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Everything posted by TheQuestionMan

  1. Jemini for President The Lesser of Two Evils. QM
  2. Invisibility to Mental Group, No Fringe, 0 END 1/2, Persistant 1/2, Always On -1/2. MDCV 10 QM
  3. Hero Central has been closed due to lack of funds and time. Time to move our games elsewhere. QM
  4. War Chest by Image Comics (Dynamo 5) http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/91871-knockout-a-ninjette-without-martial-maneuver/ Cheers QM
  5. PRE Attack Kryptonian: Cheerleader Outfit PRE Attack Greek Amazonian Outfit PRE Attack American Bombshell Outfit This could work... QM
  6. Depends on the form of the Sidekick. Kid Hero/Teen Champion - all Robin/Dick Grayson. He was trained by the Batman and both alternatively rescued the other. He had access to all those Resources too. (How to calculate that I have no clue.) Robot/Familiar - both will possess Inherient Powers that will increase their worth. Semi-Retired Mentor/Creator - Legacy Heroes and Heroes dependant on others for Powers. Other Forms later... QM
  7. San Angelo: City of Heroes for Star City
  8. Interesting to see character advancement in stages. 250, 300, 350, 400, etc...
  9. Not a fan of Rpol Found it difficult to use and follow. QM
  10. Pulp Hero by Hero Games (Submarines & Airships) - Sourcebooks have Maps for both. The Fires of War by Blackwyrm Games (Submarines $ Airships) Maps for both. Digital Hero #? by Hero Games More Later QM
  11. Provocative Clothing. Living in Vancouver, B.C. I travel to work on the bus every morning. I wear a uniform to work. Make my fashion choices limited. The women around me wear every style imaginable. Now I have no right to judge a person by what they wear, but they should have no right to jiudge me on how I silently react to what they are wearing. Far too many people wear clothing that is so tight a Gynecologist would not even have to ask them to disrobe. I trained in Martial Arts, served as an Light Infantry Man, and have been involved in a few physical dust ups in my time. IMOHO, tight clothing is beneficial in a fight and preferable in extreme environments. As for skin tight costumes, I always thought that was a result if lazy artists. QM
  12. My personal favorite argument for skimpy costumes is flexabilty. What the Superhero Film Extras. The X-Men full body costumes made it impossible to hop a threefoot retaining wall gracefully. Batman's stunt doubles were constantly tripping over the capes, blinded by the mask not moving with the head, or catching on protruding objects. Alot of door jokes. I cannot imagine the "armor bites" even from costume armor that the actors and stuntmen have suffered. Skimpy may just be practical. IMOHO QM
  13. GURPS Magic is focused on themes. It lends itself to abuse in high level games. HERO System Magic is based on effects. It lends itself to personalization. Both have pros and cons, but ultimately it comes down to the game system your Player's and you are comfortable with. IMOHO QM Malazan Book of the Fallen has been addressed here on several occassions. Defining the Power Level I leave to the GM.
  14. The Great Net Book of Real Heroes http://www.sysabend.org/champions/index.html Surbrook's Stuff http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/adaptationscomic/comicchar.html
  15. X-Men Enemies http://the-wild-hunt.org/x-men/index.html
  16. I want character sheets with this one!
  17. Which version Hero System Edition are you using? Which vesion of PRIMUS are you using? What does you PRIMUS Reimaged closest resemble from modern sources. Cheers. QM
  18. Portland Oregon Urban Myth - Google Search http://americanfolklore.net/folklore/united-states-folklore/oregon-folklore/
  19. Use Google Maps Draw a circle of destruction and colateral damage. Memorials to the fallen. Civilians, Heroes, and honoring the first responders. Rebuilding a post WWII modern city in the United States. Portland is one of the three largest ports on the west coast of north america. War Profiteers move their factories retooled mostly for Civilian production. Municipalities in the Portland area absorbed into the new Metroplis. Post WWII civil engineering. Building from scratch. Etc... QM
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