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Mr. R

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Everything posted by Mr. R

  1. Thanks. I will adjust the populations by a factor of 5. I want some room to keep all those ruins and creepy woods!
  2. Last toon from this list and even the OP said she's.... lacking!First form one And now form two I can appreciate the idea, but the concept that one form gets ALL the skills and the other gets the powers makes for a very wonky build. In the original game with its action economy, this was a handicap. Not so much here, but it still resulted in me going "wouldn't a Only in Hero ID idea work a lot better?" This is a workable build, but in the end I think it shoots itself in the foot. If a player came to me with this build, I'd let him go with it until his inevitable frustrations with it would have him demand a rewrite. And I'd happily allow it!
  3. My problem with Mutants hating is encapsulated in a story I read once. I will attempt to repeat it here: Jim Bob is walking down the driveway to his friend Billy Ray, when he sees Billy loading all his hunting gear into his pick up. Since hunting season is not for a number of weeks, Jim is curious. Jim Bob "Billy." Billy Ray "Hey Jim." Jim Bob "Whatchu doin?" Billy Ray "I heard a mutant moved into the old Johnson place. I'm gonna run him out! No place for that type of scum in our town!" Jim Bob "Hey Billy, he ain't no mutant. He was the victim of some experement! He just wants to find a quiet place to live and get out of the press!" Billy "Yeah! Right!" Jim "No really he has a certificate from Captain America stating he's the victim of cercumstance!" Billy "Your not joshing me?" Jim "The Lord strike me down if I'm lying!" "Anyway I'm hear to see if Bobby Sue has any of her pecan pies left? We plan to do a house warmin for him of Friday!' Billy "Wellll......" Jim "And he like Hooters!" Billy "Well lets take em there Saturday! What does he drink?" Jim "Bud." Billy "Well, no accounting for taste!" Billy turns to his house "YO! Bobby Sue! You have any pecans pies left?"
  4. I remember that. It was an Article where Aaron Allston described how the villains in the book could be made into a team and what their group tactics would be like. Seriously brutal. The dash and Microwave were one combo. The other was Shadow Queen and Void (her darkness field over the heroes, him tport in and RKA no range, but he had radar so no minuses!) OH if any were wondering why she wasn't noticed well IIRC she had shrinking 6 levels and invisibility (only while shrunk) and flight (only while shrunk). Add a Str 10 (size didn't affect it) and you had the perfect rescuer!
  5. OHHH, I love this idea. Much better than the undead Prof, or the cloned one. This shows a level of manipulation that is truly Machiavellian. Any hints to who his Super powered squad will be. Also I'd make the real Prof something like Prof. Prometheus from the Algernon Files. Looks normal, Has all high tech nimiaturized devices all over him, and at least three contingency plans in place! Just a suggestion!
  6. Do it this way! No this way! You are both wrong, its done this way! All said by the same PC This is a strange build. The idea is he channels different beings for power. So those names are a list of powers they get from that being. Now I like the idea, but the powers are basically very similar, because the real difference is the restrictions in the Action Economy for each channeled being. If I was going to do this in Hero, I would do like Guild Wars Revenants, who can choose two beings to channel and can switch at will, giving differing abilities. Or better yet, M&M had a villainess called Sisters in Scarlet who had four versions (Brick, Speedster, Flying Blaster, Minion Master/ Summoner). This is ultimately a case where the differences in the games really don't mesh very well!
  7. As I am updating/ modifying "The Star Crown Empire" I was curious about something. Now most of the action takes place in a LARGE inland basin. All but one river flows into a central lake and all the countries are gathered around it. I have been following a thread on RPGnet about Gurps Banestorm setting and there was a comment about population and population density in these countries. So I roughly calculated the PD of the Empire. Length 800 miles E-W Width 500 miles N-S Gefting Sea is 300 by 100. Total area 30000 Square miles Total Land Area 400000 Square miles minus 30000 = 370000 Square miles of land. Population 925000 Population Density 2.5/SQ mi. So is this high? Low? Take into account this is a roughly medieval type civilization as far as tech and society goes!
  8. MP 45 points 2d6 RKA 0 End Gestures SE 10d6 Dispel 0 End Gestures SE You are battling a mirror image of yourself and you recognize the beginnings of the KA spell, so you cast your dispel to block it. You roll your 10d6 and fail. In fact you will fail 90% of the time. Why? Simple Math. You have to roll higher than the active points in a power to dispel it. This means on 10d6 you have to roll 45! The average on 10d6 is 35! I used this https://anydice.com/ to generate a 10d6 curve and 45 points is a 3.9% chance. This is like 16- 18 on 3d6. This makes dispel functionally useless. My proposal: The dispel works against the base points of the spell. So in the case above an average roll of 35 will dispel as will at least 30 points. Is this feasible? An other suggestions? I ask because dispel is a classic fantasy trope and I want it and suppress used as viable tactics ( classic one mage dispels while the a friend attacks)
  9. This is a follow up question to the side effects question. Now I own a fair bit of Fantasy Hero stuff including the NPC books for Turakian Age. One element that I REALLY dislike is the inflated skill rolls on magic skills. Yeah I'll buy up the skill to 26- because even at minus 8 I still have a 18- roll. So why even have a RSR skill then? At that time the points saved from the RSR limitation are being spent just to remove the limitation. So they want it so that 1 time in 216 they may get a failure. RSR should be a factor. A limitation that isn't limiting, well how did the saying go? So question, do you limit the RSR? Like an 18- sounds great, but tack on a minus 5 from Active points (45), and this goes to 13-! Want to get it to 19-, maybe? What would you do? And what do you do?
  10. So after some self deliberation I think I will go with a cumulative -1 to the RSR per failure. It fits the description of the style being quick and flashy. I see that as being prone to mistakes that add up over time. And I know in Hero a -1 sounds little, but when it gets to -3 then it really will begin to hurt.
  11. We just have to adjust the fifth lane focus in the harmonic energies of out plane to stabilize the telluric energy..... Not a bad build, but ... well it is a bit blah. Also we have ANOTHER gadget user (there are a lot in this list) with some powers. Only the backstory and role playing hooks redeem this one
  12. Thank you all for your suggestions!
  13. That makes sense! So what is good for a -1/4 disadvantage? -2 to the roll per failure?
  14. Thanks for the info. That is what I was thinking of and planned to do. How would you do a drain to a skill roll!
  15. I have come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubble gum.
  16. I am Iron Woman This is an interesting take on Power Armour. And I like it. It differs in that it really doesn't have the blaster set most have and make her a combo growth brick or speedster. This would require an experienced player and GM so he doesn't micro manage but as long as they keep it fast, this could be a very cool set. Add the role playing hooks and this becomes one of my favourite builds so far!
  17. Life as he knows it, is over The only part I don't like is the gadget pool concept. But the rest of this build is cool. This can get some real role playing due to his background, and temper. Also bricks are fun, they specialize in simple flow chart combat.... A) hit opponent..B) check for consciousness ...C) if yes go to next opponent...D) if no return to A
  18. I like these suggestions. I want to do an overarching SE as it applies to the MP, not the individual spells. Also I want to keep things simple because I am envisioning a very plug and play type game with people who may not necessarily know Hero System rules. I really like the flash idea though. This style is described as quick and flashy! It would be perfect!
  19. The Omlevex supplement had a surfer homage called Omega max. I translated him from M&M to Hero and I'll post him here: Feel free to adapt and modify as you see fit!
  20. She's tougher than she looks! I've seen builds like this before. It works and is very reliable. The better part is the back story with the eugenics angle. This can lead to some very interesting role playing about inheritance and duty and family. For that aspect, i like it!
  21. I am considering using one of the Magic Systems from Killer Shrike as one of my systems of choice. In it you buy a MP with a set list of advantages and limitations (which must balance each other so +1/2 advantage must be balanced with -1/2 limit.), each of which corresponds to a style. One over arching limitation is RSR, every style MUST take that. So one style has as advantages 0 End (+1/2) and Incant. (-1/4) and Side Effects (-1/4). So I rarely use SE and I read up on them. WOW! They go from dangerous to totally deadly. The default one is 30 pt effect like an EB that has no defense, so 6d6 means 6 body and 21 stun. For a 125-150 PC this is almost certain death certainly not as dangerous as Gestures, Incantations and Extra Time. Instead I was thinking making it either a 3d6 NND to stun, or maybe a 3d6 stun drain? Am I reading it wrong? Are my suggestions too lenient? Any other suggestions?
  22. WE can stop you! What's this WE? Split!!! OH! BLEEP! Previously with Artificer, I spoke about one PC having too many things to roll. This is true of a duplicator as well. Too many duplicates and the fight slows to a crawl. So I put this limitation on it. I now realize I should have added one charge to keep it from being over used. But I do like the back story, and the powers are cool ( I would allow ONE duplicate)
  23. Mage Knight! Its a classic trope, so it works. Ancient warrior: check. Magic Weapon: check. Magic abilities: check. Role playing opportunities: check. You really have to try hard to mess with this trope!
  24. Hey DOC!!! This is actually a cool take on a gadgeteer. Create the raw materials, slap them together and new OMNIgun (tm). And if to manage to shut that down he has his own innate Electrical Blasts. Add a set of story hooks about backsliding and old partners looking to get even!
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