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Everything posted by Drhoz

  1. Re: [Twisted Game Concept] VG Supers True... but the PCs reaction the first time they see a huge ball of screaming pedestrians, horn-blaring vehicles, shop-frontage-smashing light-poles, etc, rolling down the street towards them would be worth it.
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Kryptonite nipple-rings
  3. Re: [Just for Fun] "Aging" Heroes
  4. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Vitus - single Gnoll, seeking fertile female to ensure restoration of the species. Must like large families.
  5. Re: [Twisted Game Concept] VG Supers and how the hell would you write up the debris-ball rolling power in Katamari Damacy?
  6. Re: [Twisted Game Concept] VG Supers Pyramid Head. Do Not Want. *evil grin* A Spore incursion would be... interesting...
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... urethral enough , surely?
  8. Re: [Just for Fun] "Aging" Heroes Private Eye from Marshal Law "I piss on the people and tell them it's raining" http://community.livejournal.com/scans_daily/3282546.html
  9. Re: [Just for Fun] "Aging" Heroes *cough cough* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_American_%28comic%29
  10. Re: [Just for Fun] "Aging" Heroes well, i read and liked
  11. Re: Why hasn't magic changed the world? or they're just too busy to raise a family
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat unleash the Gerbils of War. With their sabre-fangs and detachable napalm-whiskers. And riding on the backs of Camel Spiders.
  13. Re: WWYCD: Fans and cons hmmm... Zero would be aghast anybody is aware enough of his existence to have started a fanclub - there's a reason he dresses in a a full-cover costume and spends most of his missions hiding on rooftops, or 200ft up at night, acting as communications relay for the Edge team. He would be further aghast at the more lurid speculation about him. Vitus... Vitus, Vitus, Vitus. The adulation of people eager to bask in the glow of his ego rays would certainly appeal, but given the aftermath of the "Eurostar? Who are they? Are they anybody important?" media interview, Vitus's general misanthropy, and his happy in-depth descriptions of his plans to castrate every rapist on the planet, or dismember Cthulhu in the middle of a major city, makes it quite unlikely that his colleagues would pass on any invitation letter to a convention. on the other hand, he's already been offered lecture tours by VIPER and at least one circle of evil magic workers. Then there's the furry conventions - they may well be EAGER to invite a apparently anthropomorphic hyena to one of their cons (they could invite Orca too, and get two anthros for the price of one stamp. Leatherback alas has been missing ever since the Eurostar incident) They would soon revise their opinions, once Vitus starts enthusing about his homeworld. Yes, it had gnolls, lion-centaurs, lizardfolk and ratkin - but it was also a bronze-age, slave-keeping, brutal civilisation under genuine risk of extermination too. No cross-species sex, either. They'd especially regret inviting him after Vitus discovers the artwork of of, and the con-goers lusting after, his superhumanly attractive concubine, 3
  14. Re: Why hasn't magic changed the world? because training a wizard or other magic-user is a decades-long and massively expensive project. That also explains why PC wizards gain experience so much faster than NPCs - after a 15-year apprenticeship, your NPC court wizard then spends every hour of the day trying to keep on top of the cholera outbreaks.
  15. Re: WWYCD: The Ghost Car Vitus : "I don't do Talk With Dead anymore. Why are you asking me, anyway? I KNOW you have necromancers on this planet, aren't they good enough for you?" Truman : "um... well, it not alive... and I can't hit it with my mind-fu... I'll just stay up here out of your way, OK?"
  16. Re: WWYD: Those Who Cannot Remember The Past I'ld be out of my mind with rage, for a couple of reasons. One : somebody has just made major changes to my self-identity. Two : they offer no proof of their claims Three : Even if there AREN'T any aliens invaders, demons, otherworldly threats or looming comic menaces to deal with, I like living in a world with High Strangeness (hooray for the Fortean Times) and spandex-clad cape-monkeys flying around violating the Laws of Conservation is pretty bloody strange. Four : Also in the absence of alien invaders, demons, etc, the superpowered would be hugely useful to the world. A Teleporting paramedic would save dozens of lives a month. The European Space Agency would go nuts for the oppurtunity to hire a light-speed traveller to drop a few rovers off on Mars, if not just take a video camera and do the work herself. and so on. Admittedly, I'ld probably want to avoid major cities for a while...
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I can't believe they killed Hedwig by having him choke to death on a poisoned gerbil."
  18. Re: Dumbest thing... anything by Mark Millar. Admittedly, some of it seems cool the first time round, but when you reread it a few years later you ask youself "what was the *point* of this?"
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wave_rock.jpg Wave Rock here in Western Australia - much more wave-like
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat To answer in the reverse order - Yes, and somebody immune to my mind control. "What do you mean, boy, you WON'T be back before midnight?" NT: Telepathic Commands For Fun And Profit
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Two 1930s archeologist/explorers, recently returned from Africa and attended a rather upper-class gathering to try and attract backing for their next expeditions. Both are quite drunk by this point. "Ah, Egypt - that's where I got this mummified head of the Pharoah Ahkenaten" (holds it up) "Funny, I got the mummified head of the Pharoah Ahkenaten too!" (holds his up) "oh, wait, this is just some guy"
  22. Re: WWYCD? Faerie Tale theatre Hmmms. Truman Golightly ( aka Zero) would want out as soon as possible - he has enough trouble coping with reality, without ended up a spineless henchbeing in the Lands Beyond The Fields We Know. Vitus would first wonder what the **** the Sidhe are up to now, and all too easily settle into the role of Evil Wizard. He's already big on using living beings as cannon fodder, and knows quite a bit about metallurgy and invention, and is much less inclined to monologue when there's someone he's decided is more useful dead. Saruman eat your heart out. ( he might find the temperate climate annoying and move south to Harad tho.)
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Culture for Macrobiotic Liberation NT : Poorly-chosen subheadings for your comic of choice
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... As we feared, we did end up rescuing Mechanon in Sundog's game. We'd planned, having dealt with the more serious threat of the The Fury, to go around Base 01 destroying all computers and other possible hiding places for the MechanOS, but it was too late. A giant hologram appears, and announces "I cannot allow you to do that, pitiful flesh creatures" Vitus : "Hands up anybody who is in the least surprised by this development. Anyone?" Void : "I thought he'ld be taller" There was also the final words of one of Mechanon's replacement mechanic-droids, earlier, as we disintigrated it. "I am 1-Zero-2. I regret nothiiiinnnnngggg!"
  25. Re: "Guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism..." how about nibbled to death by slugs? slugs on crack?
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