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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Hawkeye's never going to hit anything with that stance.
  2. High fructose corn syrup. Spray 'em down with Coca-Cola, and they drop like flies. New Topic: What is Doctor Destroyer thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day?
  3. Q - I've just finished a new supplement for Fantasy Hero. I'm calling it "Return to the Tomb of Horrors". Wanna play? A - If I hear that song one more time, I'm going to rupture my own eardrums.
  4. What's that question got to do with anything?
  5. Cows. They reveal their presence by treating us the way we've been treating them, using us as sources of food and clothing. And let's not even get started on the daily milkings....
  6. Nonstop reruns of Jersey Shore. It will make them not want to live on this planet any more. (I know it does that for me,)
  7. Q - How do most of Cancer's students apparently think they're going to pass his class? A - It's operating at 113% efficiency. That can't be good.
  8. That seems to be the case, doesn't it?
  9. Q - Count Chocula and Boo Berry are both made with GMO wheat? A - If we're lucky, we'll all sleep right through it.
  10. They invade Cyprus. New Topic: The most bizarre thing you've ever eaten at Thanksgiving. Difficulty: Must be real.
  11. Am I going mad, or did the word THINK escape your lips?
  12. Q - I'm sorry, Wendolene, but this isn't your cyber-dog. I've had him for ages. A - That was a bit thick.
  13. Wouldn't that be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable?
  14. Q - Matter-Eater-Lad is on Prozac? A - That's the dumbest supervillain code name I ever heard.
  15. The vampire/werewolf/Sidhe noble/witch/Chinese geomancer/9th-dan martial artist/nanomaterials researcher/neurosurgeon's d*** little yapdog. New Topic: Things Foxbat is thankful for this Thanksgiving.
  16. Who says life is fair? Where is that written?
  17. Three words: Sparkly sadomasochistic vampires.
  18. Q - The Charity I know would never hang out with those O-chem nerds. A - I have no idea why he's not in an institution yet.
  19. Q - What's that Viper team leader saying? A - Nobody's business.
  20. Was it cancelled after what's-his-name promised that it wouldn't be?
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