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HERO Member
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Everything posted by Qamar

  1. Re: Looking for the Western Hero Book Nexus, I'd be interested in the book!
  2. Re: RPG.net There certainly are a few vocal people who jump into any Hero discussion to pontificate why Hero is "antiquated", clumsy", "sucks", etc., etc., etc. But at least one of those people hangs here as well. I think most people are ambivalent towards Hero and simply like to talk baout their own favorite games. There is a core of people on RPG.net who love Hero and defend it well.
  3. Perhaps being able to take some of their material and use it with the Hero rules? And thank you Mark.
  4. Has anybody taken a crack at converting Action! System from GRG to Hero? Particularly weapons?
  5. I thought MMM was based on the Turakian Age setting.
  6. I was thinking more along the lines of a badly hurt dragon who was leaking the hydrogen.
  7. I would love to run a near future sci-fi campaign (comparable to Transhuman Space), but don't actually have the time or energy to develop all the background stuff. Does anybody happen to have such a campaign on the web or background notes they can post here?
  8. That is considered to be a flame? Darren is correcting the guy.
  9. Not to mention a great opportunity to laugh at your players when they hit that seriously injured dragon with one last fireball...
  10. Re: Re: Re: Review of 5e up on RPG.net So who were you talking about with your statement, "I have the dubious honor of having been flamed publicly by the current owner of the system, as well as a couple of previous owners.) "
  11. Re: Review of 5e up on RPG.net I'm amazed you: a) had the audacity to post a link here to your so-called review, and, that you're still a registered member here. Which pretty much disproves your statements about Mr. Long flaming you in public.
  12. Re: A Question about Ancient Rome While I am not a big fan of the game engine, FVLMINATA is a clever game based around an alternate history of Rome. You can mine it for lots of flavor.
  13. Why the END cost other than to drop the total cost of the power? It's a point or two above the END cost to shoot a bow in the first place and doesn't really make much of a limitation.
  14. Ah good...looks like I'll be having a new player for my playtest of Gulag Hero. Would you like the timber cutter or ditch digger template?
  15. Qamar

    Free Adventure

    Could somebody make the critters available to those of us without HD?
  16. Re: Perk: Noble Titles I'd go ahead and let the guy spend points on the power with the understanding that he can only do these acts on his own land. Then I'd have the adventure take place elsewhere...
  17. Re: How accessible should Healing be? You'll need to monitor the damage the characters receive in each combat to make sure that nobody is getting overly whalloped. And I agree with the medic roll suggestion, that'll help ease their pain. Chances are the players will start dealing with situations by not resorting to combat first. If not, a little blood and suffering will show them the error of their ways.
  18. My campaign world comes in two sizes. I've got the world mapped out and it is a continent sized place. Over the course of the years (about 15) I've generated most of the prominent NPCs and I keep a story arc going. The PCs, however, rarely get outside of an area larger than say the state of NY. I've never had a campaign turn into a continent spanning, grand adventure.
  19. Re: Conan/Kull type low fantasy campaigns: Any good? One excellent source, though tough to find, is the out-of-print GURPS Conan sourcebook. While not Hero, the concepts are easy to port over and it gives an excellent thumbnail view of the world. I've run a few Conan inspired mini-campaigns with moderate success. The biggest problem was getting players to think in terms of S&S and not high fantasy. Make magic rare (i.e. no +1 OCV swords laying around) and powerful in a focused way. Most magic in the Conan stories required elaborate preparation and very little was of the "snap fingers and something happens" variety. Monsters also were rare and powerful. No orcs.
  20. While I enjoy the expanded combat rules in 5th edition, I do get nervous with the introduction of martial arts in FH. Perhaps others have had better luck, but my experience has always been disastrous - PCs very quickly gain oodles of combat levels and max out on weapon damage. The more unique differences the better!
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