villainous personalities came out, and will probably be spending most of the rest of her life in a mental ward. Guardian Angel: There's a part of me that wanted him to achieve humanity, or at least to retire to a relatively private existence in the Underground, but sadly, his end came when the dimension he was in collapsed into nothingness without warning. Steele: Most likely? Cindy Cartell, her psychotic stalker, will get hold of her while she's in non-super ID and go all Misery on her. What I'd like to see happen? Steele sacrificing herself for somebody she's actually in love with, rather than just using for some fun and inspiration for her next novel.... Elaina Narvois: Not a Champions character, but her end is (hopefully) going to be either at the hands of her own party after she goes *way* too far hunting for revenge, or while obtaining said vengeance. Huntress: Most likely going out in a screaming blaze of glory in the midst of a Desoxyn rush.... (Notice that markedly few of them have happy endings? Yeah, it's the Tragedian in me...)
  14. Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment Uhm... dude. I find myself thinking 'hosed' on reading that. I don't know the GM, but I'd call foul on the massive explosion....
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From Milwaukee Masks. The heroes are playing security at a costume ball reception at the museum, Just In Case (the theme - superheroes). And they've spotted a group of brown-and-yellow clad 'agents' in costume that nobody recognizes. Well, they're gathering together, and Gypsy's moths spot the ping-pong guns hidden under the table they're gathering around. And then.... ~~~===~~~ --{Not now!}-- Lab Rat whispered. --{Oh crap, it's already - uhm, Gypsy, did you say ping-pong ball guns?}-- Before anybody could answer, 'Dr. Destroyer' leaped up onto the table, surrounded by the brown-and-yellow agents. "FOOLISH MORTALS!" He bellowed dramatically... though almost inaudibly. He reached up, thumping his helmet for a moment. "TESTING, TESTING - THAT'S BETTER. AHEM. FOOLISH MORTALS!!! COWER AND QUAKE IN FEAR OF THE GREATEST VILLAIN OF THEM ALL! YOU BEHOLD BEFORE YOU DOCTOR DESTROYER - BUT KNOW THAT EVEN THIS IS NOT THE EXTENT OF THE HORROR THAT SHOULD GRIP YOUR HEARTS AND SOULS! FOR LO, i AM NOT MERELY THE DESTROYER... I AM...." He took off the helmet, earning a chorus of groans as everybody saw the too-familiar brown-and-yellow mask beneath it. "The Foxbat!" He bellowed... though far, far less grandiosly now that he didn't have the mask and microphone amplifying his voice. "Get rid of the bum!" Somebody groaned. "Hey!" Foxbat frowned. "That's no way for a hostage to talk!" "How can we possibly be hostages? It's just one of you against, what, a hundred of us *and* security?" "Oh, right - I almost forgot." He snapped his armored fingers, and the brown-and-yellow agents around the table pulled the ping-pong-ball guns out from under it, brandishing them and striking properly agent-like poses. "Yes... everything is going according to my Master Plan," Foxbat preened, twirling a non-existent mustache as the crowd suddenly got much more serious as they contemplated what exactly Foxbat's agents might have in their weapons.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... *reads all of that* Y'know... somehow I keep coming back to the 'porn and soap operas' punchline from *my* Pathfinder game..... Maybe it's the setting?
  17. Re: Dumbest Moment Ever in your games *chuckles* Well, that depends on whether or not the action is in character for the *character*. More than once, I've been asked that, and answered: "No, of course I'm not sure it's a good idea. I'm actually pretty damn sure it's a *bad* idea. But I got 20 points for this PsychLim, so I don't have much of a choice, now do I?"
  18. Re: Magic and Desolidfication Well, knowing the char involved, a ghost has an advantage there too. ^^ But I'd say that most of your options there count... except for the vamp or natural summoned creatures. I wouldn't call a dragon magic either, for example... but a lot of 'em pack spells for such situations. But any direct-effect spell or magical weapon? Yeah, she's in trouble.
  19. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...
  20. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... ...the VIPER Eight-Man team shows up... to rescue you from the mugger. ...you stopped making 'bait runs' through the park at night because things went horribly wrong during the baby squirrel incident....
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Unlike the bra and thong?
  22. Re: Dumbest Moment Ever in your games Maybe not, but I'd like to think I'd have caught it. The guy is blatantly a killer, and you send him off on an errand where the *stated goal* is to keep the guys from regaining consciousness? C'mon, it's like you're begging for it, at that point....
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yeah... I'd thought, at first, that it would turn out to be a Grateful Dead quote, given we're talking about BtL here.
  24. Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name Hmm.... Void: "If I need to have a legacy, I'm going to be bitterly disappointed that my cynicism was well founded." One of his major gigs is anti-mutant hysteria battling; he'd retire if it was just regular super crime, put his cash to better use. Steele: Probably not so much a legacy she establishes, unless she finds somebody who can duplicate her metal-body powers. The most important element in a 'successor,' however, has to be the qualities that put her on top - an active love life and a willingness to have it fictionalized for paying audiences (hey, when you're a romance author and a super heroine....) Outsider: Would pick his successor from young mages willing to fight the Qliphothic... or would rather take a dunk in hydrochloric acid than establish a legacy.
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Either way, it's one of the more kick-ass quotes I've read in a long time.
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