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Everything posted by jkwleisemann

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Hey - the simplest plan is always the best. One simply has to alter the plan to meat (it was a typo at first, but too good to fix) the required goal.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What else is a hollow leg meant for? Food storage?
  3. Re: Have you ever been Mind Control Ah yes... that Mind Control featuring an OAF ring you can never take off without being beaten.... I had a recent run-in with it, myself, though not much interesting - just commanded to forget about the guy I saw. Unfortunately (for him), he didn't know that he was MC'ing a secondary personality, so I still remembered him, just not as well as I would have.
  4. Re: Name Game! Dr. Helix? The only worry that comes to my mind with Dr. Artifex is that it's perhaps too easy to shorten. There's little menace in somebody the party comes to call "Arty."
  5. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" Are you kidding? Those have more handwavium than most things, it's just an inferior grade that only stands up to real-world physics. (C'mon! How the hell *else* can somebody pick up a tank by the cannon, or a building at all?)
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Uhm... look up 'pony play' some time. Just not while you're at work....
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yeah, it gets awkward - but the character was also the only one of her kind (as far as she knew :evil:), so it wasn't something folks had dealt with before.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The Tiefling. And no, it's not the Bunneh - it's somebody else, believe it or not. This one. As for an explanation, Samantha's an escaped government genetic experiment - she was 'decanted' two years before, after being artificially aged and educated in the tube before she was released for her training. And yeah, Rashaka freaked out pretty badly when he heard that one (much to Samantha's dismay... they've broken up since, more because she got pregnant and wanted to try making the extra-dimensional backwater they found a better place before going home than the age difference). For reference, the tiefling and Samantha have the same player. Not much of a surprise there....
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... How could I? One of the PC's is a female tiefling rogue who's involved with a noble doomed to become a mad ghoul, and trying to have an affair with the party's (female) mage. How could I *not*? And, from another game I run.... Rashaka: "So... just how old *are* you, anyways? Eighteen, nineteen?" (thinking) "Please let her be older than eighteen...." Samantha: "Almost two." Rashaka:
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... OOC quote: Player: "Where *do* you get ideas for what's going to happen next here?" GM: "Porn and soap operas, really." Players: ... GM: "With you guys? It's a pretty safe bet."
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I love a game where a 10-pound mining charge is self defense.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From a fantasy game last night: Mage: "Right, you want to go see what's on the other side of that door?" Elf: "Sure." *one scuffle with skeletons later* Elf: "How come I'm always the one to step through the doors and get hit by the bad guys?" Mage: "Because you never say no?" Elf: "Well, you're getting the next door!" Mage: "Fine, fine." *goes through the next door, into a harmless room. Mage: "So, you want to go through that one? I got this one, it's your turn." Elf: "Oh, all right." *opens the door, revealing a demon on the other side* Elf: "I hate you."
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I would guess Tales from the Floating Vagabond, m'self.
  14. Re: Superhero X and the Fur Con of DOOM! Hmm... do animal heroes become as half-human as their human counterparts have become half-animal?
  15. Re: Hero Universe: Nazi mystic groups Sylvestris *could* work... I don't think there actually were any named groups, but pulling from the real world your best bet would be the Thule Gesselschaft, the occult secret society that supposedly backed Hitler through his entire career. If you can find it, read the Spear of Destiny - it's a good source of material for such a char to work with.
  16. Re: Whoops, folks actually liked this: Nu Warriors! I've gotta say, it actually could be interesting. Don't know if I'd want to run in it though. During my college experience I tended to view frats slightly below pond scum (though above lawyers... most lawyers...), and I'd have a hard time playing somebody who was a member of one....
  17. Re: What ratio of superhumans to humans do you use? What game am I playing? In some, there's only a handful of them per billion. In others, there's a handful per hundred (X-Men types). Personally, I don't like it on a % scale most of the time - it implies that you can 'run the numbers' on anything beyond a worldwide scale. Frankly, the odds that supers would really be distributed like that are worse than the odds that they exist - the odds are that most supers would probably congregate, creating pockets where the numbers are insane, and places where they're non-existent.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Dammit, why is it that when *I* try to pull things like this, the games all die before I get a chance for such a golden reveal? Killer scene though.
  19. Re: The Stranger I'd go for a variety of Change Environment abilities myself, at least for some of the increases/decreases to OCV/DCV. Most cost-effective way to affect those for other people, particularly in a large area.
  20. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" Yeah, I've had this happen more than once. Low-damage Megascale explosions are wonderful for disabling the mini-thugs keeping the rest of the team from taking on the big baddies.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Ah, good. I was afraid for a moment that it was cats in giant wheels, and that's rather a frightening thought to organize.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... On the subject of vampires and coffee, from a hypothetical comedy Vampire game.... Vamp1 comes across Vamp2 (can't remember their names, I'm afraid - my brother would...) enjoying his twelfth or so cup of black coffee. V1: "What sort of self-respecting vampire are you? You're supposed to be drinking the blood of the living!" V2: "I am drinking the blood of the living." V1: "JUAN VALDEZ DOES NOT COUNT!!!"
  23. Re: What a wicked little axe we have here... I like the idea of turning into the bane of the local pets. Of course, given my games, the next step would probably involve local hookers disappearing if nobody worried about the missing pets....
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