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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: Help with power for Helpfire This sounds like it may be either an Ego Attack that does body and is limited in that it cannot harm Innocents or an NND (Does Body) Killing Attack: Character must be an Innocent depending on how the effect works. Picturing the Penance Stare I would likely go with the Ego attack since the target cannot really dodge it. However, described as a Ball of Hellfire burning the sin from someone the Killing attack may fit better. Here are my two takes on it: Penance Stare: Ego Attack 4 1/2d6, Does BODY (+1) (90 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Cannot Effect Innocents; -1/2) Purging Hellfire: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, No Normal Defense ([standard]; Innocent; +1), Does BODY (+1) (90 Active Points)
  2. Re: Smarter than your average Brick I have to agree, controlling the battlefield is a great was to show off the Brain Brick. Can't get to an opponent? Collapse a building or throw an object (car or something else large) to force then to move. Find different ways to use the character's strength to your advantage. Fire based foe? Tear our a water main and flood the area.
  3. Re: Poor Taste? So whatever happened to the Corpse-jacker?
  4. Some time ago there was a post with a Duplication build for around 80 points that allowed for a kind of Jamie Madrox infinite duplicating crazyness. Does anyone have that handy?
  5. Re: How do you design your champions game When working on a campaign I tend to start from the outside in. Talking with the players to establish the general feel of mood of the campaign should be. Once there's some insight from the players I turn back to the world building. What is the scope of the campaign, what are the general themes if any and what might be going on behind the scenes that drive larger plots. After putting together a rough idea of the world itself circle back to the players relaying general history or details of the campaign that may be important. Once they have their characters I like to start with an establishing story. Even if players already are a team before hand using things like DNPCs, Hunteds or parts of their background to craft a first story that engages the team as a whole helps to bring things together for me. In a super heroic setting I try to mix the larger arcing plot lines with one shot spin offs, these often involve something about one or more of the characters themselves from background stories to disadvantages. Also, I try to incorporate things the characters do into subsequent story lines. I think this is important because it helps to give players a sense of belonging and hopefully purpose. One thing I like to do in the super heroic settings is to look at grand schemes and have several of them lined up. Maybe crafting villains and organizations around these plots then intersperse adventures with some from one plot and later some from another. This is really something I do trying build the feel of comics where the character might not have all the details but knows something is coming down the pipes. Alternatively, as more clues are dropped players may go on the offensive investigating connections creating adventures and story lines for me (I'm lazy.) So there you go, how I structure my games in a nutshell. Depending on everything that's going on I may create a plot diary to track it all. This may be good practice for gaming in general so that you don't loose track of characters personalities or motivations. Hope that helps.
  6. Re: Fungi from Yuggoth Powers Flash versus Sanity, err Mental yeah Mental Group...
  7. Re: Dark Matter Being How Many points do you have? I think Density Increase and Telekinesis only for pulling for starters maybe add in a Damage Shield Entangle and Damage Shield Killing Attack for the crushing weight of his mass.
  8. Re: Powers for a Growth Brick Some easy one's are AoE for Strength and Stretching for reach. A lot of Brick Tricks could be moved over and just have the scale increased but with the higher point totals that shouldn't be a problem. A nice one for ambient destruction may be a HtH Killing Attack linked to Growth only for breaking through barriers or obstructions. Another thing to consider is buying some Armor only versus Beam Weapons (Bullets and itty bitty baby lasers) that are too small for the Giant to really take notice. If the GM would allow it maybe even going the Desolid route immunizing the character from puny guns. If they are truly massive in size you may look at things like No Range Entangles where the Character just puts the foe under their arm or under foot. (This may also work for a Continuous Naked Advantage for Strength. Stepping on the foe until they're good and crushed. "Once you get under foot...") Sillier things might be Darkness, blotting out sources of light their so big.
  9. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States As someone who grew up in New York this just seems right. He's the Super, he fixes things.
  10. Re: Wonder Woman on 350 points Let's see if I can help... No bedazzlement these are as they appeared.
  11. Re: Mount Rushmore golem Okay someone start Stating the worlds largest ball of twine. Joking aside I just want to reiterate, awesome thread.
  12. Re: Mount Rushmore golem I think it would be the rare politician would be able to Awaken Mount Rushmore. They would need a Oratory skill of at least 40 to have a reasonable shot at it.
  13. Re: Who should be featured next? I support the USA-50 and I support the Book of Mystics. Thank you for your support.
  14. Re: Brains and Brawn a Villain Duo to mess with the Flag Suits. Presidential debate bump. I think I know how to introduce the pair into the campaign. Thoughts?
  15. Re: Brains and Brawn a Villain Duo to mess with the Flag Suits. In the timeline and backgrounds I've done for Metahumans Rising War Eagle has always worked alone. Pairing with Ground Pounder will be a recent turn of events. As for Liberal versus Fascist I chose the latter to kind of drive home how far off War Eagle has gone pegging all media outlets as a kind of unified totalitarian master.
  16. Fascism will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible. ~ Sinclair Lewi Working on a pair of villains to play off a Patriot hero and team. The team overall has a nice spread of powers so the pair are a bit beefy. Please forgive any resemblance to Harvey Birdman Attorney at law I noticed that one after the fact.
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Sorry I saw the Crash and Burn and all I could think was: "Zero Cool? Crashed fifteen hundred and seven computers in one day? Biggest crash in history, front page New York Times August 10th, 1988. I thought you was black man."
  18. Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero At one point I had a copy of Ars Magica one of the recommended campaign ideas was to create all the members of the House from the powerful mages to the warriors and the servants. This allowed the GM and the players to tell very different styles of stories. I wonder how well this would work in Hero terms. For example: A super team might consist of five or six amazingly powerful characters, your 1000+ supermen but it also has your lower powered, relatively speaking heroes at 350 points. Players would create two or three characters, the planet buster, the standard super and another players DNPC or follower. The GM then has a ready made cannon of possible stories at every range of play. Meed to stop Uberman from eating the Sun send in the planet breakers. The other members of the team can handle the crime syndicate who have been making their move in the chaos. The more I think about it I may try this depending on how my regular game goes.
  19. Re: Mount Rushmore golem Go Team Venture
  20. Re: Mount Rushmore golem I could see a kind of conflict there where your Flag Suit has to decide what is worse: Attacking and possibly destroying a national monument or having the spirits of these great men called back from the grave. This gets more complicated depending on who they know and would have to turn top to accomplish this. It doesn't seem likely that our Flag Suited hero would be calling the spirits himself.
  21. Re: Synonyms for Superheroes Here is a document I put together from an old thread on insulting titles for Super Heroes.
  22. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Possession - Danzig
  23. Re: Mount Rushmore golem I think Oddhat and Egyptoid just unraveled how the USA 50 became a team...
  24. Re: Fusionman, Fusionman Impractical... I think the fuel costs would be more than made up by the time to and from work... Not to mention the win factor of being the only guy who parks on the roof.
  25. Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero To avoid taking up to much room here is a link to one of Metahumans Rising's most powerful villain who weighs in at 2400 points. The actual can be found at the third post. Grey Matter
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