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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Re: Shades of Black At the risk of posting a Spoiler (?) I did, it went well, though it ended in Black Paladin's banishment into a darkness dimension (sans his items). Poltergeist had a tramautized rival for a bit. BP's Girlfriend is back in H-E-double hockey sticks. All the players had a good time, despite at least 3 heroes losing at least 4 body each. Some highlights: Poltergeist ends up facing a certain witch's spirit when she went desolid Our Heroes don't fall for Talisman's bad MacBeth routine Blip learned just how deadly and useful his indirect RKA attack is... I decided it would bypass BP's shield. Nightbringer started to interogate Lady Crow about a certain lady's disappearance, only to realize who she is But the real kicker was I had decided that the Champions were leaving Millennium City during this... I wanted no doubt that the PC team were the stars and guardians of the city, and it forced the authority to talk to them. One of the PCs, unsure of just why the Champions were gone, joked about them being on vaction. The Press took the comment seriously, when in fact, I had decided that "off panel" the Champions were in another part of the state fighting for their lives against Mechanon. The Champions returned, battered, bruised, and limping only to find out people had thought they'd spent the last week in Hawaii or something. When they asked the PC team who started this BS, the PCs lied through their teeth "You know the press, they always assume the worst." *image of Poltergeist whistling in the corner hiding her embarrasment* I plan to use that mansion (Well, the map for it, if not the same actual location) again in my games. Maybe as a base for a future team NPC or otherwise.
  2. I stayed up till four in the morning, hooked on the Jedi Academy game, then crashed and got to sleep in... late. I come back to life only to learn that while I was away, Saddam has been confirmed as captured. It's amazing how the farthest away things, that don't directly affect you, can uplift your spirits sometime. Christmas is not my favorite holiday, and I was suffering severally from a funk about it, but oddly, This, THIS gives me hope. Perhaps now, I can sing and wish for Peace on Earth, good will towards men... without thinking to myself "Yeah right". Sure, it's still likely never going to happen... but the dream feels more alive now. Weird
  3. Ronald will soon set up resturants all over Mordor, and Sauron can't stop it... no one is able to stop the plague of Golden Arches.
  4. Poor Moon Knight... even Marvel (or at least it's head editor) doesn't like him now, and the writers never seemed to know what to do with him beyond Batman style forays. Multiple Personality aside, I think I would have liked him more if the writers could have ever settled on just who Moon Knight is. Like others, I'll give it to Bats. Not impossible for Moon Knight to win, just very, very unlikely IMO.
  5. Uhm, judging by my choice of Avatar, I maybe a bit biased
  6. Re: Superhero Showdown #3: Black Cat v. Catwoman Alas, if you are speaking of the upcoming movie? No. Halle Berry will not be playing Selina Kyle, rather, she'll be playing Patience Phillips (or is it Patience Pyrce?I forget) as a new catwoman in, in my IMO, a cheap attempt to cash in on name recognition. Apparently she will have cat powers in this movie as well as one of the ugliest costumes ever (Though there are others not so #$#$y.) Pardon my derail, but I feel folks should be forewarned before they decide to go. If we're speaking of them as in the comic books though... I'd give it to Catwoman.
  7. Don't worry... more likely the board just hicupped.
  8. I'm not a big fan of Wonder Man, but then, I didn't learn to appreciate Supes until I was much older ... so I'm not a die hard fan of either. However, I think this would be a closer match than some folks would give it credit for. Wonder Man has said his punches hit as hard as Thor's hammer, and for a time, Marvel seemed to back that statement up in writing. He claims to have been invulnerable, and given how many times he's been resurected... okay, I'd even say he matches Supes in that dept. He would give Supes a hard time, a really hard time. This fight could last awhile. However, Supes would win. That edge in Speed as well as Strength, and decades of being the powerhouse of the DC universe means experience that would best the man o Wonder. Frankly, I Think he'd win by simply grabbing Wonder Man and removing him from the battle field.... flying him to whereever at super speed, leaving him somewhere remote and letting a slower Wonder Man have to trudge (Fly sure, but a slow fly compared?) back. Supes could take him "out of the ring" as it were.
  9. Strange's magic doesn't require gestures, he just uses them a lot. Everytime in the stories someone wraps his hands, he just switches to incantations. Block that, and it's will power and concentration spells, or summoning the cloak or Amulet.
  10. Q: Great, now what else do I need for the gift I just spent my paycheck on? A: It's an attack of Cylon Traders!
  11. Re: Alien Wars cover It's good, no doubt, but I have #$$# for eyesight, and get the feeling I'm missing all sorts of good details. I'll probably apprecate it more when I have the book before me.
  12. Mmm, fighting with blue funks on and off a lot lately, tis the season and all. Man, I hate it when I let me get in the way of me.
  13. Hey zakueins, any more details on this character and, more importantly, the vampires in the setting? It does seem to boil down to the details.
  14. I don't think understanding is totally required. For example, a man walks down the street. Suddenly he is attacked by a nother man, who is baring his fangs and seeking to kill him for no apparent reason. The first man defends himself, possibly using powers beyond mere human... Yup, that could be a threat to Secret Identity, even if anyone watching doesn't believe or understand vampires. Admitedly, a lot does depend on what powers might be displayed (Quick healing? Super Strength?) and yeah, if the GM is going to forget it, it does limit it's worth as a disad. But on the flip side, how big an advantage is it to make vampires beserk against you every time, even if you're laying there unconcious? Should a player be forced to pay points for a power that's actually self destructive? Now, a creative player could use it cunningly, leading vamps in ambushes etc... Perhaps it should be both a disad AND power.
  15. Sounds interesting, some groups will have the potiential to slide over (I half way expect the profit seeking pirates to turn into full blown rebels) from one of those to the other, but the initial hooks should pretty much fall under that.
  16. Actually, I am thinking of having BP talk through the sword and exert his influence... or try to. After all, the sword maybe tied to the darkness dimension, and BP knows from experience that weapons can be... tied to souls so maybe he'll become something of a plot device for a time.
  17. MEET LIVE NUDE GIRLS!- That's right! The Evil Teleios is still on the loose, but over 94 clones of famous and beautiful celebrities were recently liberated, and we have them online just for you! They're uninhibitied,and happy to be free! Come see Come see! Eliza 2.0 wants to meet YOU! ............. RAVENSWOOD ACADEMY CAN HELP YOU LEARN! Get an online superdegree now! It's never too late to be a more super you! We offer such courses as "Automotive Demolition in Conflict" "Spandex Fashion" and "History of the Silver Age". ........ and the ever deceptive HI! Some Fight eh? Wow, haven't talked to you since that last super battle... (click attachment like a sucker)
  18. Well, considering I've given at least one overlong post on the PCs in my campaign... Pirates... but not entirely without honor of their own. The captain, for example, has a few rules, for ex: no slaves.. oh, and she insists the NPC crew bathe regularly They raid other ships shamelessly, yet also aren't above a good treasure hunt of sorts (Lost technology of the Mandarians etc)... chiefly they enjoy being a pain in the side of the Empire, and try to do it with Robin Hood flare (Well, they rob from the rich and keep for themselves, but they did find homes for orphans.. love this group, they're a bit nuts )
  19. Q: So Aragorn raised taxes first day as king? A: "These aren't the geeks you're looking for..."
  20. The Black Paladin is vanquished.... Well, first of all, Nightbringer is a she And it's not like the Black Paladin didn't get his blows in, trust me... poor Blip had a lance shaped hole to prove it. And, lastly, the sword and swordsmen were seperated BEFORE Dropping BP into the Darkness Dimension, because Nightbringer had thought putting it in there with him would be "a very bad thing." She was tempted to destroy the darn sword (This was, a bit of vindictiveness involved, she'd been tortured by BP ... just a bit, and cut by that sword nearly losing her own shadow). So it won't be drinking things up soon. Hmm, I will have to reconsider a few things given the views here. We'll see how it goes, ironically, one player likes the idea of playing a solo character who gets hands on that gear.
  21. Are there a lot of vampires? Apparently enough to qualify for consideration How much of a threat are they? They're vampires... as long as they don't dust when staked instantly, it should (Sorry Buffy fans) How much worse of a threat are they when they are berserk? Well, if the immortal is trying to lay low, or blend they sure threaten his secrecy (or even secret ID)
  22. Interesting thought there Enforcer... I might just mix those ideas...if the 'taint' can be overcome, it might shift then to more accurately fit the wearer.
  23. Maybe as a Distinctive feature 10 Vampire Bait Concealable with Disguise skill/major effort (or spell?), Feature causes extreme reaction (Utter urge to devour target), Feature Detectable only by small group
  24. Well, in my campaign anyways. I got to run Shades of Black the last few weekends, and my players enjoyed themselves besides the fact their characters (And a few NPCs) ended up in Dr. Silverback's rejuvination vats to speed healing on Body damage I enjoyed running it as well, and the only snags I recall came from RL interuptions (RL, like excrement, happens) It mostly wrapped itself up nicely. Warning: Some spoilers may slip out below, but for those that don't mind... Talisman is in custody Lady Crow and Gryphon are also, and getting help. Black Paladin has been thrown in the darkness dimension (minus his gear) by Nightbringer as punishment for his evil. Oh, and his lady love is back in the Netherworld. ............. BTW, one other reason I'm posting is just to get opinions on the nature of the weaponry BP used. Is it EVIL? or just power, neither good nor bad? It may end up in the hands of someone else... you see, GRAB stole some of the gear... well, don't want to bore you folks Still, any thoughts on Eater of Shadows, and Crusher of Hope (BP's sword and Mace respectively) would be appreciated.
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