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Everything posted by TheQuestionMan

  1. Simularities to X-Men member Gambit. Super Skills for ; PS: Stage Magician and Coin Magic; PS: Jeweler-Minter Super Skills: Cleromancy (Divination) - Mystic Crime Fighter finds a Clue! Hypnotism/Interrogation - Mind Control: Compel Truth? Fist Full of Coins - +3 HtH Dmg Silver Coin - Flash Silver Coin II - +3 DMG Classes vs Demons, Were(s), & etc.. Fient - Surprise Attack Distraction
  2. Lady Defender - gender swap Team Champions Lady Ironclad Lady Nighthawk Lady MPH Sapphire (Quantum) Warlock (Witchcraft) Cheers Qm
  3. Do not forget a few Common Criminal Scenarios. Mugging/Armed Robbery. Gang Attack. Etc... Cheers QM
  4. That is so baaaaaw-d let's moooooooove on shall we it's begining to smell and I cannot stand the shell game.
  5. The Librarians - Fictionals The Librarians come to the Heroes for help when Comic Book Characters come to life. Asterix & Obelix - Roman Legionaire invade downtown. Graphic Novels - The Walking Dead. Manga Section - The Horrors Hmmm... Has potential! QM
  6. Champions 3D: Professor Muerte (Revenant) vs Hernan Cortez (Clone) - What If both versions of Professor Muerte existed? How would they react to each other?
  7. "It's about choice!" - I prefer Champipns Universe 4E over later versions because it drew more heavily on Published Materials from earlier editions. CU 5E and CU 6E both reinvented the CU. IMOHO QM PS: An cause I am an old foggy
  8. I'm waiting on my NEW Credit Card the going for the $100.00 level. Take my money please! QM
  9. Champions Universe (A Sourcebook for Champions) http://www.amazon.com/Champions-Universe-A-Sourcebook/dp/1558061673/ref=pd_sim_14_1/182-5692977-1593750?ie=UTF8&dpID=41%2B6-v7zAWL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR126%2C160_&refRID=0XFKPXB95N5J5JTEZQ3B
  10. Rotting in their Super Prison cells their routine is broken with the sounds of explosions and alarms. The doors to their cells are ripped from their settings. Standing in its place is a majestic armored figure.
  11. How does Professor Muerte create Resources and Wealth? Super Gadgeteer/Inventor and Scientist Hernan Cortez could sell his knowledge and technology to the highest bidder. Doctor Destroyer Eurostar (Scorpia & Fuermarcher) Latin American Intelligence & Security Latin American Underworld Black Site for Foreign Intelligence Organizations Cheers QM
  12. Comic Book Terrorist Organizations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Comic_book_terrorist_organizations
  13. Super Villain Mastermind rebuilding his organization. What version of Hernan Cortez, aka Professor Muerte are you using. QM
  14. List of Island Countries https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_island_countries
  15. Professor Muerte maintains control of Island of Muerte through Political Blackmail. Terror Inc's actions during the Operation Condor, Charley, and the Falklands War. WMD's are hidden around the Island of Muerte and Hernan Cortez will detonate them rather that lose the island. Killing the invaders and everyone on the Island. QM
  16. Kaizen Gamorra - World Terrorist http://www.comicvine.com/kaizen-gamorra/4005-24905/ Terrorism http://www.comicvine.com/terrorism/4015-55686/
  17. Economy: Supervillain Tourist Vacation Spot Non Extradition Country Clearing House Black Market UN Sanctions National Embargo Cheers QM
  18. The Isle of Profesor Muerte - How does Cotez keep the United Nations from attacking a Terrorist Nation? WMD's holding the population hostage? Security and Intelligence Organizations? Foreign and Domestic? UN Embargo? How does it effect Hernan Cortez and his Citizens? State Sponsors of Terrorism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Sponsors_of_Terrorism#Sanctions More later! QM
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