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Everything posted by Drhoz

  1. Re: Orbital Skydiving!
  2. Re: Getting the heroes together (the first time) all abducted from Earth by a visiting alien collector "Bricks! Speedsters! Mentalist! collect the whole set!" but don't make it too difficult for them to get away... you can throw in a few security robots or other exhibits as opponents, whilst they're trying to find their way out of the display-case.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... little things like using Mechanon's robots to harvest the local flesh (ie, villagers, soldiers sent to investigate, etc) for resources, and thinking that psychotic alien racial-supremicists, and Yog-Sothoth's daddy will make perfectly acceptable assistants, are also reasons for concern
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "show me his Tower of Power"
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I've got stretching powers"
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ViTUSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Comes up with an ingenious and world-shattering plan, spends months in disguise waiting to annoy the Doctor with it, and then the Doctor never turns up because he's off in the Year Five Billion snogging his latest bit of crumpet
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat *cries with laughter*
  9. Re: "Bag of Holding" Wouldn't Transform x kg to (effectively) air ; OAF; limited to whatever will fit thru the mouth of the bag; extreme vulnerability to dimensional anomalies & puncturing, be one way to do it?
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Claims that the severed Ronald McDonald head they found buried under the back room is really a direct ancestor of the local tribe NT: Wrong, wrong wrong subjects for the sunday sermon
  11. Re: [split] Paris Hilton-Supervillainess! [builds] you forgot Delusional : Thinks everybody loves her
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Wisconsin names a cheese in your honour
  13. Re: WWYCD: The Life Pod Vitus would thaw her out, after making such precautions as he deems neccesary. ie. having ESP on from the moment she wakes up, in case she's lying about being a innocent victim or what not a high explosive necklace fitted *before* she wakes up, just in case firey decapitation is indicated. then, should she in Vitus's opinion prove worthy, urgent recommendation to her to get off the planet while she still can, Earthlings are all barbaric and insane. Truman/Zero would avoid getting involved. Women of any species are too intimidating
  14. Re: New scientific discovery? The backbone of pulp... classic wrong science! Phlogiston! Coriolis 'Force'! N-rays! Every wrong step science has taken on the road to understanding reality instead has led us somewhere very strange! (a Howard Waldrop story in which the protagonists manage to liberate Pholgiston and ignite the atmosphere, and oceans, etc as a result, springs to mind)
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat When he inhales the windows fall in NT: unfortunate tattoos on superheroes
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat squeezing that kryptonian super-zit and taking out Delaware
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... hooray! rep for me!
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat More pies to come
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Supervise the building of 40ft-high bronze flame-throwing scorpions, of course.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Nope There's a reason one of my Vitus icons is "Bask In My EGO Rays!" funnily enough he has no real interest in being a ruler, as such, but will stop at nothing to create a more suitable society some ruler he approves of can rule - wth Vitus's wise advice at hand, of course
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Firewing has been appearing in our Kingdom City campaign, and was the one who burnt his way thru the wall and 3's Picasso print during The Coathanger Incident. Firewing announced his intention to kill the latest Storm Lord, but Vitus was more concerned, indeed apoplectic, at the continual invasions of his privacy. (Void also managed to add himself to Firewing's hitlist but we're not so worried about that - almost by definition, Void won't be there if anything turns up looking for him). But according to The Law of Maximum Inconvenience, Firewing turned up AGAIN just as Vitus was settling down to a quiet evening without continual interruptions by the rest of the Skeleton Crew "Lets see.. I can either check calculations that can resurrect the entire world of Aura and all its inhabitants, or I can come help you investigate the murder of a local business tycoon. What do YOU think? Is your businessman going to get any deader?" But by this point Vitus was already thinking in symbolic terms, and considering ways to best utilise local resources to achieve his longterm aims. And all it has taken so far is an offer of alliance with the demonic prince that invaded his, and 3's, homeworld, suggested the torture of Vitus and the murder of his son to Scorpia, and wants his Sceptre back; and some barefaced lying to an entity who makes a regular habit of reducing superheroes to crispy bacon. Thus we have the following exchange Firewing : I have come for the Storm Lord Vitus : Ah, good to see you, please, come in. Firstly, I would like to thankyou for replacing my concubines Picasso. It's a pleasure to meet a truly civilised entity on this miserable world. Firewing : You're welcome. Where is he? Vitus : Given my current feeling towards my former colleagues, I'm tempted to give you their names and addresses, and my blessings. However, honesty forces me to pass on a message to you, from him. Firewing : Oh? Vitus : Yes. He forfeits. He is willing to offer you all merchandising and bragging rights, but he is not willing to risk the inevitable civilian casualties that would result from a fight he will certainly lose. ( the lie - this course of action had never even occurred to him, and will probably result in Vitus earning a good slapping. Followed by congratulations) Firewing, smugly : That IS true, but I was looking forward to his defeat at my hands Vitus : I'm sure you were. I gather you enjoy the challenge of testing yourself against other anthropomorphic personifications? Firewing : Of course. Why? Vitus : Have you ever killed an Elder God? Firewing, intrigued: No? Vitus: Excellent - then I would like to ask you to join me in a small project I'm sure you're find highly enjoyable. Firewing : A small project? Vitus : Yes. I'm going to sacrifice Cthulhu.
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He shows only good Christian movies. (this actually happened - he went broke) NT: Signs the weather gods have gone crazy
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Use it as a supercollider facility AND a mushroom farm, at once! Accelerate the mushrooms to relativistic velocities, collide them, and see what happens!
  25. Re: Pirates : An amusing question. Building a dungeon would keep all those surveyors, hod-carriers, plasterers, John Cleese architects, and maintenence kobolds employed. It's your civic duty
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