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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: Rainbow's End and Beyond If only briefly ... Sorry for the thread jacking...
  2. Re: Origin in a Box Um... buy a new video game...
  3. Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See? Do you really feel that Mechanon would be so diminished by such flawed meat logic?
  4. Re: The Super drugs The rise of the Metahuman population in my current setting revolves around an initial outbreak of a modified Mustard Gas called KB and KB2. That is not to say this is the sole source only that the chemical is reactionary causing mutations. It was discovered that multiple governments were conducting fatal experiments using modified strains of KB2 until it was outlawed. In the current campaign, the opening story centered around an new chemical called Quintessence a group of anti-Metahumans planned to release the chemical under the city of Arlington causing people to mutate and prove that the Metahuman population cannot be controlled. This was assuming they didn't get caught plating the stuff... Later in the campaign it was revealed that Quintessence was in fact perfected KB2 designed and developed by a company working in hand with the US government. Public record shows that the last canister and records we re destroyed in an attack on the lab. This in light of a revelation that one scientist has learned how to administer the chemical agent and modify the subject to their own designs.
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Cyber-Burroughs: In the Dark Future every Bunny lives on the edge.
  6. Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See? Well I have a quarter....
  7. Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See? The victory scenario: What would a world dominated by Mechanon look like? By this I suppose I mean the transition period before it exterminates all organic life. Since Mechanon has always lived in the range of 'might actually pull this off' I think it could generate some great resistance storys. Along those lines plot seeds and plans of our new robot overlord.
  8. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Okay first Hero Poster
  9. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Here are a few I did for City of Heroes a while ago, I'll have to come up with some Hero Specific ones.
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Don't yipe hat might have made that show watchable .. might have, maybe ...
  11. Re: Fractured Kingdom <Working Title> The Four Outer Realms The Slumber The Realm of mind, imagination and the perfected self. The Slumber is a shifting landscape of thoughts and ideas codified only by one’s will and perception; nothing is stable in the Slumber save the most powerful of ideas and collective constructs. Here empires rise and fall in a single night. Those who can tap into the Slumber bring order from chaos. They above all other Tainted are able to transcend the physical limitations of the body. Abilities: Those Tainted by the Slumber manifest paranormal physical and mental abilities becoming fast enough to dodge a bullet, strong enough to hammer through a brick wall, read the thoughts of others even craft illusions that may take on a life of their own. Manifestation: The Slumber’s Taint often manifests as a wild unkempt appearance or as a strange rigidity as if always holding back. Common Gateways: Dreams, Hypnosis and Meditation The Verdant The Realm of harmony and renewal. Filled with lush glens, forests, and soaring mountain ranges, in every ounce of soil is the foundations for life and the blessing of nature. Death is only a means of creating new life in the Verdant. Some go as far as to say death is only temporary to those who have learned to truly bond with the forces of the Verdant. Abilities: To be infused with the essence of the Verdant is to be blessed with the gifts of life itself the tainted manifest powers of healing and regeneration as well control over the very elements. Manifestation: The mark of the Verdant often appears as an inner peace or animal like qualities. Common Gateways: Crossroads, Dragon Line and Ley Line Nexus, Fasting or Starvation The Dark Truly tainting those entering the Realm it is a place of nightmares unhinging the mind as shadows surge and recede with a pulsing life of their own. Here there be monsters, the vile constructs of demons and nightmares flourish in the gloom. Those who pass into the Dark do not merely look into the darkness they are infused with the powers most horrible. Legends speak of those Tainted by the Dark being reborn becoming a being of living shadow. Abilities: Releasing the Dark essence reveals the Tainted’s monstrous inner nature granting control over shadows and darkness. Those willing may learn to call on the nightmare things of the Dark. Manifestation: Those Tainted by the Realms it is often The Dark Ones who are most skilled at hiding themselves. The Dark Taint almost always manifests as emotional swings, fits of rage and silence. Common Gateways: Caves or Tunnels, Places of Ritual Sacrifice, Self Mutilation The Grave Collecting all things destroyed and forgotten, the Grave is a place of sprawling wastelands. Hidden in its desolate expanses are bleak necropolises, repositories for the detritus of the Unbound World. Abilities: Those tainted by the Grave learn to control decay summon spirits. Manifestation: The Grave Tainted have an unnatural presence to both mortal and Tainted. The essence of Death radiates out around them. Common Gateways: Battlefields and Graveyards, Near Death Esperance, Sex
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? London After Midnight - Kiss [Ra Mix]
  13. Re: The Fear Thing and the Child Sorry you feel that way. The Fear Thing and Alona backgrounds were written with only a single campaign specific reference that being the FM corporation. However, the previous background mentions the corporation so I did not feel the need to generize the second mention of it. Later posts although referencing specific campaigns deal with the concepts of tone mood and game play not core details of the campaigns. More to the point you seem highly upset by these references. The information linked in the latter post was pulled from this forum and was available in the archive. I understand you may have only recently begun reading the Hero Boards but it may be a good idea to go back through the archives there is a wealth of information available.
  14. The world has grown colder over the last century; huge multinationals rising in power, government restrictions becoming stifling, stripping away what were once considered basic human rights. Knowledge is a privilege of the wealthy, those few who can afford the corporate schools or private education. The urban centers of power billions struggle to carve out a living in the shadow of these monolithic empires. Amid the squalor and decay there is another world. Rumors of conspiracy and government plots abound on the streets while the news reports only what they’ve been paid for. In the cacophony of rumor the Church of Unua has spread the tale of Five Kingdoms. Five Realms interwoven The Slumber, The Verdant, The Dark, The Grave and The Unbound, once part of a greater whole the Unua preach that these Realms can be reunited. That humanity can transcend the blight and inter the Unbound Realm. The government and media dismiss them others call them mad. Even so, their message speeds, new churches cropping up cities across the globe. All unified by a single prayer. Through dream I have seen the Slumber. Through nightmare I have been cast into the Dark. Through life I have found the Verdant. Through death I have known the Grave. I am Unbound. I am Lucid. - - - The world of Fractured Kingdom is set in the near future. Paranoia is the rule of the day on the streets as forces out of sight move world powers to their will. Across the globe there are those who have crossed the boarders into the Outer Realms. Tainted, they return to the Unbound World a living Gateway to the Outer Realms. It is this Taint that connects them, binds them all. Able to sense each other they are sought by the six Enclaves, Tainted each with their own plans for humanity. The Lucid: those who have crossed through a Gateway fused with one of the Four Realms but have not been inducted by one of the Enclaves or the Church of Unua. Thrust into a wourld of mystery the Lucid find themselves infused by the Realm, gifted with new and strange abilities. Their eyes open they have become attuned to the hidden forces of the world. Sought by the Enclaves, do they give in to their strength or do they run? There are others out there like you. Close your eyes and reach out you can feel them; those who have not been inducted by the Enclaves or seduced by the Church of Unua. Out there are the Lucid.
  15. Re: Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny Fallout: Being of a larger size would likely bounce off of Godzilla a few tiles before getting blown into orbit by Optimus Prime. Apollyon: Sideline character who helps to run over Chuck Norris, later killed by by Gandolf the Grey and Gandolf the White.
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Black Raven, second of the pair. The new creator seems to blocky, almost robotic in it's alignment.
  17. Re: The Fear Thing and the Child Hay now that's little girl and her best friend, he's not scary...
  18. Re: The Fear Thing and the Child Heh, just realized I got my Trail and my End confused, damn them there Rainbows... Although I don't think it's a horror campaign, the other player characters include a Demonologist who sold their sole and a Samurai escaped from the Underworld. The group they are part of is meant to offset the original player team so I think as a whole they serve a as stark contrast to the traditional hero mold. In this sense both Ghost Rider and Spider man exist in the same shared world, and for a time the same city but their stories and problems they dealt with were drastically different. Although they did manage a few crossovers. Including the dubious New Fantastic Four with Wolverine and the Hulk, although this may be more pandering to the fandom and hunting sales. I don't really remember anything about the storyline they were in just the cover. As for the graphic novel, know anyone over at Slave Labor Graphics?
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Don't be fooled by the movie. However it should be noted that he may in fact be in hiding. From the wiki article
  20. Re: Hero is TK projection of kid in coma As an aside, I personally think the concept is brilliant and hope that the concept does have a chance to be explored.
  21. Re: Hero is TK projection of kid in coma I think this outlines the main problem with developing the character. Does anyone know what the player wants? Do they intend for the child to be a peripheral to the main hero and not of any real significance? Do they see the child as a plot device to be wheeled out from time to time? Or is this something the player wants explore and develop? I think finding out the answer here would go a long way in determining if the child is a Special Effect, DNPC or full PC with a Telekinetic power (or multi-power) to include creating the "Hero."
  22. Re: Hero is TK projection of kid in coma Having the child does seem to be a good solution, maybe also having adding Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Frequently, Severe) to represent that he is just a projection. Another way to model this is to build the child with a summon. Something like: 49 My Hero Self: Summon 350-point My Hero Self, Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (122 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (The child must be Unconscious before my hero self appears, cannot wake up so long as My Hero Self is Summoned; -1 1/2) - - - The concept as a whole could lead to a lot of fun. Exploring things like does the child experience what the hero is doing maybe as a dream? When he wakes up what happens to the hero, especially if he develops his own relationships while the child is unconscious? If the child does not wake up, and the campaign lasts long enough what happens to the as the child's brain deteriorate? Another way to create the power would be to use Duplication this would allow for an easier transfer of experiences when they reformed (the child waking up?)
  23. Re: The Fear Thing and the Child I would agree for Rainbow Trail I don't think the Fear Thing and child would fit at all. In general I don't think they would fit most campaigns. The concept of an orphaned child is not something people want to be reminded of on a normal basis. The characters came from a concept of redemption. The Fear Thing protecting the child. The child protecting the homeless. The corporation that abducted her realizing what they had done was wrong and looking to serve the greater good with their mistake. The Fear Thing is absolutely not a hero, when I was writing it I wanted to keep a feeling like it was more a force of nature than anything good or bad, it just is. What it does may not seem like a good thing but who really understands dreams and the importance of nightmares? As to the child, I think she comes from a place that understands what right and wrong are, but doesn't necessarily understand what legal is. With her I wanted to keep some kind of innocence, someone who has endured the worst but at her core has the capacity to do good things. As she calls the Fear Thing and it acts to insulate Alona from danger she does not become tainted by the corruption around her. Although, the Fear Thing may have affected her clothing style (see attached pic, not mine but I was in fact required to "borrow" it for Alona.) I'm not sure if this is true or not but I think watching the Professional and Edward Scissorhands the other day may have influenced me. I've also been a fan of Lenore for a while, so that may have soemthing to do with it as well. One thing I had forgotten about but was reminded by Wyrm Ouroboros comments was this comic: Super Stupor
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