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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. Re: Starship Maps That first one, the Jo Lynn, has rotating engines, a la Firefly.
  2. Re: So Easy Even A Nine-Year-Old Can Do It! My son started playing with my group when he was eight. And he also wanted to play a Teen Titans character. But he picked Robin's criminal alter ego Red X. And he quickly could add up the STUN from a 12d6 attack faster than some of the lifelong players my own age.
  3. Re: How have you used "The Monster?" I used him as the "boss demon" summoned by Ars Diavola at the Time Of Champions game at Origins.
  4. Re: Jokes There was another great variation of that routine where there were three bands scheduled to be on the stage: The Who, The Band, and Yes. At the end, teh frustrated stage manager asked hte promoter to write down the names of the acts, to which he replied, "If I could write, I wouldn't be stealing someone else's routine!"
  5. BlackWyrm is proud to announce a new line of dry-erase starship maps, designed by Ryan Wolfe of Ki Ryn Studios. His starship work has been seen in the Serenity RPG, Battlestar Galactica RPG, and some BlackWyrm Games books as well. We'll be rolling out these starships one by one over the next several months, and we have three great ones to start you off. The Jo Lynn and the Gryphon are on 36" x 18" vinyl mats, and the larger Drake is 48" x 30".
  6. Re: Star Hero Setting: The Fires of Heaven The PDF will be up within the coming week or so.
  7. A decade ago, the United Worlds and Vorn were at war. Just as we never knew why they attacked, we never knew why they withdrew from U.W. space, but given the losses suffered, we were glad they did. The Vorn remain a weight on the minds of U.W. military planners, but life goes on for everyone else. From the domes covering the frozen wastes of Tawhirimatea to the lush jungles of Yewel, humans the other races of the U.W. live, work and squabble on dozens of inhabited worlds, deal with the everchanging Jodoni demenses, wonder about the aloof, cryptically prescient Ethereans, and worry about what was important enough to the Vorn to have them retreat when their victory was nearly certain. Fires of Heaven by veteran game designer Patrick Sweeney is a massive 258 page gameworld for the HERO System 6th Edition, with details on every aspect of the United Worlds, alien races, starship design and combat, psionics, and more. The Fires of Heaven Patrick Sweeney 258 pages $24.95 BWG636 978-1-61318-636-7 www.blackwyrm.com
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore The ghost of breakfasts past:
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Morgan Freeman and Rita Moreno sing the Easy Reader Song.
  11. The Wrath of Khan debuted in movie theaters on June 4, 1982.
  12. Re: Creepy Pics. Creepy. On a playground, even.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Who'd win between Super Shark and Sharktopus?
  14. Re: Looking for 'maps' for a modern environment Thanks for the tip, Hawknight. Here's the link.
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