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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: Stormy Relations Oh this should be fun if only for Shield Maiden, a woman created by Loki to convince Thor he was her daughter. Fallout: (Background: Fallout is a living ball of radiation, once a mortal man his body retained all radiation it was exposed to without dissipating/defusing any. After the "experiment gone wrong"...) This would trouble him greatly for years he has struggled with the loss of his humanity. To know that his parents were gods and that they may have had some means of curing him that science was not privy to would bring back a wealth of emotions he thought he had comes to terms with. as for Valhallen, he can call himself what he likes he just got renamed. As to the question of what god Fallout might become, I think he would have to fall into to that modern god category something like the God of Strontium-89.
  2. Re: Where did it go? Thread got mad, leapt to another board.
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Blue Oyster Cult - Perfect Water
  4. Re: Building a city for your superheroes... When working on San Angelo and Arlington for the Metahumans Rising campaign I started on a high level thinking about what I wanted from for the campaign tone and how to reflect that in the setting. This involved location, population size, major business and things along those lines. One thing I decided on early was to build the city in districts so different areas could have drastically different feels. After getting this together I put together some general districts of the city. What is the function of the district? How did each of these areas add flavor to the city? Once I had these high level stuff I went back though and just created some general notes for characters I wanted to have in the city such as the mayor. When this was settled I took a step back and waited for the players to develop their characters. Taking this information I went back in adding details to some districts and other characters that they may encounter.
  5. Re: How to open a door? For fun and traceable, Acid, highly corrosive (Penetrating Killing Attack), volatile (Side Effects) and rare.
  6. Re: Name Game! Dr. Helix? Although Doc Arty is looming possibility I believe there is even a comic book precedent for such a shortening. Don't think that Doc Ock gets written off just because Spider Man got witty with the name.
  7. Note: In the following scenario assume the scale of the events match the scope of the campaign. If the campaign operates on a galactic scale so does the plot seed. Over the last two years wars have broken out across every major country. Six weeks ago the US declared war with China and Russia. There are no major international coalitions, the UN, Nato and the EU have all crumbled in the onset of war. Old alliances forgotten, the armies of the world are stretched too thin to aid their allies. Tracking a conspiracy theory, corrupt corporations and a cover up within the government you finally uncover the root cause of the recent chaos. A powerful necromancer has been quietly engineering distrust and fear between world leaders setting the stage for what may be Armageddon. All of this, a side show to fuel her master plan. The souls of the dead are being stripped down, broken and destroyed as the necromancer feeds on their energies. It is unclear if their ultimate goal is to rule what is left as some kind of living god or simply to wipe out all of existence. In this you have located the necromancer's base of operations and the location of the relic that allows her to siphon off the energy released by the stripped souls. Consulting mystics they warn that the relic cannot be destroyed. However, it can be altered or disabled from within. They compare this to stepping into a tornado to end the storm by force of will alone. It is unclear if you are not strong enough to disable the relic that you can survive. Although, if you do possess the strength of will needed it is unclear what will remain after being bombarded with thousands of soul fragments. More accurately what the new shape of your spirit may be as it stripped away and rebuilt by these soul fragments. Confronting the necromancer while the relic is still active is suicide as she is constantly growing stronger from the infusion of spirit energy. Stage set, what would your character do?
  8. Re: Name Game! Dr. Helix? Doctor Artifex, I think this name as it doesn't instantly jump out at you and seems like players would remember it.
  9. Re: What are your HERO stats like? So I posted what may be "real" although I'm sure there's some exaggeration in there, I did try to keep myself in check, especially after rereading the definition of Strength. So then I'm looking at these numbers thinking, well what if it was a character? Using that train of thought I went back though to bring things up to a Randall Irons pulp hero level because, well because I wouldn't want to play myself, don't read into that.
  10. Re: What are your HERO stats like? Val Char Cost Roll Notes 13 STR 3 12- Lift 151.6kg; 2 ½d6 [1] 10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 12 CON 4 11- 13 BODY 6 12- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2 ½d6 9 COM 0 11- 5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) 2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) 3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 5 REC 0 24 END 0 26 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 39 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Leaping: 2"/4" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers END 3 Summon 2 5-point Pizza (6 Active Points); Extra Time (30-45 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 ¼) 1 Perks 1 Fringe Benefit: Passport Skills 1 AK: New York City 8- 1 AK: Las Vegas 8- 1 AK: Greater Atlanta 8- 1 Cut the office politics: Bureaucratics 8- 1 Concealment 8- 3 Conversation 12- 3 Deduction 12- 3 KS: Computer Security 12- 3 KS: Occult History 12- 1 KS: Historical Trivia 8- 3 Persuasion 12- 3 PS: Sales 12- 3 PS: Internet Fraud Investigator 12- 1 Stealth 8- 1 Streetwise 8- 2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles 4 WF: Blades, Bows, Handguns, Whips Total Powers & Skill Cost: 40 Total Cost: 78 50+ Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Overweight (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 10 Psychological Limitation: Over Analytical (Common, Moderate) 10 Distinctive Features: See Image (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 3 Experience Points Total Disadvantage Points: 78 Pizza Summoning
  11. Re: What are your HERO stats like? Okay, I'll bite. Note: The following post is intededed purely for humor value, and does not represent the opnions of the poster. I do believe DWB is a fineable/jailable offense so for the most part I think that would have to be listed as a Disadvantage. However, this may offset the vehicle cost. This may generate an extra 5 points or so if you are located in the rural south.
  12. Re: Knowledge Skills for a (not-really) immortal? Overall skill levels may help this character. Also Conversation and _S: Cold Reading will help him to convince anyone he's speaking with he knows more than them just by what they say. I'll leave it as a _ Skill, who am I to decide if it's a Knowledge, Science or Profession.
  13. Re: What are your HERO stats like? I think they put characteristics together for me once but when they put the entry in it was listed under some other name, Teleios or Takofanes, something...
  14. Re: Help! Need a name! Major Disaster (If only as a tribute to Lloyd Kaufman) Okay Plant guy names: I saw Druid on the list and I think that works well the character if mystically oriented, on those lines you may also have Herbalist and Crius orKreios one of the more unknown of the Titans/children of Gaia. Some others: The Green Man Overgrowth Verdant
  15. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom! Super Slinky: Compound Entangle and Continuous Killing Attack
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine "Your mistletoe is no match for my T.O.W. missile!"
  17. Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero She's not quite 1000 but she comes in extremely close at 999 this was an entry for the USA 50 I give you Lilith.
  18. Re: Need Premade Character for Beginning Player! Here are a couple that may work for a starting player. Enoch - Immortal Tactician and Storyteller Menerva - Telekinetic Research Assistant [ Omega 27 - Metahuman Test Subject Wuji - Displaced Martial Arts Master
  19. Across the country a high profile super-villain is slain mysteriously; their cut open and left in a ring of blood. Although you've never dealt with this villain the grisly nature of his death rocks the metahuman community as a whole. Weeks later another villainess is killed in the same fashion. Over the next few days you begin to notice small changes in your powers. Powers you've had seem to be more effective and new powers seem to be developing. In the same week as the last killing a hero in Canada is murdered again with no leads but in the same brutal manner. This time the effect is more noticeable, you can feel the change almost immediately. Two days later there is another slaying, this time a villain. Before it is even announced you can feel your body grow stronger. It is apparent that the new powers you are developing were possessed by the dead villains and hero. Things are moving faster, the killings, the escalation of power. However, to date only one hero has been slain. The rest were all known criminals, some wanted for murder themselves. What would your character do?
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Wait I thought she was Nice....
  21. Re: New to Champions/HERO need Startup Info Hero Designer should prompt you for most big breaks, but yes I'm saying use it in conjunction with the book not instead of.
  22. Re: New to Champions/HERO need Startup Info Well there seems to be a consensuses that Sidekick is the way to go. So let me buck that trend. Go ahead, start with Hero System 5th Ed Rev and pick up the Hero Designer. The program is a great tool for getting around a lot of the laborious math needed to create a character and with the extras you can download gives you a healthy look at flavor skills and interesting powers. This will allow you and the players to focus just on the core rules of play since Hero Designer will hand hold you through character creation.
  23. Re: On A Power Build With the Multipower the one down side is taking on the Naked Modifiers for munitions types. The VVP you can pull out the fire type at will. If you're the point crunching type I may map out both versions in Hero Designer and see what's more efficient. One way you may limit the VPP as only being able to mimic weapons with the "Real Weapon" limitation.
  24. Re: On A Power Build From the description I think the VPP would work best as a sandbox method with a list of preferred weapons listed. That said I think there is something to having it listed as a multipower with an Energy Blast, Hand to Hand and Ranged Killing Attack all listed with a variable Special Effect. The character could buy modiferes such as Armor Peircing and No Normal Defense. This may limit the scope of her power but the ICBM is likely more of a GM Fiat anyway right?
  25. Re: The Cat Launcher Here goes ... The Great Cat Launcher , all slots OIF Bulky (-1), 8 Recoverable Charges (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; You try rounding up lions and tigers...; -1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2) 15 Those things are heavy: Entangle 4d6, 3 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (Takes no Damage from linked killing attack; +1/4) (44 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), 8 Recoverable Charges (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; You try rounding up lions and tigers...; -1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2) 8 Oh God, oh God Get it off me...: Suppress DEX 6d6 (30 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Linked (Those things are heavy; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), 8 Recoverable Charges (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; You try rounding up lions and tigers...; -1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2) 17 The Claws and the teeth : Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Linked (Those things are heavy; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -1/2), 8 Recoverable Charges (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; You try rounding up lions and tigers...; -1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2)
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