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Narf the Mouse

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Everything posted by Narf the Mouse

  1. Re: Campaign: Pulling The Fangs Could do that Monday - Tuesday, I'm gaming in Captain Patriot's Supers game. Monday, same time? I'll drop you in various places in the same inn - 1 vampire, 2 vampires, 3 vampires - If you survive that, I'll add another vampire.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How do you like my drum solo on horses? A: Need a little more firepower.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Your office is surrounded by Main Battle Tanks. Should have taken more firepower.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Oh, come now. Genetic engineering is perfectly safe. A: Well, I wasn't lost in space.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ...Complete with 'Bad cow puns'?
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ...Bwuh?
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Oh, right, whoops. A: I have a good explanation for this...
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: This 'traveling by quantum physics' is fun, but how fast are we going and where are we?
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Would that make them a bunch of Sheephurters?
  10. Re: How would this work - Citizenship People who join a culture tend to take on that culture's perceived traits. People who hate a culture tend to oppose that culture's perceived traits.
  11. Re: Fantasy Star Wars. Think 'Dunadain' - King Aragorn - And all of the history of that race. Rising to great heights, only to come crashing down.
  12. Re: Fantasy Star Wars. ...Er...Except for the whole 'Battle' thing. Han Solo, at the beginning of the movies, isn't exactly a fighter.
  13. Re: Fantasy Star Wars. ...Ships don't really translate to land units. Besides, some of the awesome would be missing. Maybe set in on a world of larger and smaller islands?
  14. Re: Fantasy Star Wars. Bah! An illithid that only eats animal brains is in no way necessarily evil. Hmm...To get into Forgotten Realms details, Illithids are (AFAIK) 'refugees' from the Far Realms. The Far Realms are so strange that, basically, a demon or devil lord has more in common with a mortal than either has with *Anything* from the Far Realms. Basically, stick a Human, an Elf, a Warforged, a Dragon, a Demon, a Devil and even (AFAIK) a *Beholder* next to an Illithid and the 'One of these that does not fit' is the *Illithid*. Could an Illithid be moral? Well, to answer *that* question (Scientifically and IG), you'd have to understand an Illithid...And FR *Gods of Knowledge* would struggle with *that*. On the other hand, as a writer, that gives you a wonderful freedom - You're *Not expected* to explain Illithids, because *You can't*. So, if you have a moral Illithid...You *Don't* have to explain it.
  15. Re: Fantasy Star Wars. Riff all you want. In fact, I think I will. Chewbacca = Barbarian (Of course!) Luke = Paladin Leia = Diplomat with, later, a bit of Cleric Obi-Wan = Paladin/Cleric Han Solo = Scoundrel/Rogue R2-D2 = Rogue/Spy C3PO = Coward. Or, well...Diplomat? Anakin = Paladin, then Death Knight Padme = Noble? I only saw the first prequel. Palpatine = Lich Necromancer Clone Troopers = Flesh Golems Yoda = Paladin/Rogue/Cleric (And very high level in each)
  16. Re: Fantasy Star Wars. My notations were strictly on their original race - Elven Lich fits Palpatine (I was thinking Necromancer), but wasn't in the scope of what I wrote. I should probably clarify that...
  17. Re: How would this work - Citizenship One thing you should probably consider is outside influence - Nations and people have a tendency to at least partly define themselves using other people or at least their perceptions of other people, sometimes unfortunately so.
  18. Re: Fantasy Star Wars. Well, to go with cliches, the original race of each character... Chewbacca = Minataur Luke = Half-elf Leia = Half-elf (Obviously) Obi-Wan = High Man (Wisdom and Doom, as is often represented in fiction) Han Solo = Human R2-D2, C3PO = Mechanical golems Anakin = Human Padme = Elf (Obviously) Palpatine = Elf Yoda = Gremlin or Goblin Anyone I miss?
  19. Re: How to handle healing True; I'm just saying that's the way it works, as far as building on past rolls go. Thing is, you can't have healing per phase, because the number of phases per round differs per character. You could have healing per segment, but that would be rather annoying for the GM.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Time-traveled back ten thousand years, to a galaxy far, far away... ...We're Jedi now."
  21. Re: How to handle healing Er...As far as I know, you don't need to heal the same BODY loss over again. Oh, right, think I know where you're coming from. Basically, in 5ER, you can heal a character once per day - Wether that's absolute, once per injury or other is up to the GM, but once per day. 'Decreased Re-Use Duration' can lower than all the way down to once per turn - So additional uses of healing are cumulative, because each builds on the healing already done. That's what you use instead of cumulative.
  22. Re: How to handle healing True - On the other hand, just disallowing Succor wouldn't cover other cases - Despite the lack of them now, there might have been more in the future then. Or I dunno. My 'Telepathy: Only Versus Steve Long' isn't working.
  23. Re: How to handle healing Because healing is already cumulative. Check 'Decreased Re-Use Duration'. Also, having Suppress be cumulative would be a really cheap 'I win' power.
  24. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The oxes in the Mill of Evil are dying. A: It's not 42.
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