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Narf the Mouse

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Everything posted by Narf the Mouse

  1. Re: Campaign: Pulling The Fangs Depends - Does Tasha have a character?
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, I hear you're going two-dimensional? A: Jacked it off some guy named "Han Solo". Whaddya mean, 'Damage to the timeline'?
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Can't; that's where I hide the remote!
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ...Memory? I have one of those? Where did I leave it?
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The thing you never thought you'd say, until you went Sliding and found The World Of Gary Gygax (Officially Renamed) A: Just a fish.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ...Erm...What did Scrag become?
  7. Re: Campaign: Pulling The Fangs 1) Well, a matchlock could certainly be haunted by its former owner, but said owner wouldn't quite know how to 'magic it', either (Ie., still be +1 step up the 'rare' ladder). It is a workable concept, within the framework. 2) Actual Fairies would, at best, be an unknown and uncertain quantity in a game like this - Rather like the legends. Your character would tend to be a source of, rather than relief for, fear. 3) Halflings are 'ordinary' enough that they'd be easiest to slip into a horror game. Shadow-melding, however, would tend to get adverse reactions if done near folks already uncertain near monsters. Playable, with the note that you'd have to play low-key or your character would be faced with suspicion. 4) ..."You're going to have to park that outside city limits..." Again, you'd tend to be a source of, rather than relief for, fear. Aside from the advisories, one of my main concerns is immersion - Horror gaming depends on immersion of the player into the setting (Although not on horrifying the *Players*) If your character's fears are literally non-human fears, it could be difficult to immerse. If that isn't a concern for you, then a lot of my concern is satisfied. To analyise further; I'd say 1) is playable straight; religion would largely play into how people would react. The city has a number of religions, most of which have some variety of 'Honoured' and 'Dishonoured' dead/afterlife, so their own views would colour how they react. 2) Is pretty near unplayable; people would be right up to downright terrified you're here to 'steal babies/rip out sensory organs and turn them into music/pay hell with stolen/bargained souls/as a scout for a 'wild hunt'/on a wild hunt/something they can't imagine, but *Know* is going to be bad'. 3) Halflings are 'just ordinary folk, only short' to most humans, so no problem there. Being able to manipulate shadows is the 'fear' problem, and only if it gets out. Even so, people do expect adventurers to be at least a little strange, so there's some cushion. 4) Ogres have a tendency to kill and eat people. A half-ogre would be a bit out of context for most people. Add in a Raptor (I presume you mean dinosaur) and reactions head straight for fear.
  8. Re: Campaign: Pulling The Fangs Out of curiosity, what were your ideas?
  9. Re: Campaign: Pulling The Fangs Yipe! I totally forgot! Terribly sorry, totally my fault. I'm on HC chat now, if either of you wants to yell at me...Or game. It's a bit of all three - There's ancient magic, new magic, new technology (Early cannons, fire-arms, simple mechanical devices like flamethrowers (*Very* dangerous). There's also vampires, werewolves, demons, undead and various creatures who think mortals are tasty-good eats. There's non-human races, but not very many in this particular kingdom, the reason for which is mostly that I think horror doesn't go very well with a protagonist who's an extra step removed from you. Matchlocks. Very early - Fire a cannon and there's a bad chance it'll explode in your face. OTOH, firearms are powerful, both because of their sheer power and because there's not that much magic developed to counter them, yet - A spell/item to deflect bullets would be one step rarer than one to deflect arrows, etc..
  10. Re: Alternate Advantage and Limitation configuration Seems to work simply and well, from some power write-ups I've done. I just set a RP value every power has to be under and the balance seems to mostly take care of itself, at least in the vicinity of AP limits (Ie., both need GM-watch) The variable limitations = variable advantages idea looks interesting, but I'd need to test it.
  11. Re: Campaign: Pulling The Fangs Apology accepted. I'll scrape together a plot.
  12. Re: Campaign: Pulling The Fangs Given I was asking about last wednesday...*Irked*
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's the best description of Marvel's plot-line for any of their X-Men comics? A: It was like that when I got here!
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Did you hear about the new 'Taste of Soylent' burgers? A: "They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder."
  15. Re: effective megascale teleport AFAIK, megascale teleport means you end up 'Somewhere in the megascaled hex'. The second teleport teleports you from 'Somewhere in the megascaled hex' to the exact location you specified. At least in theory.
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: "I'm the villain! I always win!" A: Well, I *Did* get lost.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "We have to patch the tires on the truck long enough to get to town. Fortunately..."
  18. Re: How would you stat up gods in Hero System? There's six advertisements in their sig. Sophisticated spambot or spammer.
  19. Re: How would you stat up gods in Hero System? I think we have a sophisticated spambot.
  20. Re: effective megascale teleport Add in a second non-megascale teleport, trigger, 'Only to transport to precise location'.
  21. "Hold up", said the wizard. "I'll try my best spell. I can only cast it once a day. I've never used it before..." "What does it do?" "Just a second, I'm checking my spellbook...It says, 'Three dee six plus wun kay dee'." Hero System is awesome. Hero system can simulate anything...Except, by RAW, spells and powers that are more powerful *Because* they are limited. Maybe the wizard needs a particular Spellbook, or can only cast it once a day or must gesture and speak. ...So, for those cases, I propose the following option, illustrated with an example: Limitations don't change the cost of a power. They increase the 'power' of the power. Some limitations are worth half as much as normal. As part of this play style, 'disablement' powers become more useful. Say you've got a 30 CP EB 6d6 ND. 'Firebolt'. It requires complex Incantations and Gestures (-1). It now does 12d6 ND Or, a 1 Charge 'Spell of Uttermost Destruction'. It does 18d6, but once it's used, that's 30 CP that's useless. Or, for Armour, Normal Mass and Real Armour. -3/4s. Your 30 CP of PD/ED (10/10) is now 17/17. 5 CP of Entangle makes the first spell useless. The second spell is useless if it misses. And you don't get a second try. The last? 'Telekinesis, Restricted Path, Straight Down ("Gravity") -1'. Or an 'Armour-Eating Spell, 'Only Vs. Real Armour'. The result would be lethal and require multiple types of counter-measures, I think - Perfect for those sorcerer and wizard duels. Also, it's (AFAIK) compatible with 'Normal' limitations. As for Advantages? Well, just treat the CP bought as an AP limit and you're done for this system. Thoughts?
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "...Yo, dude, may I borrow a legion?" "...Sorry, man, lost 'em at some place called 'Helm's Deep'." "Bummer. Still, my ring's getting closer. Things'er looking up." "Joy for you. Hold on, I got Ents outside..."
  23. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I cut your bass guitar down for you. A: One of us is crazy, I'm just not sure which one.
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "...And here I thought the earth would explode!" NT: You're driving down the road and you see...
  25. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Socks! Socks in the dryer! A: With this stick, I rule the world!
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