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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Because your cat will plot revenge. NT: Ways to put a dampner on Halloween
  2. Re: Complicate the Person Above Never under any circumstances show or have a blue plastic mack (raincoat) near Narratio
  3. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer is still on Leo and Scorpio's hitlist after the Zodiac Omlette Franchise disaster of '79
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat the God Apollo apears and he says 'You really are for it now' NT: Volcano ! Earthquake ! Hurricane ! Tornado ! Tsunami ! Natural disasters that make you go 'meh' instead of 'AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH !!!'
  5. Re: Complicate the Person Above During the making of 'Singing in the Rain', Narratio disguised himself as an umbrella
  6. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio was once mistaken for a poodle
  7. Re: Complicate the Person Above L Marcus invented Madagascar
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Anything to do with Basketball
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures I liked it. My fault entirely. Having read you The Great Darkness Saga you had to have something non-Legion as your bedtime story, my dear.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Summon IRS investigators, self only NT: Banned names for sports teams (NB can be the NBA, NFL, Hockey, Baseball or kids teams)
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio is banned from Bournemouth, Something to do with vampire sheep and nuclear powered cows
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Because the heroes or the villains might eat him before he can do anything
  13. Re: Church and State (M&M Superlink) I have Church and State and I like it
  14. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! They called Yuri Gordunov "The Bear". Yuri worked in Moscow for the GRU and was always one of the first through the door or tackling a suspect. His large frame and smiling demeanour when he said 'Greetings Comrades !' got him the nickname as people always thought he looked like a bear that was about to eat you. His superpowers did not become apparant until some of the Russian mafia decided they were not going to be arrested and shot Yuri at point blank range with an AK47 assault rifle. To their surprise, and to be honest Yuri's as well, the bullets made holes in his coat but that was all. The snap assumption was that he was wearing a flak jacket. But bouncing magnum rounds off your skull told a different story. After arresting the mafia goons Yuri was tested and came back positive for superpowers. Despite pressure from other departments Yuri was a police man and he steadfastly refused a move away from GRU. It was the UN that changed his mind. They pointed out to the Russians what a coup it would be to have a steadfast and loyal police officer working for them with good publicity for the mother country. Although certain people were upset that is what happened. The Bear came to New York and began making an impact by lifting a car out of the way to get to a criminal which was shown on live TV. Yuri is a mid level brick but his defenses are pretty strong. He is also a dedicated police officer. His new employment gives him the chance to rile certain Americans by emphasising his Russian-ness and expounding Communism which makes right wing commentators foam at the mouth. His mischief making nature has also shown him down a bottle of Vodka while saying 'This is the perfect way to start the day' and 'This is how we do it in Russia !'
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat NT: The most important thing we are going to learn from the upcoming elections. Don't let people vote...... NT: Shock ! Horror ! Death Tribble did not post yesterday ! Why not ? (difficulty no mentioning Zornwil or Gillian Anderson)
  16. Re: Complicate the Person Above Keyes_Bill killed what's inside of you
  17. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio made legs out of elastic
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat 'If I ruled the world, Every day would be the first day of Spring !'
  19. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio once gave piano lessons to Liberace
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The end of the packing is in site and I still have space in the storage unit.
  21. Re: Complicate the Person Above The Main Man was a teenage werewolf-vampire-mummy
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Set it up on a date with an owl
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above L Marcus taught Jellyfish to box
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat She snarls and rips your face off with her teeth. (that is subtle for her)
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