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Everything posted by Drhoz

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Break into the chicken abbatoir next door. Steal several hundred live chickens. Fill the chemical tanks on work van with petrol (using company fuel card) and detergent concentrate (using company bunnings card) park in middle of major intersection, apply detergent, petrol, and chickens. Add a lit match. NT: unusual quiz night topics
  2. Re: WWYCD: Grrrl Power- emphasis on Grrr Hmmm... Vitus, whilst wrestling with odd twinges from his ancestral genes (he IS an anthropomorphic hyena after all, and lady hyenas are NOT lady-like ) who probably park his furry butt on the edge of the roof and cheer the War Between The Sexes on. On the grounds that whatever the result is, it couldn't possibly make Earth culture any more annoying. He'ld probably approach them and offer to assist their cause with his Conjuration of Global Justice aka Summon Gonads, which instantly & agonisingly emasculates every rapist in the world. His mostly male teammates didn't appreciate the idea, so much Truman/Zero would get nervous - more so - and hope it doesn't affect mummified parents currently sitting in the house up the hill from the motel
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You have a philosophical aversion to bloody violence NT: Household pests you REALLY don't want
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Going around in leather chaps means something entirely different these days
  5. Re: Countries that don't exist (but should) No?
  6. Re: Countries that don't exist (but should)
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Save! Save!" instead of "Medic! Medic!"
  8. Re: What would your Master Villain do? Vitus would ally with Firewing and the Demon Prince of Hell, use the Keystone to scatter the heroes and their base across the infinite planes of the multiverse, then come back to Earth and sacrifice Cthulhu for more power. Oh wait, Vitus is a hero. And is going to do that anyway.
  9. I enjoy entertaining con stories - there's a reason Hustle is one of my favourite TV shows. Likewise Spider Robinson's novels Callahan's Lady and Callahan's Con. Whether abjectly incompetent (the attempts to raise money to bring the world's "first African astronaut" back down from orbit springs to mind), or audaciously successful ( Victor Lustig, the man who sold the Eiffel Tower - Twice (altho it appears the second time round wasn't completed. Lustig also got $5000 dollars out of Al Capone - by being honest)), I can applaud a novel fraud done well. But I stand in awe - I offer a standing ovation - to Mark Pedley aka Mark Wellington aka Tzemach Ben David Netzer Korem aka Branch Vinedresser and his dad, and their Dominion of Melchizedek (and much kudos to the June '97 Fortean Times for bringing them to my attention) Not content with merely writing a new book of the bible (hmm, sounds familiar) the Pedleys have also annexed various Pacific Islands, Ruthenia, Jerusalem, 10% of the world's oceans and a sixth of Antarctica into their sovereign micronation. Major exports include diplomatic immunity for anybody who ponies up the cash, and copies of the Melchizedek Bible. Major imports include all the money garnered thru various Ponzi schemes and the Wheatland gold scam involving a Las Vegas warehouse full of nonexistent ore. Admittedly Melchizedek is not the world's only micronation (Western Australia itself enjoys the Hutt River Province, and the Empire of Randania occupies 600 sq feet of Ohio), nor is it the only one involved in scams ( Someone claiming to be a Prince of Sealand was arrested a few years back, and Corterra is a frequent offender) but it's not everyone who combines religious, diplomatic, financial and international fraud into one gloriously mad scheme. So, are there any fictional or fraudulent nations that deserve recognition in your campaign setting?
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat By The Sacred Jockstrap Of Robert E Howard! I Call Down (and so on)
  11. Re: YOUR Seven great wonders of the world Hmm. In Aurastorm there were a few. The Auraflow itself, altho only the magically sensitive could see it - a global aura, flowing thru everything, composed of the swirling currents of magic. The Celestial Membrane - The sphere of cosmic water that surrounded Aura and its sun, that filters and channels the flow of magic, and is studded with the god-sized statues and lightbearers that form the stars. Most people believe it marks the edge of the universe. Vitus was quite startled and indeed upset to discover the existance of worlds beyond it. The Pillar of Flame in Mordis - a frozen artifact of the reality storms that destroyed most of civilisation several hundred years earlier. The rebuilt city makes full use of the free lighting. The Palace of the Living Ra in Heiropolis - especially the giant statues of the gods that flank the approach avenue to the Isis Garden. It is said they will come to life to smite any who enter the compound uninvited. As far as I'm aware, nobody has bothered to actually test this. The Rainbow Jungle - the unnaturally verdant rainforest east of Thunder River. Named after the incredible range of parasitic blossoms studding every branch. Good source of slaves. The Godsmountain - A mountain on the scale of Mars' Mons Olympus, but much steeper. Popular belief places the Throne of the Gods somewhere near the top. This might actually be the case. The Alchemical Games - where the various gnoll clans gather every two years to show off and compete with their latest inventions. Vitus's clan still hoped to finish their 40 foot high brass flame-throwing scorpion, any decade now... pictures maps, etc here
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Plaid supercostumes - Drain INT : Line Of Sight
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat FOCLMAO
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Instant Senility NT: Worst cellmates for Paris Hilton
  15. Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun. Vitus D'Rhazz ur Kashrak ul Rraschd would be quite annoyed, and if interrogated or cross-examined would explain, at length, that whilst Scorpia may well have been half-devoured, alive, by giant scorpions, that would be nothing, and not not nearly as sadistic or prolonged, compared to what Vitus REALLY would have done to her if he had caught up with her first. He would then offer, if they give him the chance to piss on her remains first, identify and hunt down whoever if responsible for denying him his chance at bloody revenge. This admittedly would not look good in court. Truman/Zero, on the other hand, would wonder what counts as his lethal power set, since he doesn't have one.
  16. Re: What might a Gliesian be like? *nods happily* the last line of Mission of Gravity had me cheering and punching the air
  17. Drhoz


    Re: Aliens Vitus D'Rhazz ur Kashrak ul Rraschd is an alien. But his Earthian colleagues won't let him talk to the press anymore. He'ld *happily* hand out soundbites to anybody that can get past his team mates tho
  18. Re: What might a Gliesian be like?
  19. Re: What might a Gliesian be like?
  20. Re: What might a Gliesian be like?
  21. Re: What might a Gliesian be like?
  22. Re: The Hero Forum's Fattest Man in Comics! lesse - there was Two-Ton Tony Tubbs in 2000AD, of course... (one of the few people Judge Dredd hasn't arrested) but Bloat from the WildCards universe was much bigger, and a massively powerful psyker to boot.
  23. Re: What might a Gliesian be like? Certainly, any species that *could* survive a wider range of temperatures would have vastly increased territory available toiton a tide-locked world, so that's reasonable. I'ld also suspect a degree of infra-vision, given the lower peak energy of Gliese 581's output, and the tendency of life to evolve to utilise the bulk of available resources. On the other hand, for infra-vision to work they'ld need a low body temperature, so they don't blind themselves with their own body heat. Unless they have long unfolding appendages with the heat sensors on the end, the same way the Pioneer and Voyager probes had to avoid the heat of their own power sources? A good design for long-range infravision on Earth is that used by Black Jewel Beetles, who have unique sensors in their armpits that expand minutely when exposed to the distant heat from forest fires. They then swarm in to lay their eggs in freshly roasted pine trunks. So a successful, wide-ranging Gliese 581c-ean would, if you want something really unearthly, have ordinary eyes for use on the lighter parts of the planet, and thermal senses on long, extendable, mobile appendages for peering about in the dark. They'ld also have a stocky bodyplan for extra muscle and insulation on the cold side, and some way of dumping heat fast on the hot side. Quite possibly an erectile crest along the back, above the multiple pairs of walking limbs, that they can use as a radiator in conjunction with the prevailing hotwards wind patterns. That suitably alien?
  24. Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items
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