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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Re: Order of the Stick That was really funny
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings didn't happen did it ? So it's 2-1 with Test to spare and England retain in Australia for the first time in 24 years. But the series can still be drawn although England want the win to win the series outright.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings We've had snow and ice. we've had rain. We've had bright blue skies. Now we have fog. Least it ain't The Foga la John Carpenter
  4. Re: The cranky thread A day of rest and my bowels are playing merry Hell again. What is needling is having flushed it away you wait about five minutes and start all over again despite straining to get get rid of everything you can.
  5. Re: Where do gangsters get pool babes? No one is implying you are not gangsta. We're just stating it as a fact.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings It ain't over until it is over. But it does not look good for Australia
  7. Re: The cranky thread Boxing Day. What a wonderful way to start the day then with your bowels blasting out what amounts to water. And almost soiling myself twice. joy of joys.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos There was an really awful record in the 1980s and this is a vast improvment on it. It has Samuel L Jackson
  9. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Paul Whittaker is one of the kids you do not notice atschool. Not big enough for the front lines of the offence/defence of the football team, not lithe or fast enough to be a gymnast or athlete, not bright enough to be a nerd, not enough of a smart mouth to be the harpy or smart alec, not stupid enough or enough of a victim to lose themselves in drugs. He just did not stand out. Until whatever was behind the Dark Blossom decided he should. Now he appears as Imperial Snap Dragon, a large muscled 20 foot dragon decorated all across his body with flower motifs. He has tried eating people and flame grilling others who have mocked his appearance. His voice is a deep bass so again even without the wings, the flowers and the fire breath, he is instantly memorable. Imperial Snap Dragon demands the best in life and so he wants diamonds. Like Diamond Lily of the Gemstars who he pursues relentlessly to the exclusion of anything else. He even intimidates the other knights (despite the fact that as a dragon he is covered in pretty flowers). New Team: and now for something completely different. An audition process. The Sisters of Ultimate Evil are looking for new members. The core group are three bricks, two are Caucasian and one is African American. They do not have any travelling powers like Teleportation or flight. However there are certain restrictions on who can join the team. Rule No 1. You must be female Rule No 2. The costume must not be a bikini or a negligee. Rule No 3. They must have some semblence of mental stability. ie No man haters, murderous psychopaths, Manchester United/Dallas Cowboy supporters Rule No 4. They must be over the age of consent Rule No 5. They must have established themselves as a villain Rule No 6. They must be able to work as part of a team and take orders. Rule No 7. They must have a power that will fit in with the rest of the team or benefit it such as flight. Rule No 8. They must be able to at least tolerate Johnny Cash and Roy Orbison music. Rule No 9. They must be able to work for masterminds without a problem. The youngest of the three main members is Caucasian, cropped platinum blonde hair and wears a lavender Wonder Woman style costume which has twin skulls on the chest and also knee high boots again with skulls at the knees. She has an odd luck power which causes her victims to survive without serious injuries despite being punche/kicked through plate glass windows or thrown up onto a roof and then coming down the other side. The African American is Good Night Gracie who has the most experience but is no leader. She was the first recruit and has had more success now than she did before. Known as the gangster rapper's bodyguard in the 80s where she was renamed by some employers as Good Time Gracie. She is fondly remembered by the police as the woman who broke a pool table over her emloyer. The leader of the group is again Caucasian with dark hair. She only shows her head above the costume and wears a cape. (Yes I had not picked names for them and don't write these up) The group is famous for a chant if someone really hacks them off. 'Our name is S.U.E. How do you do ? Now you are going to die !' Minimum 5 applicants, maximum 10.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Kneel before Gillian, Death Tribble ! (she's quoting General Zod, how geeky is that ?)
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Avengers turn up at an Oakland Raiders game to arrest the Raiders. A brawl ensues which everyone takes to be the half time entertainment.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just found out that a journalist for the BBC who covered the Falklands War died Friday. Brian Hanrahan. Famous for one line in the conflict where he said that he could not tell for security reasons how many Harrier jets had left on a raid but 'I counted them all out and I counted them all back in again.'
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above The less said about Cancer's seduction technique whereby he coats himself in fish oil the better
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Well she knows where all the naughty boys live....... if you know what I mean. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.... say no more.
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I like the first version of the two artworks that Storn put up. Secondly of the two new ones that Storn did for me, Crossword is for Log Man and was part of the concept to art bunch this year. The Voidwalker was the primary character for Paul Geelan who was the initial GM for our Champions group and its first artist. The Voidwalker was the group's Thor. 12 Spd and a 40 d6 energy blast anybody ? Paul vanished over a decade ago. He was supposed to be returning from Turkey when he disappeared. 9, 8
  16. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer was banned from Brownsville, Indiana after bounding through the July 4th parade on a pogo stick and slapping the mayor in the face with a wet fish.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Give it some logic. Have him married to Mary Jane and let poor old Aunt May die.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings Ruddy Apple users......
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Bunny aka Keyes Bill NT: Other ways to punish the Bunny for his sins this year
  20. Re: Complicate the Person Above tkdguy invented the peanut butter frizbee
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The entire series of The World at War plus extras. Narrated by Laurence Olivier it tells the story of World War 2 as at 1973.
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat It's got Roseanne Arnold and Jack Black in it
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat a saddle so can ride it
  24. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I posted in anticipation that the two new ones I have received would go up. He sent them to me last Friday. But again there are new ones in the Villains Parts 1, 2 and 3 from Hero Games website. One member of the board is going to be very pleased when they see one of the pics.
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